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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Most of the Force User designs look like they belong in a bad fanfiction, but those bounty hunters and mercenary sure look stylish.
  2. Thanks! I've been learning some new things and I think I'll be able to do really interesting things with this project. Sadly, there are no previews for now, since I want to keep some things secret!
  3. All of the possible options have interesting designs, though I vote for Baze since I really dig his outfit.
  4. Take your time to do the things you like. I think it's awsome that your work is getting covered by some sites.
  5. It looks great! Nice use of sound and music.
  6. Great! I've high hopes that Softimage will allow me to make much better animations.
  7. Noodle


    Otro gran modelo para agregar variedad al JA!
  8. The Clone Wars had George Lucas' pocket, I think they had a budget of 1 million per episode, while Rebels doesn't have that luxury as far as I know. Still, season 3 has shown a lot of improvement over many things, the most notorious being lightning in my opinion. These are some nice shots, if you ask me: While seasons 1 looks like this:
  9. Those are shots from TCW season 4-5 compared to Rebels 1-2. A fair comparission would be the first seasons of clone wars, which looked just as bad as rebels.
  10. Cool, will be nice to see a beta version. Though, don't try to stress yourself thiinking about finishing your projects, if you work on them like an endless book, you'll find that they'll keep growing untill there are things you can share with the rest. But even then, you'll still be able to keep working if you feel like, sort of like an endless stair in which you keep adding more and more steps untill you reach heaven.
  11. Thank you, though you're still light years ahead of me with your mapping and modelling skills. My cantina is starting to look more and more like I want it to, I'm testing interactivity with NPCs with their own dialogue. In my video you might notice @@Barricade24 's gamorrean skin and vibro-axe, @@Kahzmat 's Redja, the Twi'lek Mercenary and a bunch of vehicles that were transformed into textures for my clone wars themed cantina table game (it's just decoration, don't think I have the brain power to create a game inside of a game). I've been trying to use models which state they can be used as long as the creator is credited, which they will if I ever release this, but I still feel the need to acknowledge them if their work appear in my videos (just so they know I'm not claiming credit for their work).
  12. That might be so, I'm learning a bit about coding so I can add things like a working economy system with credits and such.
  13. That's what I'm trying to do with my little project, a morrowind-like open world experience. Of course, I don't plan to make something the size of a small island, but just a small part of a town. It's completly doable if you connect small maps with each other.
  14. Slow motion and QTE are terrible game mechanics.
  15. TCW era Rebel soldier from Onderon or Saw Gerrera? Pic related:
  16. The amount of things you can achieve with ICARUS is amazing. Coding is fun too, but I don't want to use it unless it's really necessary.
  17. Thanks! I'm glad that you like it! Those are great ideas! I'm avoiding cutscenes for a more open-world like gameplay (at least for this project), but what you said already gave me a couple of ideas on how to make the NPCs fall asleep! Funnily enough, all of this has been done with scripting only. I'm using coding to add weapons and other things, but I think that'll come much later since I want this to be compatible with other mods (for now).
  18. I agree. If the Darth Vader comics proved anything, is that Palpatine values Vader a lot and is a hell of a teacher.
  19. I was playing galaxy of heroes the other day and noticed they've an R5 unit with a silver tray serving drinks on the main screen. I was wondering if someone could add a very simple tray to the JA default R2 (or R5) unit. I'd use it for decoration on my own cantina maps and I imagine others would use a resource like this too. Sadly, I can't find a good reference image, just the ones of R2 in ROTJ (which looks way more complicated than necessary for JA)
  20. Guess who's learning how to animate just to make his NPCs drink beer. Also, is it cool if I use your Mas Amedda model, as seen in this video, @@Kualan?
  21. That will happen if you have too many NPCs in your game.
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