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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Well, I had this model sitting around for years. It was originally meant for SWBF2 but later scrapped when at the time documentation on animating walker vehicles was non existent and figuring it out all by myself proved difficult. Right now I kinda need a distraction or something to get me motivated again and since animating is one of my favorite things I thought I'd take on the challenge of making something quite different. Right now it's just a mesh, I just started to build the skeleton and rig for it. I don't know if a rotating head with usable turrets by other players is possible but if not just the forward facing cannon will shoot. I need to UV map it still and then it'll need some textures which hopefully I can maybe sublet that part of the job out to someone who's much faster and better than I.
  2. It will be, when he makes it. You seem to be a bit confused on how 3d game art is done these days.
  3. Yeah, we need more mappers, I'd definitely could use your help once again with Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight.
  4. If I bought a lugormod based server would anyone here actually play on it? It would have NO affiliation with any clan, there will be no favoritism. I would only take mature people as admins to help run it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Yeah, I forgot that too many people here like SP and MB2 *shudders*.

    3. swegmaster


      yeah, normal ja mp has died down a LOT, presumably because unlike sp, you can't modify stuff as much without coding it, i would play if i had a better connection to play online games

    4. Omicron


      I should have said my interest for JKA in general, never was a fan of sp

  5. @zOrg while the ANIMATIONS do transition better the movement is much slower, every time I play SP after playing MP for a while I feel like I'm trying to move underwater.
  6. If you want some free software that has good GLM support as well as tutorials you can use GMAX. A lot of basic modeling in 3DS Max tutorials should also work fine as it's almost the same program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txwHpyfv1m4 It's based on a pretty out dated version of 3DS Max but for what you're doing it should be perfect.
  7. That's not the game mesh, it's a highpoly sculpt that he'll use to bake maps from for his textures.
  8. The tags are quite simple, it will shoot from whatever tag you have, hierarchy in this case isn't that important but it could be causing the problem. The naming and definitions in the VEH file are more important. You don't need additional software to make your own skeleton and animations, blender should be able to do all that although there is no info on this since blender is mostly used to make frankenstein models. I don't think anyone has really attempted custom animations and skeletons with it yet but as long as it can write out the files which it can you should be able to do it.
  9. First of all, you can name things whatever you want, it really doesn't matter. The ONLY RULE is that an underscore followed by a number as a suffix defines LOD's so playing around with that will fuck things up. This takes into consideration that the model has a stupidtriangle_off_1 or more tag with an extra hierarchy to tell the game that there are multiple LOD's. r_leg = LOD0 r_leg_1 = LOD1 r_leg_2 = LOD2 You should get the picture. Tags have certain naming conventions to define parts of the model, such as where dismemberment takes place as well as telling the game that this part is the head and this part is a hand which alters how much damage a person takes as a head shot will deal the most over any other part. This now leads me to this, if you are making a vehicle model, why not just make your own skeleton and animations so that you aren't so restricted???
  10. We really only have as far as I know 1 fully working level, there are a couple of the smaller boss maps you could consider working but they're kinda too small to count. The first level is only missing 1 thing, 8T88's presence which is using a placeholder, C-3P0. 8T88 only has a base mesh atm.
  11. Anyone with 3DS Max wanna convert some MDL models to OBJ/3DS?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Archangel35757
    3. minilogoguy18


      I tried that, couldn't get it to work for some reason, the source SDK seems to have changed too much. There seems to be a Max script for importing MDL files that was used for the KotOR games which is what I want is KotOR models.

    4. Archangel35757


      I cannot find a download link for the MDL import maxscript... but there is an import plugin for HalfLife2 MDL format... are they identical? Else send me the maxscript. Wait... I just found a Bioware Neverwinter Nights MDL importer and exporter plugin on maxplugins.de. I can try to process the files for you next week. Just email them to me.


  12. I had a feeling this might happen, it's a lot of work for one person. It was the reason why originally I asked if you'd be willing to collaborate and our 2 mods could share material. Maybe then it could have even drawn enough attention to where some more capable modders would be willing to help out. Hope you pick at this from time to time still, the original DF mod demo to me was the best example of what a TC should be, it felt like another game and not just a modified version of another.
  13. All I need is the satisfaction knowing that @@Xycaleth is chiseling away at this project.
  14. ^I thought the same originally but it turned out after watching the ending video that he is Sith. He seems to do things more like pre-Empire era Sith and follow a rule of 2. The rule of 2 Sith were always far more interesting characters, he reminds me of Dooku.
  15. I'm very picky, I kinda like it. Seems like you or whoever took the Ragnos model, gave him legs and some color. Seems to have turned out decently.
  16. Er, well, I can't get an MDL decompiler for HL2 that I found to work so I can't go forward with this unless someone with 3DS Max and the scripts that it has to import MDL files will convert the models for me.
  17. Just give me some time to get the tools needed to get the models into Softimage, I used to have them but I dunno what happened to them.
  18. That's because the model is weighed to 1 skeleton and trying to reference an animation set that uses another, you cannot do that. If you want animations for it you'll have to make them yourself.
  19. They sucked so badly, the person who ported them did the most horrible, amateurish job possible. The weights were what was so bad about them. I'll submit them if the staff allows it.
  20. This is commonly known by most that have been modding this game for a while. Anything can have it's own skeleton, you just can't have a player in MP with a custom skeleton, all players in MP must use the _humanoid.gla. It's all about the compiling process, you need in depth knowledge of a 3d program and assimilate to make it all happen. I can share my knowledge of such things but most people just instantly assume it's too difficult without even attempting it.
  21. So does this mean I can go ahead and port Kreia, Nihilus and Scion over and release them? I just want a solid yes or no, either way I'm porting them anyway even if they aren't allowed here. No one has taken the time to make good models of them and I don't have the time to do it from scratch.
  22. I like animating but I don't wanna distract myself from some of the things I'm doing right now. I made that rig though to try and get more people into animating, I've made it to where it couldn't get any easier.
  23. Well lemme know if you wanna test them, I can just export and run through carcass to get a GLA file but you'll have to do the glaMerge part yourself to keep the file size small. It's a super simple process though.
  24. @@Psyk0Sith like this? Dunno if it'll work since I think the game's code looks for an UPPER_ animation and just uses another animation for the legs.
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