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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. We need more Maya tools, it's now the top dog of 3d, used more than all the others combined it seems.
  2. Looking forward to seeing some more models submitted here then!
  3. @@WorstMB2Player Sorry it took so long, been very busy. Seems I gave the wrong assimilate preferences. Here are the correct ones. The carcass.exe must be in the folder specified in the preferences! The main problem with the model is that you chose the skeleton_root as a deformer, that is a no no. The nodes model_root, mesh_root and skeleton_root cannot be used as deformers. Removing it made the model compile, this is how you remove it... 1. Select all your polygon meshes, do this by right clicking on stupidtriangle_off in the explorer and choosing "expand all from here" then select stupidtriangle_off and shift+left click the mesh at the end of the list, should be bolt_r_hand_cap_r_arm. 2. Now, remove skeleton_root from the envelope for your meshes by going to the animate toolbar and selecting "Deform>Envelope>Remove Deformers" then simply left click skeleton_root then right click to end the picking session. 3. Export to the folder /base/models/players/_huamnoid/, open Assimilate, choose File>Add Files and pick the _humanoid.gla file 4. Click on the big "B" in Assimilate for build model and watch the magic. Let me know if you run into any more issues, if you do just post the command prompt in Assimilate as it will tell us what's wrong but doing this I was able to successfully compile your model.
  4. It needs to be fixed width, you can actually enjoy the background. I do agree though that the logo is outdated visually and some of the colors could be changed to better suit the new background. We need a dark color scheme to go with the new background, like white text, black text box's and all things gray made darker.
  5. Yeah but in the instance where I wanna share the dotXSI file it's capable of storing more information than a 3.0 would and if I remember right it chooses 3.5 by default in Softimage.
  6. Loving the new background.

    1. Sithani


      Yess so much better

  7. @@Archangel35757 I always use 3.5, the final version of carcass takes 3.x, 3.0 and 3.2 are pointless.
  8. @@WorstMB2Player I'll try to check it out this weekend and see what's going on with it, maybe tomorrow night if I don't get home too late.
  9. We need real backhanded animations and not just a single bladed staff.
  10. The way I posted is how it is on the Raven source models when imported into Softimage as that was the program all the games models that used bones were exported from. The base AT-ST is imported into the scene as a comparison to the new model and I just never deleted it but you can see how the hierarchy is arranged. BTW, model_root and even bones don't have to be bone objects, all that's taken into the GLM file is transform info from the object and envelope weights from the mesh. Your bones could simply be little polymesh cubes if you wanted. The AT-ST doesn't even use bones for the objects that the model is weighed to, they're just null objects, the only bones in use are the IK chains for the character rig which the skeleton is constrained to but doesn't get exported. Same goes for the _humanoid character rig that I made. It's called a shadow rig and it gives you a load of freedom to make something too complex for the game engine drive a simple FK chain that the game can interpret with a smaller file size.
  11. I think it's a step you're doing wrong in blender, it doesn't work anything like 3DS Max or Softimage work, none of the methodology crosses over. I'm certain I could make it work in Softimage but I don't have the time to try and troubleshoot models for poeple, I'll be working like 12 hour days most of this week. I've got multiple cars at work that either need new engines installed or the transmissions rebuilt, not much time for modding this week.
  12. That's wrong, I don't know how you're even making whatever you're exporting work. It should be like this... model_root | |__mesh_root | |__stupidtriangle_off | |__yourmodel | |__skeleton_root |__pelvis
  13. See, the thing that I don't get is why does eveyrthing have a "_0" suffix at the end of everything? Is that just how Blender knows that it's the main mesh and not a LOD? The tags as well wouldn't be named the way they are either in a program that would use the dotXSI->carcass->GLM/GLA method. They wouldn't be named "*hips", it would be "bolt_hips" instead and the compiler would convert it. This is why I said I might not be able to help too much considering it's blender and its so different than using Maya/Max/XSI. @@mrwonko maybe can clear some things up. There is literally no info on making NPC's with custom skeletons in blender, it's probably never even been tried before, people just seem to use it to make Frankenstein models.
  14. None of these models posted looks like him. His facial features are too unique to be able to just take a head from another model, the geometry needs to match the structure of his face.
  15. Are you using Assimilate? It makes things more simple. Also, for safe measure you should be compiling off the root of the drive, the compiler doesn't like long file paths. It should be like this... C:\base\models\players\_humanoid\ All your stuff you generate should be in C:\base\ and not the games actual directory, don't ask me why but it's the way most of us have been doing it forever. I should just take the time to finish those videos in that tutorial since this part isn't covered. Assimilate settings, the enum file isn't necesarry for what you're doing, it comes with the games source and it's the anims.h file. It's needed though if you wanna recompile the _humanoid.gla using the source dotXSI files.
  16. I don't think so, you messed up somewhere, probably the naming of the tags. I keep telling you to post your hierarchy in blender. You also scaled down the skeleton to fit your model, when you did that it probably threw everything off. You should be using your own skeleton and animations, it doesn't look like the AT-ST stuff would even work on that model.
  17. My AT-ST includes a .mtr shader file you could use as a reference that Ashura wrote.
  18. You must be doing something wrong, my AT-ST does not use the same skeleton or have the same mesh hierarchy yet it works fine in both SP and MP. The only thing I took from the original AT-ST were it's tags but I repositioned them since the models aren't exact to one another. I can't be too much help though since you're using blender.
  19. Did you middle click on the model_root before export? In Softimage you have to branch select the main root node before export otherwise everything gets exported, even the scene camera and light which carcass will just be like "WTF?!".
  20. It probably was a harder difficulty. In DF2 the Gran boxers could really do a number on you if they came up behind you because their damage went straight to health and ignored shields.
  21. Don't give him a sword, that's stupid. The first 6 levels are supposed to remind you of DF in a way.
  22. Well one thing you might be forgetting is that even if the model is under 1k in whatever 3d modeler you're using when it gets exported as a MD3 or GLM the edges along UV boundaries get disconnected into their own polygon island which can greatly increase the vertex count and cause the error. The best limit to follow is <500 vertex's because if you keep it under 500 you'll retain dynamic shadow support.
  23. Well after about a little over an hour of work I have the leg rig figured out complete with automatically pumping pistons as you move the leg controls. Now to just duplicate it a couple of times for the other 2 legs and build the main body rig which shouldn't be too much work. I kinda forgot to scale this thing to it's proper size in Softimage so I guess I'll have to rely on assimilate to do it, on first export it might be smaller than a player model since JA's scale is huge. XD
  24. Your modview pictures aren't helping at all. You need to post pictures of the blender hierarchy as well as the VEH and NPC files.
  25. Your naming of the tags is probably wrong. If you changed them you shouldn't have.
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