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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Take the stormtrooper.npc file and change the path so it points towards DT's model, done.
  2. @@GPChannel could you also send a copy of the DF2 icons my way as well. You'll be credited, I'd like to use them in the DF2 mod.
  3. I was thinking the same thing, I just have to learn how exactly to make use of it. I asked MrWonko but he didn't wanna help.
  4. I feel like a douche nozzle, Psyk0 spent the time to make the awesome textures for me, even though it's not related to this topic I'm going to release the files. The LOD's were just giving me troubles, as well as the shoulder weights. As far as the spectral Reaver, we could make it happen using my model probably by just making some fancy shaders for it. The wraith version appears different through out the series so it's important to know which version they're looking for. This is how it looks in Soul Reaver, the blade is energy with an animated swirl of energy entangling it. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/legacyofkain/images/1/1f/SR1-Cutscene-Chapter-4-B-KainDefeat-040.png/revision/latest?cb=20120609171748 This is how it looks in both SR2 and LoK: Defiance, it appears as a ghost version of the material Reaver with energy and 'mist' around it. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/legacyofkain/images/4/4f/Dark_reaver.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100721183551 The version of the blade seen in SR2 and Defiance could be made using my model but the way it appears in SR1 is rather unique.
  5. @@Archangel35757 Could you maybe point me in perhaps the direction in which I could maybe build my own plugin using the MD3 source code? The scripting languages supported by Softimage are JScript, Python, VBScript and PelScript. VBScript is the defualt, the plugin that MrWonko made for Blender is written in Python, I was always curious if it could maybe be used as a base to build a plugin for Softimage more quickly by someone who knows what to do with it??? I'm a total nub when it comes to this sort of thing, I'm willing to try to learn though since I'm kinda in a slump with modeling at the moment and the distraction may help to get my ambition to work on some things moving again.
  6. Everyone gets credited for stuff they didn't make. The model in that link was ripped from the game, that guy that posted it on deviant art didn't make it. I'm sure you could find the model somewhere and just put it in game.
  7. Yeah, people don't really realize just how pointless dragon is, it was actually always pointless since the free version of XSI went back to version 4.2 which was out BEFORE dragon. @@Ramikad Softimage excels so much mostly because IK is solved based on how you draw the chain making the process of building a skeleton for your model a lot faster than other software. Maybe one day they'll implement it into Maya since it's getting all of Softimage's unique features.
  8. is the face rigged?
  9. http://www.icculus.org/~phaethon/q3/collection.html That link at the bottom of the page seems to hold quite a bit of info with various links to other material on both the MD3 format and the Q3 engine.
  10. @@Archangel35757 well I'd be willing to do whatever I can to make it happen. Although converters work it would be awesome to have direct support. I should probably just try and learn some like basic scripting in Softimage. If I did I could package my _humanoid rig to work in any version so that it is constructed by a script rather than an imported object.
  11. @@Archangel35757 I'm not sure, they use the same system, I think as long as it's for Softimage|XSI 7.5 it'll work for Mod Tool. People have made addons for Mod Tool though so it's not like it's not possible to build them.
  12. @@Archangel35757 dotXSI 3.x dotXSI 5 dotXSI 6 Collada 1.4.1 DAE XML FBX DirectX ActorX Point Oven LWO ASE I also have a 3rd party plugin that does OBJ which is normally capped in Mod Tool. I'm not interested in conversion tools since I have that covered, I really want a true MD3 import/export option.
  13. Viewing realtime shaders in Softimage is nice but reinforces the need for a new rig.

    1. Bek


      Are you planning on doing that?

    2. minilogoguy18


      Well I meant new rig as in new PC lol.

  14. The Mod Tool version can only import .3DS files, not export them. I'd kill for some .MD3 support, I'm sure I can trade some services for someone around here who can make me a plugin. I'd almost be willing to pay if the price is right, I'm not rich but I also don't worry about money.
  15. Jeez people, don't bring back dead topics from people who haven't been active in a long time. The model obviously isn't going to get released.
  16. Sounds like you might wanna watch some basic videos on the software before asking export questions since textures are going to be required.
  17. The source is now saved to my dropbox and my PC so it'll be safe and sound.
  18. Thank you both, I have plans to release things outside unlike mods like MB2 unless it for whatever reason won't work outside of the mod like a character with a custom skeleton. Characters like Maw which won't work in base MP.
  19. He seems like he only does kitbash's, we need people who can make something from nothing. I also need someone who is familiar with a much different type of workflow, someone who can make content that would be able to take advantage of rend2.
  20. Read above, the mod is still being worked on, why would we want all the stuff out in the open? When I posted my message I meant for DT to PM me the link personally, didn't think he was going to openly post it. You don't see every mod for JA publicly releasing all the source files do you? Why should we be expected to?
  21. It never drew interest before when it was released. I'd rather just do what we planed on originally and release a demo. Releasing everything now will just get people to try to do what's happened with these mods already and go in multiple directions by different people. Even though this MotS mod exists I still would hope for another in the future that isn't recycled content. I'd hate to see a version of DF2 that is the few levels and models we had while the rest is just recycled stuff. Besides, swagmaster has what he wanted, the only other thing that might be of interest to others is the improved lambda model which is just a static map object but I planned on making it into a vehicle to replace the base model and release it outside like the AT-ST.
  22. Got it, @@DT85 could you remove the link? We still want to go forward with the mod, it's been slow but moving, would rather keep the content private until release.
  23. The files weren't released because although DT85 left the mod he wanted it to go forward and it's not completely dead. Which reminds me, @@DT85, could you send me a link to the source? While the engine code is majorly out dated due to all the updates to OpenJK the artwork of course is very much relevant.
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