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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. I check this thread every time I sit at my computer, so glad it's being worked on again. Gonna wait til the next build when supposedly some things are going to be fixed before I download and start testing models that use displacement maps.
  2. An automated process is impossible since creating of the icons and certain other files needs to be done manually. It's insanely simple to do using the tutorial linked above.
  3. The model wouldn't work well as is mainly due to the polycount. Even if you bypass the limits by dividing it into many pieces performance will still drop, no matter the PC due to the stress on the game engine. It would be best if you remade it in another software with a lower polycount from the start.
  4. I hated that they changed the sounds. It makes no sense that all of a sudden Anakin's saber sounds different.
  5. Making the bacta and light amp goggles work might require part of the jk2 sp code being ported to openjk.
  6. You can bind pretty much anything to any key via the console.
  7. It's not mine, contact the person who posted the video on youtube. It came up in the suggested videos for one of my videos.
  8. Well then auto update only is fine assuming someone fixes whatever they broke lol.
  9. Dunno how I missed this thread. The idea of a auto updater with the ability to roll back in case there is an issue is an awesome idea.
  10. Yeah, the polycount is a bit on the high side. @@Boothand, the messy topology comes from Google sketchup, the program is beyond odd.
  11. The ONLY thing that contradicts KotOR and the Bane trilogy (don't forget that it was written by the same people) is TOR. If you try to match things up between the 3 TOR does not fit in anywhere. I'm going this way with it, KotOR->KotOR2->Bane trilogy->Rule of 2 goes on for generations->Darth Plagueis->The Phantom Menace. The time between Bane and Plageuis should be left alone since it's said many times that the Sith were thought to have been eliminated so we should assume that they're in deep hiding until the time in which Plageuis and Sideous shift the Force out of balance to put the Sith Grand Plan into motion.
  12. What about if the weapon switching was left out and just the overall movement and control was improved?
  13. ^Read more closely, they do not work as vehicles, they were just props for maps, someone needs to convert them.
  14. The vehicles thing seems to just be for shits and giggles, it wasn't the main focus of the game. The AT-ST does suck in MP, the code from SP needs to be ported over, the misc_atst_driveable in single player works very well.
  15. This isn't that sort of game. Have any of you actually dueled online? That is where this game really shines, no SW game comes close to a 1v1 no force (except jump 3 and saber 3) duel.
  16. @@Xplicit, get rid of Google scketchup, it's a terrible modeler, there are WAY better free options and you'll never be able to use it to put your models in game. You'll be forced to use another program no matter what way you look at it.
  17. Yes, would be nice to see what works, what's being worked on and what doesn't work at all.
  18. If you don't mind me asking, what all are you capable of in this engine? I'm wondering because I could offer some help in exchange from help from you since we're interested in bringing the older games into this newer engine.
  19. Instead of the photos of Jason Court you should probably just actually take renders of the different model parts in a 3d package with a neutral background similar to Jaden in the base game. It would make it a lot easier to know what you're picking, especially for the legs.
  20. @@dark_apprentice That is what DT85 was talking about, you can't expect the model to work as-is with no modification, shaders and textures need to be redone for a good result.
  21. I could at least test, LMK what I need to get started. I have at least 1 model finished that should work with rend2, the AT-ST.
  22. I'm LOD-ing everything now a days, it may bloat the size of the pk3 but performance is much better. Every modeler and mapper here needs to hop on board and make LOD's for everything.
  23. Of course it's fixable but is any active coder going to tackle this? HIGHLY unlikely and I don't blame them. We need a lot of other things done as far as game code way before something that was probably just thrown in by Raven for shits and giggles. I'd rather see rend2 worked on, that's far more important, flight is like at the bottom of the list. Shit in 1 hand, wish in another and see which one fills up first...
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