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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. They could be using some sort of filter that alters their voice so non-imperial soldiers can't understand what they're saying.
  2. His twin brother looked incredible too.
  3. Those are very interesting videos, nice! The production of that soundtrack is odd, Williams didn't work with The London Symphony Orchesta, and he didn't work with the final reel of the film, so most of his work was butchered by Abrams when he re-edited the film. I think it lacks the strenght that previous works by Williams have.
  4. She was trained by the Space Islamic State since she was a child. She's not even that much of a fighter (does she even shoot a blaster after they leave Jedha?). It's not like Jan Ors and Kyle Katarn had much of a backstory either that's not explained in books. In real life the Islamic State trains children for warfare. It's not far fetched to think she was a competent terrorist at 17 years old. And he says she was abandoned because she was the daughter of an imperial scientist and it'd be hard to cover that up. I guess hunting and growing up provide better training than actually being part of a rebel militia. She's space Jean D'arc, rallying the rebellion behind a big common cause. If you didn't care about her, that's fine, but it seems you are just trying to simplify the movie by ignoring things that were explained in it. Here's my criticism of the movie: I think there should've been more interactions between Jyn and the crew, so they could fesh out their characters more. The movie tells you that Cassian has been working for the rebellion since he was 6 and that Jyn was raised as a child soldier, yet almost nothing comes out from it. In my opinion, the ship shouldn't just be a tool to travel from point A to point B, but the place where characters get to know each other. Like in ANH, when Han Solo tells Luke that he thinks the force is BS. That interaction is important because it makes Han's come back at the end a form of character growth (smuggler that believes in nothing begins to care about something bigger than him). I also didn't like the fact that the droid only communicated in the form of sassy quips. I get comedical relief, but even C-3PO had serious dialogue. And what's with Disney and the total incapacity of producing a decent OST? They've all those wonderful composers that make catchy songs for their animated films, but there isn't a single memorable track from their live action stuff. From Marvel to Star Wars, all the music they compose is dull and designed for background noise only. Can anyone humm the music that sounds when Jyn sees ? or when they finally ? It's a pity that Disney can't produce good music. I miss tracks that were as memorable as when Order 66 is activated, when Luke stares at the sunset, or when they're finally blowing up Death Star I.
  5. They're NPCs, not bots, since I'm modding for Single Player. Everything is being done with the help of scripts, map entities and creating my own menus. I've started learning how to code to add small things, like weapons and items, but my objective is to learn how to implement a currency system that will allow the player to buy gear. I'm very interested in making bounty hunting a viable option.
  6. Noodle

    Mace Windu

    Finally a model that actually looks like Samuel Jackson!
  7. You're right. I think it might be related to the fact that those tables and stools are a misc_model_static entity, when I use a normal misc_model they seem to cast a shadow. Would the ambient light value on the worldspawn affect this? I'm always learning new things with GTKRadiant. I think I'll add a command like 'Hurry up!' to make them increase their speed. Though, I don't think every NPC should have the same speed (it'd be odd for an ithorian to be as fast as a Twi'lek). Your other idea is good, reminds me to Mount and Blade and the 'Hold this position' order, but I think that'd require coding, which I'm not too experienced with (but I've been able to do some small stuff with), and it'd make this project incompatible with JK:Enhanced and other mods.
  8. Does anybody remember this thread https://jkhub.org/topic/6294-stun-baton-thoughts/page-1 ? I do! I've always enjoyed when there are alternatives to killing, so I'm trying to implement a little feature that will allow things to be done in more than one way. In the video you can see 3 different ways to deal with the thug, you can kill him, knock him out and wait for him to get back on his feet (which will allow him to return to his default stage after a couple seconds), and you can knock and 'cuff' him so he won't be a problem anymore. Thank you, Galaxies inspired me to get into modding.
  9. Finally saw Rogue One, really liked it! Can't wait to see the Rebels tie-ins.

  10. It is! I've only tested it with Open JK since it's so much better than base JA.
  11. One of the ideas I've got for my project is to make recruitable followers for the player. They'll be found in different places and will have different attributes, which will add some variety to each gameplay. The following video shows some of the ways in which you can boss around your follower. I'm open to new ideas!
  12. Thanks! I spent the whole morning thinking how a criminal hideout would look like and the whole afternoon creating textures for posters, graffiti and pin-up magazines (pic related).
  13. I decided to start a new thread to show the things I've been working on. Criticism is always welcome. Right now I'm working on many small things for my big project: An Action-RPG like mod that allows your character to explore and progress on an urban setting. Have you ever played Skyrim? In that game you can explore around the world and enter inside Bandit's Hideouts, where you can get some items, do quests and kill the Bandit Chief, this small map I've created is basically the same, a small Bandit Layer populated by a Kel'dor gang, with it's own leader. Also, at the begining of the video, I show a bit of my follower system and some interactive things I've personally never seen in JA maps. I've created characters that you can recruit and order to do some basic tasks. I might upload this map soon, so people can play test it, if there's interest. I'll also create some more videos to show some of the features I've worked on.
  14. I don't remember TFA being so well recieved around here, that's making me really hyped to see the movie.
  15. All these comments about Rogue One are killing me, can't wait untill next week to see it.

    1. Daedra


      It's a truly incredible movie. After watching in 3D, IMAX and 2D, I would recommend regular 2D. However it's your own decision.

    2. Noodle


      Sounds amazing! Would watch it in 3D, but I'm half blind lol.

  16. Wish I could hear about your skyrim projects in these forums, since it's such a fun moddable game.
  17. He hasn't successfully trained a padawan yet, and with the teaching of the Bendu, I think he might turn into something different from a Jedi, perhaps more grey. Luminara Unduli survived order 66, but she was excecuted by the Grand Inquisitor later. In Star Wars Uprising (mobile game) there were some recordings of jedi that survived Order 66 but were later executed by the inquisitors.
  18. The exact quote isn't "last jedi", it's "When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be", and then he tells luke to pass on what he has learnt. The way that statement is being interpreted, I think, is that -just like with the word samurai-, Jedi is used in a plural sense. I've always understood it as yoda telling him that when he dies, there will be noone else left to teach the jedi philosophy, which is true, since neither Ezra nor Kanan qualify as Jedi masters.
  19. Those AT-AT look great and I'm sure they'd look neat as a prop in some map.
  20. More people need to check the tutorial section, it's really easy to learn to do a lot of things thanks to it and it seems not many people read the content there. Thanks to the decompiling tutorials I'm finally being able to create my own pet droid in SP.
  21. I just created the script on my own and it seems to work. Test it on your computer and tell me if you keep having the issue. https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0ci02cdtn4ug36/zscriptest.pk3?dl=0
  22. How do you work so fast!? I tried to do my own Star Destroyed like the one from the siege_destroyer map and gave up after a week. Looks great!
  23. Did you create that map? Looked like a fun experience. That intro could be shorter, and you could cut the loading screen too.
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