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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Of course they can, it will take some time to get it to fit which matters A LOT BEFORE you start weighing the model to the skeleton. Don't expect to just do this overnight perfectly on your first try, it takes time to get good at. The trick is moving the bones around and adjusting the weights how I show in the video so that they don't turn out like those bad KotOR ports.
  2. I don't think the blender tutorial covers how to actually rig up the model to the skeleton, just importing 2 models, mixing the 2 together real quickly and exporting. My Softimage tutorials cover most of the process starting with a imported model that was made for Counter Strike: Source. One of these days I'll make the final video needed to have the minimum things needed to have a working model but quite a few people have followed just what I have and managed just fine to figure out the rest.
  3. Find some official blueprints or a good front/side view that could be use for a rotoscope and I might try it.
  4. You cannot have 930 separate objects, 32 is the max, you need to start merging objects and the TOTAL vertex count of each object should not be more than 1k vertex's. Either way you shouldn't have an insane amount of detail in a model that is so small on screen.
  5. Yes, it's the vertex count, NOT the polygon. You have to remember that you are looking at this model in a 3d program probably filling your entire screen, no one in game is going to see it in that great of detail. The closest someone may get is in the saber selection menu but that's it.
  6. Well I looked into that program mentioned and managed to look into the game files for Defiance but the naming makes it seem like it's going to take some time to figure out what files I need since they aren't conveniently named anything like "kain_hurt.wav".
  7. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2321-ultimateweapons/ This mod has probably the best realistic explosions. This mod is pretty old and I don't know how no one ever posted anything about it back when you asked.
  8. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2812-high-resolution-at-st/ @@Rkocour I don't know of many but I made this as a direct replacement for JO, just drop the file in the base folder and it will replace the normal AT-ST. There may be more on the site.
  9. NPC's do not work in the base MP engine, they never have or never will without code changes made to MP. You could ask around in the coding section if maybe it's something that another mod plans on doing or if OpenJK plans to port NPC code from SP to MP.
  10. No one uses MS3D anymore, there are free programs that greatly surpass it.
  11. JK2 litterally costs next to nothing and it's single player campaign makes it well worth buying.
  12. It's got some clans logos all over it, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.
  13. @@Szico VII I know you took a break for a bit but I hope the recent development of Rend2 will persuade you back because your Moonbase Labs map was looking amazing with the much older version of Rend2. Reminded me a lot of Doom 3.
  14. You are aware though that there is an AT-AT out there floating around though right? I don't think it ever got hosted here and with the shutdown of filefront it may not be hosted anywhere but I'm sure someone on here has it.
  15. There was a pretty good one made by Monsoontide, Keshire and Duncan from way back. Seems like the downloads on JediMoves.com no longer work though which was the last place I knew that hosted it.
  16. I don't think @zOrg realizes that this entire community is aware of that project of JK2 in Unreal. The huge problem is that first of all, it's not a playable game and it never will be. The guy just took the games models and animations to make movies using Unreal matinee which is sorta like a cutscene maker. It'd be much better to upgrade this engine rather than try to build this game from the ground up from scratch.
  17. I'll have to watch it, hopefully it's a lot better than the 1 disappointing run that was done on Padawan mode, Jedi Master or nothing! EDIT: nvm, playing it on easy again =(
  18. @@WorstMB2Player Could you mark post #20 as answered? It could help others out in the future.
  19. The old AT-AT was very odd in the way it worked, mainly the camera view. I was thinking about making one sometime in the future. You could maybe make it work as an NPC using a heavily modified version of the AT-ST scripts and clever naming of the bones but wouldn't know unless I tried it.
  20. I mean I could try to crunch 1 more LOD out of it, I've been on this crazy optimizing binge lately, even going back to really old models and touching them up. My old Star Viper has like less than 1/2 the polies than it originally did, I should probably update that file. I need to look into getting some sounds from the Defiance game, just work has been ruling my life lately and I haven't had much time.
  21. I'll look into ripping the sounds from the games, I have defiance for PC which I think will work best since he's a playable character in that one and I want all the grunts and pain sounds. I don't think I'll use your SAB file since it would ruin the balance in MP but I'll check out the effects.
  22. I'm kinda a perfectionist, I feel that I did what I could without adding more edge loops to the shoulders which would be the only way I could really make them better since adding bones is out of the question. I just need to find some sounds, I have some of the LoK games for PC on steam, need to find some way to get some sounds for him if it's legal.
  23. Yeah, I got 2 LOD's, trying to crunch it down any further just makes everything look all wacky, besides having 2 LOD's plus the main mesh should be good enough. Just to be clear, there are 3 total stages of detail, the main mesh and 2 lower quality versions. I did the best I could with some of the shoulder weights but the skeleton doesn't work well with muscular characters, you generally need more bones or a lot more detail to make it look good. I might have to go back and make some LOD's for the Soul Reaver since I recently figured out MD3 LOD's.
  24. One last thing, sounds. @@Asgarath83 any help with sounds?
  25. I think it's just because of the long standing notion that 3DS Max was the main tool for JK2 and JA when that wasn't really true. Anything that can export to dotXSI could technically be used.
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