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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. @@DT85 ? Searched a thread where you mentioned doing it but no details on how, tried the usual naming system for GLM LOD's but it didn't work.
  2. I remember seeing that .md3 models can have LOD's just like a .glm but I'm not sure how to set them up. Anyone know?
  3. ^That's not the purpose of this project. This is meant to make your own custom animations from scratch 10000000x easier than it ever has been and it woks. Have total first timers PM'ing me their animations that they already got in game.
  4. Not sure what other models would require such a thing, I feel like it would be a pretty rare instance, the SP entity seemed to totally ignore the .skin file and instead use this. It points to a shader btw and not an actual image file, similar to the stormtrooper caps.
  5. ^That was the problem but I figured it out an hour or so ago, just had to leave the house. Turns out the sp vehicle needs that custom parameter with the shader path.
  6. Yeah, tried that, still shows [nomaterial] in a hex editor. Tried editing the file using a hex editor but it just crashes both modview and the game.
  7. Well I need to do some testing but Ashura may have found the problem. Even though it has a .skin file if you look at the AT-ST in notepad++ the base glm has texture paths for all it's parts where mine just says [nomaterial] so I'm going to try to fix it with a hex editor like @@Psyk0Sith suggested, should have listened to him earlier lol.
  8. I'm pretty much out of ideas, I recently just tried deleting all my shaders, skin files and renaming my textures the same as the base ones to try and trick the game but it didn't work. It must be the level itself, is this entity compiled with the level? Is it going to look for the default textures and model regardless? @@Ramikad can I send you the file and maybe on whatever map you may have just add the entity to it but compile the map referencing my model to see if it shows up right?
  9. I don't have the games source, I was thinking more like a NPC or VEH file but there doesn't seem to be anything, the odd thing is that I don't even get any sort of errors in the console about shaders missing.
  10. I have searched high and low for the files that control this vehicle, any idea where they are so that I can make the textures work? I feel like it's some sort of cfg file or something that is pointing to the base textures that are being over written so the misc_atst_driveable loads as my model but with missing shaders.
  11. I'm personally not a big fan of preset rigs, custom built to fit your needs always works best and it's always so rewarding when you get yours to work even though you'll never get all the sleep or friends lost back from all the time you spent just trying to make one controller work properly.
  12. Well the thing is that my MD3 works no problem, as does the enemy NPC and the vehicle that you spawn in MP, only the SP campaign driveable doesn't work which is different than the MP vehicle. I've tried everything, I thought that making duplicates of my textures (which have the same file path) and naming them the same as the base stuff would work but nothing has, I'm about to give up and keep this model as part of the DF2 mod only. I'm literally pulling my hair out trying to find out why in every other instance it works but the SP vehicle that has the weapons that can be toggled doesn't load the textures. @@Xycaleth or @@ensiform since you guys know code is there something different about the SP campaign entity known as misc_atst_driveable? I'm about to headbutt the monitor right now >_< Remember before posting THIS PROBLEM IS WITH THE SP VEHICLE ONLY, ALL OTHERS WORK FINE, THE SP VEHICLE IS DIFFERENT THAN THE MP ONE! THE NPC THAT YOU FIGHT AGAINST WORKS FINE AS DOES THE STATIC MAP OBJECT!
  13. I totally gave up on flight vehicles a long time ago, the dates on those files I have submitted here may only be a few years old but when they were actually released on another site was like 10 years ago. Flying vehicles just don't work in this game, it's a waste of time.
  14. Still doesn't work. I guess I'm gonna have to play through JK2 and get to the yavin swamp 2 level.
  15. If it doesn't have support for character studio or at least some way to constrain and build some complex IK solutions then it may not even be worth the time. After all it is based on 3DS Max 4 and severely stripped down. Mod Tool really only had the render image size limit which I believe is 1024², other than that it's the full version of Softimage|XSI 7.5.
  16. SP doesn't have the support for these vehicles, even the AT-ST if you spawn it using the code you'd use in MP you'll get a walker that doesn't work right at all. The SP and MP games use 2 different engines, the code isn't the same, the games have these features but they're not good, I just mod SWBF2 when I wanna make something like this now.
  17. I know where the textures are, my new ones are in the same place, models/map_objects/imp_detention/ but for some reason only this entity doesn't work. It could be the map itself, I'm going to try to make 2 copies of my textures and use the same names the base textures use to see if it'll load.
  18. ONLY the SP vehicle that has the weapons that can be toggled has this problem, all others work, the NPC, MD3 map object and MP vehicle. Where are the files that control this vehicle? It must have some sort of NPC or VEH file pointing to the wrong textures. I haven't tried Yavin Swap 2 in JK2 yet.
  19. Clean base folder and still the problem is there If you spawn the NPC it has textures and the static MD3 model has textures but this one doesn't, it just doesn't make sense. Is there anyone out there that knows what's going on? I will not release until this problem is solved.
  20. Ok, not sure if you understand exactly what I'm talking about, it's not just that model, it's anything that I'm compiling, even characters. I'll get a animation.cfg file that just has 1 enum named "fix" with all the frames of animation so I have to keep a copy of the proper file outside of the folder and paste it in.
  21. Replaces both, might just have to try it with a clean base, something may be interfering.
  22. .car files are what Assimilate opens.
  23. Those are for the static map object. The fightable NPC textures load fine but the playable vehicle does not for some reason. Maybe I need to test with a clean base folder.
  24. @@eezstreet Well my model works as the SP vehicle but the textures don't load, any idea where the file that tells it what to use it located in the assets?
  25. I'll have to play this mission to see how my model will behave since I HIGHLY doubt there is a totally separate model and skeleton file just for that.
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