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Everything posted by Sentra

  1. Will you fix this issue with HUD stretching? I hate it :[ Or maybe add some extra option like 'Allow HUD to stretch? YES/NO' ..
  2. lolwut ?
  3. You forgot to include 1600x900.
  4. I don't have the Start Menu replacement too, I don't even need it now.
  6. Fanatic
  7. What the heck are you talking about? As for me, Win8 is perfect for my lap and it works MUCH better and faster than Win7. Oh, and one more question - have you ever used Win8 more than a week? If no, how can we believe in your words about W8?
  8. 410 downloads

    Note: this package is released as 'JKHub Exclusive'. Please do not reupload it elsewhere, just give the link to this file. Well, hello there! I decided to upload this part of SkyLine GUI separately in order to give you an opportunity to use this beautiful replacements without using the full package or in the case to save the perfomance and the frame rate of your Jedi Academy. Hope you still like it [ What is inside? ] New holographic Skyline Chat Icon New holographic Skyline Level Loadbar New 'Outcast-like' Skyline Menu Cursor Fresh in-game Skyline Weapon Icons [ How to install? ] Simply put the .pk3 files to your Jedi Academy/GameData/base folder and enjoy. PS: If you see this elements for the first time and you want to download the full package of SkyLine Menu, visit this page: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1264-%7B%3F%7D/
  9. Holy crack, I want more that kind of weapons to JA! 10/10
  10. Heya, I had that kind of problem on Win7 and Win8 with the ATI card too. In the newest drivers AMD have cut old OpenGL driver support for unknown reason. But anyway, I have found the solution: click here, download and then put the .dll in GameData folder (where is jasp and jamp.exe). It should help. PS: You do not need to turn off ATI Catalyst or Catalyst A.I. with this solution (at least I do not have to ).
  11. Holy crap, I haven't seen such a mess with that desktop error since.. WinME I think D:
  12. Sentra


    Screenies or some gameplay video?
  13. Oh, a lot of posts! I tried to upload to imageshack but it didn't work properly. Well, is it okay now?
  14. Best force icons ever, yup!
  15. Yep. // --- Single/Staff hilt switcher ---bind %BUTTON% "saber1 %MODELNAME%;saber2 none;echo ^5[*] ^7%TEXT NAME of the HILT% (it will be shown in the top left corner) ^5activated" (don't know the hilt's name? type /saber1 in the console).For example (Katarn hilt): bind [ "saber1 saber;saber2 none;echo ^5[*] ^7Katarn ^5activated" // --- Akimbo hilt switcher ---bind %BUTTON% "saber1 %MODELNAME%;saber2 %MODELNAME%;echo ^5[*] ^7%TEXT NAME of the HILT% ^5activated" (don't know the hilt's name? type /saber1 or /saber2 in the console). // --- Skin switcher ---bind %BUTTON% "model %MODELNAME%" (don't know the model's name? type /model in the console)
  16. Diamond pony is bullshit. And Mac for $4k is cool, I agree.
  17. Aki, I know that laps are cool (I like them too) but for this amount of money.. It's better to buy an ultrabook (e.g. Macbook Air or HP Envy) and buy all top hardware for home PC, IMHO. And if you sure you want a lap, ergh, Alienware M17x or ASUS G75VW. I like the last one (+ it's new).
  18. Sentra

    Levelshot Mod

    I think I can left there some levelshots that I have made for myself: https://dl.dropbox.c...786/ja/ffa2.jpg https://dl.dropbox.c...786/ja/ffa4.jpg Have fun By the way - nice levelshots! But we need a new pack with antialiasing and anisotropic filtering.
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