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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. No idea, I'm not a mapper nor do I have Radiant installed.
  2. I keep trying all of the suggested answers and the only way it seems to run is as it is now using a .bat file with +set fs_game OpenJK contained within it. Removing the openjk.pk3 causes a crash where as moving this line from the .bat file no matter how I move around the .dll files causes a crash. I'm just gonna call it good for now since it works and move on to my Rend2 issues which is probably due to my old ass GPU.
  3. At best you should be converting the levels to use as a sort of reference, not to be used for the final product.
  4. That is done through proper level design to have the sounds used based on the surface.
  5. After EIGHT years 3DS Max finally get's something that is similar to ICE in Softimage and they had to take it from Softimage to even get it lol.

    1. ChalklYne


      Lol for some reason reading that made me think of N. Koreas space program XD

    2. Tempust85
    3. Psyk0Sith


      Yep, Autodesk is a ******* joke.

  6. That jump sound needs to go away, it sounds ridiculous.
  7. DF2 gets worked on, without team members though progress is very slow to the point of not even bothering posting. Ramikad is still making maps and I'm still making models/animations. A copy/paste of the old games maps along with frankensteined models wouldn't be any good though. Original content along with the continuation of Rend2 is what's needed, the vanilla renderer hasn't aged very well. If you guys notice, the AT-ST I released was originally going to be for DF2 only and it includes shaders for it to run on the Rend2 renderer as well as normal maps.
  8. What would the names of these files be specifically that I should be deleting?
  9. I probably have too much garbage installed. I'm looking into building a new PC soon and a lot of shit is going to get deleted when the time comes to clone this HDD to a SSD.
  10. Bingo, it finally runs. The question I have now is, shouldn't it NOT be needed to have a batch file using +set fs_game OpenJK? Is there still some underlying problem that this is just putting a band aid on?
  11. @@Cerez, assets0.pk3 opens and allows me to extract files no problem. A few posts back Windows permissions was mentioned, I do have a totally fucked version of Windows that desperately needs reinstalling due to user account issues that I can't seem to fix. Any other ideas?
  12. There you go, I tried troubleshooting myself by copy/pasting the uix86.dll into all OpenJK related directories with no success.
  13. ^Quite a few BUT I've tried it with a clean base with no luck. I do have the DF2 mod but that was a fork of the SP OpenJK engine and has no MP exe or renderer associated with it. Could someone tell me exactly where it writes a crashlog? Or some way to make my own since the .bat file I'm using makes an incomplete qconsole.txt file.
  14. We are working on this, it just has gone a bit dormant for a bit, look at the bottom of the main forum. @@Ramikad, I definitely wouldn't wanna convert the original levels for use, only to use as reference. Also, since it's hard to catch you online sometimes, lmk if you need anything oddly shaped modeled out and I'm sure I can dish it out quickly since Radiant's tools are VERY limited compared to big 3D packages.
  15. Why are you worried about saber colors when you don't even use a lightsaber or come across anyone that does in the Dark Forces game?
  16. Everything is from the most recent build, I even tried going back 1 version and I get the same problem.
  17. @@ensiform, no, it's actually 6 days older. O_o
  18. @@Cerez and @@ensiform I have SDL2.dll and even if I remove the config files I still get a crash. I checked out the crashlog.txt, for some reason the dating is wrong so that's why I never looked at it. It fails to load the vanilla renderer. The rd-vanilla_x86.dll is in the GameData folder so I dunno if there is a problem with the file or what. I should also probably mention that SP works BUT enemies just show up as the rgb transform gizmo, no model but the player has a model if in 3rd person. This happens with both rendering engines.
  19. That's all I get, the crash log I make is in C:\Users\Alex\Documents\My Games\OpenJK\base\qconsole.txt. Is there another one it generates elsewhere @@ensiform?
  20. This doesn't make any sense, an older version of OpenJK works just fine, it's what was used to start the DF2 mod that DT85 compiled. This latest version just crashes for whatever reason. You mentioned some .dll files? I put everything where it needed to be. @@Xycaleth? @@eezstreet?
  21. No, just a really old card lol. Yeah, the logfile ending before it's even finished writing itself is VERY odd. I know it's not using rend2 as I have to set that manually but I just said that out loud as my reason for installing and I can't even get past the first screen before crashing. Video card is a MSI R5770 Hawk with a slight overclock, doubt that is the culprit. @@ensiform, is there a preferred way of creating a log file? I just made a batch file with +set logfile 1 and +set developer 2 in it.
  22. I'm going to bump this thread because my problem is the same with the most recent build and the solutions mentioned in this thread don't work. I'm using the latest build, wanted to try out the most recent rend2 but I can't make it past the very first Jedi Academy dark blue screen.
  23. Current version of OpenJK crashes at the blue Jedi Academy screen, help?

  24. Since you said you'd help me out if I needed it I'll do this for you, just give me a bit of slack, I'm juggling a lot in my life right now. It needs to be a file though I can import into Softimage since I no longer have Max, send it in like .3DS or .OBJ if possible.
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