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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Well the odd thing is that I'm using the base AT-ST tags and still have a problem. I've got another idea which has to do with the model needing it's origin adjusted before compile which MAY have something to do with the reversed behavior but we'll see.
  2. No, the feet aren't behaving properly with the terrain, see the pic. I want to know HOW XYZ are determined by both formats, it seems that the local transforms in Softimage don't really matter.
  3. Well the thing that I was wondering is that does the game even take into account the local transforms of the tag in any 3d software to determine its axis? It doesn't seem as if the game uses the local transforms of the tag at all but rather use the vertex ordering, edge information and which way the normals face to determine its axis. It's funny how the bone jitter that was talked about a while back is mentioned in the games code as a known problem. There's an image of exactly what I was talking about, doesn't seem to make sense but as far as I know it's a tag problem but I used the tags from the base AT-ST so I'm pretty confused. Looks like I'll have to release a version 2. *sigh*
  4. I tried mirroring it with no success, I thought the *r_foot and *l_foot controlled how the feet interact with the maps terrain but maybe I'm wrong and only act as collision? I could try rotating the bones around and re-weighing the feet, should be quick since none of the bones have any actual animation on them. I still wanna know more about tags though since I want to be able to create them with confidence that they'll work every time without having to import a base model and deleting everything but the tags so that I can use them for my models. For a character model it's no big deal because my skeleton file has all the tags where they need to be and moving them only happens in rare instances when you have a odd model. I'm dealing with mostly custom stuff that has it's own skeleton and animation set. I can't just import tags and be done with it.
  5. I'm kinda having some issues with tags and it's leading me to want to know more about how they actually work. I want to know how the game uses the angles of the tags and the vertex order to determine how they behave. On my AT-ST there is an issue that I can't seem to fix. The feet roll in the opposite direction when on a slope rather than rolling 45° along the Z axis it tends to roll -45°Z. I'm wondering if the origins in any modeling software even matter or if it's solely done using it's angles which is how I thought they worked. @@eezstreet @@DT85 @@ensiform @@mrwonko @@Archangel35757 I'm kinda looking for someone who knows the game code and can answer exactly how the game handles tags. I'm also aware that tags in MD3 files axis are different than bolts in GLM files even though they're the same thing but named differently based on how the model is processed. I'm also needing to know because I'm making a script in Softimage that will add bolt/tags to the Get>Primative>Polygon Mesh menu to quickly make tags and I want them drawn correctly.
  6. They honestly don't have any rights to anything, it's just a respect thing. If you want anything from MB2 just download it and pull what you want from it, its so easy.
  7. There's a bit of a performance hit but managed to get a realtime shader working for Softimage Mod Tool that let's me view my AT-ST as it would look in game using the Rend2 renderer. =D

    1. Archangel35757
    2. minilogoguy18


      It's based off of one I found on the Softimage'rs page. I need to keep playing with it until it can be loaded and not need any user input.

  8. Oh man, that Lambda, I'll have to release mine to replace the base one.
  9. @@AshuraDX The rotoscope images I'm using they don't seem that way. http://orig00.deviantart.net/caad/f/2015/334/c/c/all_terrain___defense_pod__at_dp__ortho__new__by_unusualsuspex-d9ihowp.jpg It's not the model used in the show of course but it's from something that's officially licensed so it shouldn't be that inaccurate although it's low poly. I updated the dropbox link so you should be able to click on it again and the hole shouldn't be there. I also undid the merge into 1 mesh but it's quite messy since there are so many pieces.
  10. The wampa is only like that because the dotXSI exporter has an option to "plot" the animations which is the same as baking them. You'll have to get mrwonko to fix his exporter so that there is an option to plot all animations. My models don't even have a single keyframe in Softimage, only the rig controllers that don't even get exported have animations and it's all stored actions. The bones get plotted on export.
  11. That might be very hard since she pretty much disappeared off the grid completely. I don't even see her on Steam anymore.
  12. @@AshuraDX Yeah, the plan is do as much as possible so that we can sorta finish it all at once. Feel free also to make any small edits you may feel are necessary to the mesh as long as the overall proportions keep it matching up with the skeleton. I can easily reweigh it if you make any changes since it's such a simple model. Do you want it as 1 merged together mesh?
  13. Lol, have fun, UV mapping is so boring on stuff like this. Before I send it to you let's see if anyone has any gripes about the mesh so far, it isn't the cleanest thing, it was done pretty quickly the other day. Good textures though I'm sure will hide all of it's imperfections.
  14. I took up this request from this thread. What you see is what I have so far, a basic mesh, I'm sure the main body isn't the most accurate so I'll be looking around at more images and such trying to edit it to get as close as possible. @@AshuraDX I'll let you know when it's UV mapped and ready to go so it might be a bit longer. When it gets to that point I should at least be able to start building the skeleton and doing some of the basic animations by the time the textures are finished.
  15. Manual key framing?! You guys can't be serious. There are so may way better ways of doing this, surely Blender isn't so shitty that it doesn't support basic interpolation. Manual key framing will take forever on actual animations (poses don't count) and the result will be total shit because making it smooth without interpolation can be difficult and tedious. For my AT-ST the walk cycle has maybe 3-5 keyframes on like 10 objects for 38 frames of animation which those 10 objects drive ALL of the bones in the skeleton.
  16. The problem is that you're trying to make the model work as if it were a map object, you're using the wrong workflow. You need to import the model, set up a proper hierarchy, tags and weigh the model to a bone and export dotXSI->Assimilate->GLM/GLA It's sad cause I had the academy shuttle already set up as a vehicle that I did for someone for personal use years ago but I recently deleted the file. I could look later though cause it MIGHT still be on a old HDD from my old PC.
  17. If it can't be made to emulate MP movement maybe it can at least be altered some to feel more like JK2SP. JASP just feels weird, like you're underwater or something. Kinda like there is a huge delay between button input and the actual animation being played. In case many of you didn't know, it was stated clearly in a gaming magazine at the time just before release that the JASP campaign was catered to those who thought that JK2 was too difficult because of the first 6 levels in Outcast. It really is a dumbed down game.
  18. Everything that would be needed to make it work in game. I'm not going to release the one I have with textures because I'm not happy with the model, it's pretty inaccurate. The one that I made that is accurate as far as geometry goes has no UV map, no textures, needs segmenting, tags, bones (even without animated parts you still have to weigh it) and the proper hierarchy. It's pretty much not going to happen, when it comes to flying vehicles I'd rather look for another game engine.
  19. You will still use MD3 files though for world models, even for weapons, at least in the base game engine. Use GMAX over MS3D, far superior. Both software are VASTLY outdated and as far as their ability to generate/edit UV data is pretty much ancient compared to the software of today.
  20. I've found that also it can be the size of the model, my AT-ST wasn't super crazy high poly but because it was on the high side and it was so large of a model in size that it would cause this crash. For some reason making LOD's made it stop.
  21. It's just a bare model with nothing else so the hierarchy and tags would need to be made first, then export, then all the other little files that would make it work. It's not hard but converting the file to GLM simply wont be enough.
  22. I have it but it's just a bare model, JA flight mechanics suck too much for me to want to make it work, if you wanna even call it that. I'm only really interested in making things that I can be challenged to animate, walker type vehicles have been interesting me the most lately.
  23. @ @ I've got the basic shape kinda blocked out with a bunch of primitives, the back of the "head" needs the most work as far as detail but I guess you can consider this request taken. I'll make a WIP thread soon, hopefully I can outsource the textures to Ashura again with this walker since that would greatly speed things up.
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