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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. It also has some blood splattered on it's sides. Don't even know how blood could've reach that place.
  2. Thanks! That's some solid advice and I think it'll help me improve my map a lot. The sound was odd at some places because I haven't finished some rooms yet, those silent fans won't be so silent soon enough .
  3. Directly inspired by it as a matter of fact!
  4. Instead of posting screenshots, I'm going to post a video to show what I'm currently working on. I plan to make this the first of a series of singleplayer missions.
  5. Maybe they'll digitally change them in post production.
  6. It does replace the original one, but it uses a different mesh and it also comes with more NPCs with different names, so maybe it's not related to a code issue, but something else like minilogoguy18 says.
  7. I love the amount of non-jedi models you've done, don't know how you get to make them so similar to their sources just using kitbashing, but it's amazing. Dengar looks great. I think the Clone Wars has a lot of cool soldier-like characters like Saw Gerrera or Rako Hardeen that would look nice on JA.
  8. I know that feeling too well I guess only a coder can fix that, or make a custom class for AT-ST like enemies, without having to be an AT-ST.
  9. Maybe the answer to your question is on the misc_atst_drivable entity's code?
  10. I was a member of The Void back in the day, but I don't really remember much of it, or whatever happened to Hapslash. I do remember that his brother passed away a couple years ago.
  11. They just killed 3 inquisitors though. I don't think the people at lucasfilms are afraid to show death, they just need to make sure it happens in an organic way.
  12. Is there anyplace where I can download the 32 bit version of Softimage? Autodesk seems to only have the newest versions.
  13. It is! I've been thinking a lot about how to make fun and difficult boss fights for my own SP missions. Soon I'll start posting screenshots of my first map.
  14. Thanks, I managed to record a video in which I test the turrets. https://youtu.be/hoz5vbCiyyk The turret used for Jedi Outcast does have issues with aiming, but that isn't a problem when you use the misc_turret entity. There's a problem that pops up when a player-controlled turret destroys the enemy turret though. But my main issue comes from the fact that the player-controlled turret stops moving after I begin to use it, as the video shows. I wonder if there's a way to fix that problem.
  15. Darksiders are like that emo kid in every classroom that used to sit in the corner and wear eyeliner.
  16. This seems way better than Blender. I'll start to learn how to use it!
  17. SP. What's the q3map2_targetname trick? I'd have to do some more tests to check that out. Does anybody know what's the best software for recording gameplay? I could record my experiments so i can show you guys better what I'm trying to achieve.
  18. I managed to make it work, it wasn't as complicated as I thought! I created a turret and placed 3 ref_tag entities around it. Then I copied part of the script that was on ns_hideout, so it ended up looking like this. use ( "turret" ); affect ( "turret1", FLUSH ) { task ( "go1" ) { move ( $tag( "rail1", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 ); } task ( "go2" ) { move ( $tag( "rail2", ORIGIN)$, 1000.000 ); } task ( "go3" ) { move ( $tag( "rail3", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 ); } loop ( -1.000 ) { if ( $random( 0, 1 ) > 0.500$ ) { do ( "go1" ); wait ( "go1" ); } do ( "go2" ); wait ( "go2" ); if ( $random( 0, 1 ) > 0.500$ ) { do ( "go3" ); wait ( "go3" ); } } } The script activates the turret and makes it move randomly through the different ref_tag entities. However, I also tried to make a misc_panel_turret entity that moved through the map. It did work as intended untill I tried to control it, when I did, it went back to its initial position and didn't move any further.
  19. I'm working on new ways to make fun boss battles and I've realized that I don't know if it's possible to move an enemy turret around the map, like you would move a func_train entity. Does anybody know if it's possible?
  20. Like the Hazard Trooper model or the Saber_droid, General Grievous needs to have his own skeleton. Sadly, I do not know how to do this. If there's someone with Blender knowledge, maybe he can help you. Best of luck!
  21. I recommend you to do that fight again and notice that! It's a pretty simple script that goes like this for both cultists: affect ( "dasariah_kothos", INSERT ) { if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_HEALTH" ) > 0.000$ ) { sound ( CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/kothos/19dak007.mp3" ); } } and affect ( "vil_kothos", INSERT ) { if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_HEALTH" ) > 0.000$ ) { sound ( CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/kothos/19vik005.mp3" ); } } That's a nice way to make your NPCs react to their friends death.
  22. Quite the contrary. Jedi are taught to let go of their feelings and accept death as a natural part of life. It's the sith the ones who cling to life and have trouble accepting their mortality. Like in The Clone Wars, Luminara didn't gave a damn when it seemed that her padawan was going to die, she was like 'well, when you gotta go, you gotta go', but when Maul lost his brother, he became unfocused and quickly lost against Sidious. Even in the games something similar happens. When you kill Jedi, they don't give a shit about their companions, but when you kill one of the guys guarding Rosh in the first boss fight in Vjun, the other one will scream 'No!' and start to attack more often.
  23. Your flag is much better than TOR's. Yours has an original logo.
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