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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. I swear to god I thought this was the Bad Star Wars Games thread. I try not to judge too much of BFII yet since we've seen so little.
  2. Sounds too vague, is there something more to that story? I can't see why someone shouldn't use a model out of respect. Either way, it is also possible to remodel the default female human head, like it was used in the Imperial Females models.
  3. He looks great! Really does seem like a character out of Mos Eisley's cantina.
  4. Do you create your own animations for the machinimas?
  5. What about editing the shape of those heads so they don't resemble gwen that much? It is, after all, a well done head model fully rigged.
  6. It's amazing how the so called 'civilized' world sounds like a police state. I remember the cuckolded politicians in my country saying that we should ban games like Mortal Kombat since they were satanic and also banned in countries like Australia.
  7. The version for Game Boy Advanced allowed you to play cooperative missions with a friend. It was a great game both for Game Boy and PS2
  8. I hope they can move back that thread. It was gold.
  9. Both of those trailers are like Michael Bay movies: flashy and with no substance. They only exist to sell a game that will never look in any shape similar to what they show. I dislike the aesthethic of them, aping the look of the OT and PT and trying to make them more 'space marine' like, with the needless armors, oversized shoulder armors, and overdoing the cool factor.
  10. Yes! Maybe make the side light blue too so it matches?
  11. I like Zeb, but I haven't seen a good rendition of him as a non-cartoon character. Almost all of phoenix squad has been translated in a decent manner to a real-life like style, but Zeb always ends up looking cartoonish. Pao would be an interesting addition to the game, not only for MBII, but for fun times in SP too. Fun fact: Pao says Zeb's catchphrase 'Karabast' in Rogue One.
  12. It might just be me, but his head looks a little bit too big. However, since it's the Star Wars universe could it be that he isn't human, but a humanoid like species with big heads (like the Duros)? A simple observation/suggestion that I could make regarding his design, is that if you see some of the most iconic Star Wars bounty hunters, like Boba Fett, Cad bane, Embo, IG-88, Dengar and others, is that: a) Sometimes they have something that makes them distinct, a personal banner-like symbol, (the mandalorian skull in Boba Fett, Embo has his own insignia in his armor, Cad Bane his hats), or b) Their equipment is dirty. The best bounty hunters are the ones with most experience, and it shows in their worn equipment. Their armor has scratches, their clothes have dirt, sometimes they carry memorablia from previous jobs (boba fett's wookiee braids, for example). Try to give your character some visual cues that help us imagine what his backstory is. I really like the idea of a sniper that stalks you. I was recently playing the Nina series and I got killed so many times by snipers I didn't see, it was quite amusing.
  13. Dooku's neck needs to be similar to his face, otherwise it looks bad. However, the face is looking quite good, much more similar to the movie version than many other models I've seen around.
  14. Not going to read fan-fiction the size of Dostoyevsky's Crime & Punishment to see the supposed development a character got that couldn't in 4 games. At least Jyn went from nihilist to Jeanne D'arc-like idealist in less than 2 hours.
  15. What development did Jan have? She was the pilot and then just bait to lure Kyle into different traps (happens both in DFII and JO).
  16. Considering the amount of people that stole the death star plans in Legends continuity, Kyle and Jan didn't do anything special at all. It was like a rite of passage in the rebellion to steal the death star plans at least once in your life.
  17. Totally agree. Kotor II is one of the best Star Wars games because it actually offers something new in terms of a story.
  18. I think most Star Wars games are good games in some way, but some of them are terrible as Star Wars material and I'm so happy they are no longer canon since they don't live up to the quality of the movies. Some of the biggest offenders are those in which the main character is a super cool dude with incredible powers that 'can totally beat up the emperor and darth vader in a duel', like Starkiller. Sam Witwer is amazing, but I really dislike The Force Unleashed and all it's stupidity. Same thing with KOTOR I and TOR, games in which every character is trying to out do the characters from the OT. Characters like Revan are revered by many fans, but they fail to realize that he's just a self-insert, he's what the player wants him to be, and most of the time that implies he's almost godlike. Shadows of the Empire is also responsible of this, with Dash Rendar being a Han Solo like character, but 'even cooler', for the 90s standard (which was pretty bad). I also dislike how Dark Forces made the storyline of how the rebels got the death star plans a silly tutorial. I liked Kyle Katarn when I was 12, but I started to realize he was a 'What if Han Solo was a Jedi' kind of character, and with each game he got more powerful in a way that, again, tried to make the OT characters look like chumps. The whole 'I'm so cool I can handle both the dark side and the light side without issues' idea is dumb and seems to go against everything the movies preached. Same can be applied to things like The Valley of The Jedi. I did like some games storylines though, like Bounty Hunter and Republic Commando, mainly because instead of trying to make something big -like a galaxy wide conflict that only the main character can solve-, they focused on simple stories that revolved around little conflicts in a gigantic galaxy.
  19. I love playing as the empire in this game, or as the republic and get all the jedi skills so I can hide around and annoy people by converting their units.
  20. Have you managed to kill all the rebels? I still don't know if the map is too hard or too easy. Sometimes stormtroopers tend to die a lot. I'm wondering if I should increase the amount of allies that are allowed to die or just completly removed that parameter. It just wouldn't make sense to me that the facility could be considered defended if all the troops are dead with your exception. There's a luck factor that influence your gameplay. Sometimes the rebels will be really strong, sometimes they will be really weak, and sometimes you'll find some middle ground. If you see at the rebel troops faces, you'll see they are not always the default one, and they change from time to time. Sometimes they'll be equipped with E-11 blasters and sometimes with Demp2, sometimes they'll use alt-fire and sometimes they wont. It's all a matter of luck. The AT-STs don't work at the same time. There's one that's deployed first and once that one is destroyed, the second one takes its place. If no AT-ST is destroyed, the second one will protect the main entrance once rebel troops start arriving from the sky. Glad you like the map, I hope I can upgrade it and upload it soon. The lamp idea you're talking about would be like the ones seen in Hoth or something different?
  21. I have no idea about the legal requirements, but a lot of people are porting models from other SW games unto Jedi Academy, the only thing that seems to be different is that they're uploading said models unto dropbox and not the hub.
  22. I played that game like a mad man when I was 6 years old. Didn't really have an issue with the controls, but I used a good joystick on my computer.
  23. If you have never done any modding before or working with a modelling software, try starting with the simplest of things, like a table or chair, rather than modelling a complete droid.
  24. Interesting. I didn't want to create new .npc files because when you have too many of them they tend to overwrite base ones, so I created a script that changed the teams of the default NPCs. I have seen this fail in another map I created before and I still don't know the reason why, perhaps I'll have to just create the new .npc file that makes a default friendly imperial trooper.
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