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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. There might be some other script that tells Rosh to have a WP_BLASTER_PISTOL, try looking for it, or change his weapon to WP_MELEE
  2. Edit the following file yavin1\player_setup.ibi to be like this: affect ( "player", FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_FORCE_ABSORB_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_DRAIN_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_GRIP_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_LIGHTNING_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_MINDTRICK_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_PROTECT_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_PROTECT_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_RAGE_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_SIGHT_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_SPEED_LEVEL", "0" ); set ( "SET_SABER_DEFENSE", "1" ); set ( "SET_SABER_OFFENSE", "1" ); set ( "SET_SABER_THROW", "0" ); set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_BLASTER_PISTOL" ); } That'll allow Jaden to have no saber throw and a blaster pistol. Edit yavin1\roshspawn.ibi to be like this: set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_NONE" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "true" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREALERTS", "true" ); set ( "SET_NO_IMPACT_DAMAGE", "true" ); set ( "SET_VIEWTARGET", "player" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL", "1" ); set ( "SET_NOTARGET", "true" );
  3. Interesting map, liked how it felt like Jedi Outcast, though you get a lot of missing textures if you don't have the imperial textures from that game.
  4. The thing I like about the new canon is that vader isn't a chump that can get beaten by a bunch of padawans anymore. I hope we get something similar to the Vader Down comic.
  5. But nothing changes the fact that the Jedi Knight games do exist, and so does the EU. The only difference now is related to continuity, not the quality or quantity of the stories told.
  6. I was checking your model and noticed that the default one has no caps, but the robed and hooded got both 2 caps in the same place, instead of just one. Maybe it's related to this pieces: r_arm_robecap,models/players/stormtrooper/caps.tgal_arm_robecap,models/players/stormtrooper/caps.tga and l_shoulder_robecap,models/players/stormtrooper/caps.tgar_shoulder_robecap,models/players/stormtrooper/caps.tga Can you see the textures in other dismembered models?
  7. The other way around is much better, all of the EU are myths untill they are not (see Thrawn, for example).
  8. That's exactly what I've been looking for, thanks a lot!
  9. You should judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
  10. I heavily disagree with what you said. Even though what you're saying is what many people find 'politically correct', I find it incredibly racist since you imply that minorities and women can't feel connected to the main character just because of their skin color. I've said many times that I'm hispanic and from a third world country, and all my life I've seen people from many different skin colors that have wanted to be superman, spider-man, luke skywalker and even anakin, none of them have ever cared about their skin color. Even more, when people dress up at halloween or other events, I've seen thousands of little kids dressed as spider-man, noone cares that they aren't white, only white liberals seem to make a big deal about that. We don't need token black, hispanic or women character, people only care if their struggles and motivations are good enough to feel connected to them. I'm really looking forward to Rogue One, much more than The Force Awakens, since at least I haven't read about the director complaining that the original movies were 'too white', or that their movie is good just for the fact that most rebels are minorities.
  11. How do you know so many details about her performance and writing, is the movie out already?
  12. A small bug happens when someone invites you to play pazaak and then disconnects, you can't close the window untill you yourself disconnect. This mod is great, I like how sprinting nullifies the need to constantly jump around.
  13. These matches were a lot of fun, specially the arms race to get the rocket launcher.
  14. Good to hear that it works in JK Enhanced! One of the things I did to add more variety to each different attempt at defending the facility was to add a script that would make some of the rebel troops different each time they spawned. Not only do they spawn with different faces (I thought it was odd that all rebels looked the same), they also spawn with different stats and weapons. That means that some of them will use alt-fire, some of them will have better aim and shields, and some of them will spawn with a DEMP 2, which allows them to kill the AT-STs with ease. That also adds a factor of luck in each game, sometimes the rebels will be equiped poorly, and sometimes they will be almost impossible to beat. I don't know why it happens, but I think that there might be something code-related that makes NPCs prefer to shoot at the player, rather than other NPCs, I think it might be since the player is a bigger threat. Though, I will use some scripts to make some of the NPCs target specific enemies, that'd make things smoother. I'll see if I can improve the mountains without affecting too much the fps.
  15. I was inspired by Star Wars Commander to do a sort of 'defend against the horde' kind of map. My idea is that you're an imperial stomrtrooper doing guard duty outside a poorly protected mining facility, which is an ideal target for rebel forces. Since it's kind of hard to take screenshots, I thought I could perhaps share with you what I've done so far. To download the map, follow this dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewh250uz0ztxxhb/ImperialMiningFacility.pk3?dl=0 It's a singleplayer map, if you want to check it (ideally on OpenJK, since I don't know if it works in jasp), place it on your base folder and ingame just type on the console 'map imf'. Some of the NPCs were done with models taken from other mods: Credits to the following modders: Vade Parvis, for his Imperial Army Troopers Pack. HapSlash for his Gweth model (which I recolored and added some stuff to). Oldenburg for his Female Imperial Officer's head. Jeff, cause' I used parts of his Juno Eclipse and Rebel Marksman models. Also, I recommend to check this map with minilogoguy18's High Resolution AT-ST, and any Stormtrooper replacer, since they looks better than the base ones. This is my first try at skinning and doing this kind of map, so any advice will be helpful. You can also help me by telling me if there's any bug, if you have a cool idea I could implement in my map, or if you've a nice model you'd like to see me use as an enemy (or allied) NPC. I've seen some really cool rebel aliens, but I don't want to bastardize many things without proper permission from the authors. Some pics of the modified models: Rebel Saboteur Imperial Officer Rebel captain.
  16. My favorite games in the world are Jedi Outcast and Mount and Blade, neither have good graphics. What would we win by doing the game again in a new engine, if we can keep working on the old one?
  17. Is there anything in the code related to Galak Fyarr's shield from Jedi Outcast? That shield was similar to the assassin's droid and it could be damaged.
  18. I'll try to be avaiable during the weekends!
  19. I'm looking for some input since I want to make my singleplayer game a little bit prettier. What are some good mods that replace the default stance for gunners? So far I've only found mods that replace the lightsaber stances and I don't really mind those. Do you guys have any recommendations?
  20. Oh man! I had been looking for this map for ages!
  21. I'd like to have it. We will finally be able to play as Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru's skeletons.
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