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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. DT retired from the mod, hhunter6 has been inactive completely for a long time, the only person that for sure is still in is Ramikad. We had plans to do MotS if the JK mod ever finished, our direction is quite different though, we didn't want to recycle a bunch of existing content and just convert the levels over. We aimed to completely recreate everything only using the original games levels as 3d reference. We actually have a really good start, the first level is totally playable, the only thing missing from it is 8t88 which I have modeled but needs textures and animations. We mainly need mappers, skilled mappers, as for the other 2d/3d artist position I have a person in mind I wanna ask but only until we get the level design team bulked up.
  2. @@Noodle http://www.moddb.com/downloads/autodesk-softimage-mod-tool-75 That is the version that the file can be opened with. It's the free "game modders" edition of the software but honestly it has almost everything the full version has, it just can't render out large image sizes (can't remember the limit) and it has limited file export formats. There are addons out there though for this version that let it import and export more file types, just check the link in my sig. If for whatever reason you have trouble downloading from there I kept the installer as a backup since this was the final version that they released for free and it's not on Autodesk's website anymore. I can just upload the installer somewhere, used to have it on filefront but well we all know what happened to that.
  3. @@Jedi_Mediator Yeah, send it on over! Let me know if in the future you'll be able to contribute more, the level design is the bulk of the work.
  4. Any software that can export animations will work, it would be a huge amount of work that no one is likely to take up. I thought about doing this at one point but while it wouldn't be hard it would take some time to complete and you couldn't use it in multiplayer. In MP all players must use the _humanoid.gla.
  5. @@Jedi_Mediator do you have any plans on finishing it? Right now the mod is on hold until we can rebuild the team, so far the only people still in it are @@Ramikad and myself. I'd like to keep stuff exclusive at least until we can see where things are going. I only released the AT-ST separately because so many asked. I'd really like to attract attention to this mod once again since it's one of those mods that doesn't require huge changes to the game to make possible.
  6. @@ShenLong Kazama unfortunately due to time I cannot make a tutorial like that, you could however watch an existing tutorial on youtube on the basics of Softimage then use my tutorial. If I made one for someone who had never opened the program once in their life the video would be litterally hours long. @@Noodle, lmk if you need any help.
  7. Why in the world are you using Dragon? No one uses that anymore, all the 3d apps can properly export animations and Softimage ALWAYS could. Dragon is THE WORST way to go about making animations for this game, it always has been. [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:90] There is a section in that tutorial that shows how to create character animations, I've made it so simple anyone can do it.
  8. A .map exporter isn't enough for me to want to reinstall blender again. A software that requires immediate user revision to the UI to become usable is retarded. Yeah, it's free, open source so that means all the V neck wearing dorks love it but the UI is so bad that it keeps companies like Autodesk in business.
  9. It's annoying too when you try to find someone who knows how to code to build some sort of .map exporter for a 3d package, tells you it's pointless and that there is nothing wrong with Radiant. >_< Radiant is terrible, most who use it don't see it cause they've usually have never used a large 3d modeling suite. It would be so much easier to do it the way the Pandemic editor does it, model everything in Softimage then do all the script/code for the map in the map editor.
  10. I wish I knew how to pack my rig up into a addon or something that could be ran similar to the valve source one that will auto build the rig from the menu so that other versions of Softimage could use it but when I think about it you really don't need the full version at all. As for Mac, it's not the best OS to use when it comes to game modding, you might want to consider dual booting Windows if you wanna tackle some real projects. When I was looking at going to an art school for game design a year ago most of the work stations they were using were top shelf Mac machines that dual booted Windows to allow for better flexibility. Not cost efficient for a consumer since the school probably gets a deal on the machine, a custom built PC for the same amount of money can greatly outperform a Mac since the price of their shelf units are high.
  11. What if we could just make ModView use the games renderer or Rend2 through the settings rather than whatever one is built into it? Is that in the realm of possibility? Strip out the code in ModView for it's built in renderer and have it point to an external one that is defined through the settings similar to say how Radiant the first time it's ran it asks to input the game directory.
  12. @ OK, onto the animation deal since @@DT85 and myself were the ones working on this but not actually together in a sense but sort of communicating on what we had done. The JO skeleton has more bones, the base JA models were actually weighed to the same skeleton with all of those bones with all the added animations BUT, the models did not get weighed to the extra bones and therefore when they were sent through carcass they were omitted. This means that even though in the original Softimage 2.x scene file the bones were there they had no envelope information so they never made it into the final compile. You can however import the dotXSI source files for say the staff special move which is JA specific and find that all the bones from JO are there too. So, to make the base models work they would ALL have to be reweighed to the JO skeleton AND all the base animations recompiled as well to include the bones. It's an absolutely ridiculous amount of work. Then, you'd have to recompile every model ever made to the JO skeleton to work, a workaround that DT had was to write some sort of table used by the game that would make the models work, just not take advantage of the bones as they wont have them in the GLM file. The problem always has been that JO models work in JA but JA models don't work in JO so if you take the JO skeleton and apply all the added JA animations to it along with all the JO animations and compile to all into 1 massive GLA file only JO models will work with it unless recompiled. Hope that answered your questions about that, I have over a decade of game modding under my belt and I can tell you that it's a shit ton of work. I was working on a full _humanoid file that could be looked at in Softimage much like how to can play all the animations in ModView but that too was some crazy tedious work that no one really had much interest in.
  13. It's also best to just make the base folder right on the root of your HDD, an example would be... C:/base/models/players/rebel_pilot/ C:/base/models/players/_humanoid/ <-- that's where you'd put the games animation bank
  14. While we're on the subject, will Rend2 support the legacy shaders?
  15. You should probably try to reduce the polycount some more, your main mesh is quite high.
  16. Just using the name "Knights of the Force" on your mod would be a bad idea considering what all is associated with it.
  17. I don't care if you use it, just give proper credit to me and AshuraDX. The DF2 mod desperately needs members in general, everyone but myself and Ramikad left, the mod has had almost no progress in the past year. It's a shame we can't attract members considering remakes of older DF/JK games are much more feasible than other total conversions that have been attempted. None of them require much changes to the game, the bulk of it is just content.
  18. https://jkhub.org/page/mapping.html I'm sure what you're looking for can be found there, especially since there is a backup to Rich Diesel's Mapping University which was known as probably THE largest mapping resource for the JK series.
  19. Shaders are just simple scripts that tell the game how to blend multiple textures into 1 texture which can sometimes be animated. Open some of the games stock shaders with Notepad to get an idea.
  20. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2812-high-resolution-at-st/ It's been released for some time @@eezstreet. It is probably some sort of glitch with his save file if you're referring to what @@GLTh3Pr0 was talking about since I recently experienced some save file loading issues when swapping pk3 files out of the base that were there and on screen when the game was saved.
  21. @@Doby, make a thread in the advertisements area with your server's IP, Lugormod>all lol.
  22. If you don't have the entire Jedi Knight collection get on steam right now, there is no excuse why you can't afford $5 USD for all the games or only $1-$3 for each individual title.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rooxon


      true dat... I got Jedi Outcast only as a demo, JKA CD version, KOTOR CD version, KOTOR 2 DVD version and TFU 1/2 - ...torrent. :P never bought those two, not even on steam.

    3. minilogoguy18


      The TFU games are on steam.


      Jedi Outcast has a great campaign and is worth getting just for that.

    4. Ramikad


      I agree.

  23. I just checked in the AMD Vision engine settings, tripple buffering isn't enabled.
  24. Well that's reassuring, my console is constantly flooded with the error message that I'm like 2 frames behind or something like that.
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