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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. I like where this thread is going. It would be so rad if I could use Softimage for all the art and then just use Radiant for all the tech that would help me out a ton cause Radiant is seriously lacking in tools when it comes to 3d compared to a high end 3d package.
  2. Well I just released one and something that Ashura and I found while fixing the NPC files for it may lead to me being able to release my AT-RT. It's not even that the flight code is terrible it's also the fact that the games map size is too small for flight. I have to agree with @@Teancum, play some SWBF2 if you want some fun flight in the SW universe that has tons of mods. I even have stuff released there and actually tons more that I need to release but I've forgotten how to even mod that game to do it lol. It's also the EXACT reason I modded SWBF2, I used to like making flying vehicles for JA but eventually I wanted more so I modded a different engine for a while.
  3. You guys are just going to have to learn how to re-weigh the model to the jedi outcast skeleton and recompile. It's the only way and it's FAR from impossible lol. It's really quite easy, just time consuming.
  4. It seemed to me that in RotJ no one could see the 3 ghosts that Luke was smiling at, or at least that's how it seems when Leia walks up to Luke.
  5. You need to import it into a 3d software that can either export directly to GLM/GLA (Blender) or do the XSI->Assimilate->GLM/GLA method (Softimage/3DS Max/Maya) and compile it as if it were a player model or NPC. There is no 1 click conversion to do this. The tutorials section already has info as if you were using Blender or Max, maybe I could write a Softimage one sometime.
  6. Cool to see you coming over to JA @@Teancum, I came back some time ago from SWBF1&2 because this game is so much more modder friendly. I'm actually looking to resurrect the DF2 mod, lmk if you need any help.
  7. I only really like things that improve upon the SP campaign since JA is the way to go for MP. More detailed models and upgraded effects.
  8. That's a problem with that mod, I only tested this to work in the base game, if it doesn't work with a mod then the mod is to blame.
  9. Well I don't think that's a real problem because the game loaded the old model which like I said if you open the animation.cfg it's different.
  10. Spawned before the mod was installed? Are you playing like lugormod or makermod? It properly overwrites all AT-ST's in both SP games. The animation thing is because my frame numbers don't match the original because the animations are new. You didn't rename the pk3 did you? The zzz_ prefix is there for a reason.
  11. I've noticed the hatch issue in SP but it only happened for me when I spawned the npc_vehicle which isn't SP compatible. Never happened with the misc_atst_driveable but they weren't spawned, they were ones that were on the map already like t2_dpred and Gavin_canyon. I could never get the misc_atst_driveable to spawn. I don't see the problem in the first trip picture, just looks like the animation BOTH_TURNLEFT1 is playing. Thanks for the comments, I spent a lot of time building the custom rig in softimage to make the animations. Ashura did an amazing job on the textures.
  12. The fans just need to rise up and say fuck your cannon, we believe what we want.
  13. Model has been released, let me know what you guys think.
  14. @the_raven I modeled this actually using the official blueprints from RotJ as a rotoscope so it's quite accurate, the only thing that isn't perfect is the overall scale which is why you think that the head is too small because the entire thing is too small. I didn't wanna make it larger than the base model though because it would break the game in the SP levels. The static object wouldn't fit in the hangars in the artus_topside level and it wouldn't fit in the drop pods from the cairn, doomgiver and yavin maps.
  15. Version 1.5


    This is a new and improved version of the AT-ST walker. This model works in both JK2 and JA as direct replacements to the enemy NPC, the SP driveable entity and the MP vehicle. It also comes with 4 extra skins, clean, rusty, mossy and snow. This model was quite some time in the making, it was originally meant for the Dark Forces 2 mod but because of the popularity of the model I'm releasing it publicly outside of the mod. I have to give a huge thanks to AshuraDX for making the amazing high quality textures, writing the shader for rend2 and help with testing and bug fixes. It was practically a joint project because of the amount of work he did on this. The only things that were somewhat reused was the base .npc and .veh files as a foundation for mine, other than that everything is new. A completely new model, new textures and new animation set.
  16. Not sure exactly what you mean for the 2 person animations but if you want 2 rigs then you'd just dupe the whole thing, file size will be huge. Or, if you wanna import a base anim for reference and not have any naming conflicts just make a new Model under Model>Create>New Model then drag and drop the dotXSI file onto that Model in the explorer. You can build reference objects and say animate the Master Controller to move the model BUT you would want to remove the animation from the master (the 4 arrows thingie) cause the game controls the in world motion of things like jumping up. This was similar to my AT-ST, I made turning animations with the whole model turning about 45° but I had to remove that so that the final product just looked like feet shuffling because the game rotates the character and moves them in the world, NOT the animation. Import the base wall run to give yourself an idea. You could also PM me your steam name and maybe I can send you examples.
  17. Sense doesn't have an animation, without code to tell the game which animation line to call you wont be able to do this. All of these are super simple, you could probably produce them yourself if you tried.
  18. Newest version is out, decided to still consider it a BETA event though the JA side is complete but I've decided to add JK2 support but wanted to get this out since JA is more popular to mod. Next release will have basic JK2 functions, then a final later release with full JK2 functionality like more complex facial rig.
  19. I totally think you should maybe add "(read first post)" to the thread title and state in bold that NO requests or changes of any kind will be taken until the render engine works as originally intended.
  20. I have the full version using a student license and I don't even use it, Mod Tool will do everything you need for JA and a lot of other game engines.
  21. Works great, now I'm gonna go on a LOD spree. Wonder why Raven never did this to all the models to further optimize the game? I guess most MD3 models were already pretty low detail.
  22. I'll test this tomorrow after work.
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