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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Lol, agree with Ashura, why did so many games get the proportions of the AT-ST wrong?
  2. Yeah but I was just giving examples of 2 engines that are pretty much more modern versions of this engine (don't forget valve source was based on Q3) that would probably require the least effort to implement and have superior editors.
  3. When it comes to better map formats as well as maybe a better map editing program maybe we should look at some of the more modern engines that were based on Q3 originally like what @@DT85 said, Doom 3/Quake 4 and even the source engine which is just a modernized Q3.
  4. Do we even know for sure that that's Luke's hand we're seeing in the trailer?
  5. Don't forget the harness holes for the 5 point harness. Fixed buckets are way more comfortable than they look btw.
  6. It would probably look better than what you've got now which honestly looks really odd.
  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is thinking this right now @@mrwonko because it's something that is really needed to bring this game up to par along with things that are currently being worked on like a new render engine. Collision in this game is terrible, flat out. I've worked on other engines that used simple collision meshes and it would be nice to see this implemented into JA.
  8. Yeah, every model should have LOD's
  9. I don't think it's something wrong with your files but possibly an extra step that's needed for SP that I sadly don't know, all my SP animation experience is from things that have their own skeleton and animation set, nothing that I added to the _humanoid.gla. Maybe someone who knows the games code may be able to shed some light on this? @@Xycaleth or @@eezstreet maybe?
  10. I like it, looks more modern, transparency ftw.
  11. ^This could be a possible solution, but since like I said I've never done character animations for SP but it's worth a shot.
  12. What are the errors you get from carcass? You wouldn't use the animation.cfg that it makes anyways since you're replacing an animation. You could try it in vanilla to see if it works.
  13. Well the export/compile part is no problem because the animations work in ModView and MP but there seems to be one small step in the process missing for it to work in SP. @@Alvar007 Explain what you're doing exactly, like what animation are you replacing? Also, are you doing it with a clean base folder? SP tends to break easily with a lot of mods installed even if the problem isn't there in MP.
  14. @@DT85, have you had any experience in this? I've honestly never tried any animations for SP.
  15. Those seats look like they're from an old American made car, like early 80's.
  16. I didn't think before I posted, long day at work, I was thinking of the vanilla renderer.
  17. It will have a performance hit. I've never tried a model with that many but you get the same result just with something in the 6k range with a handful on screen at once. The Geth model does this if you spawn a few of them, FPS drops noticeably but I don't think that model has LOD's which make a huge difference.
  18. Kyle and Jan could almost sit side by side at that scale like the cinematics suggest, as well as having enough room behind them for passengers (think the YT-1300 cockpit).
  19. ^Off topic but sounds like another reason we need a "JA Radiant" like mentioned in another topic or at least something along the lines of a radiant that has both Rend2 and OpenJK in mind as far as features.
  20. There seems to be a lot of problems with this model, far from ready for a release, could also be causing the problems. It's mentioned that the vertex count of the sabers being used is high, what is it?
  21. Like Ashura mentioned try creating LOD's for the starstrider model, every character SHOULD have LOD's anyways, it's not a proper release otherwise IMO.
  22. Not a miracle, T3 would be pretty simple, if Ashura makes the model/texture I'll make sure that it works in game and has animations if for whatever reason he can't. You already have a solid base to work off of, the R2 model, pretty much imitating how that droid works in game is pretty simple.
  23. Well what about the startrider model using base sabers?
  24. Ah, should have specified, that is acceptable for a player mesh. To start troubleshooting though you need to take 1 out of the base folder like try using just the character or just the sabers but with a base character to find out which of the 2 is causing the crash. Still though, what is the vertex count of the saber?
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