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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. Well since you did a fantastic job reskinning that grind stone that @Boothand so kindly created (thanks again) I think it would be a good idea to use more textures created by you, in this map. I definetly like what I see so far. Everyones participation will ofcourse be noted once the project is finished and you've both made my life a lot easier. Thank you.
  2. Impressive. Most impressive.
  3. Well I took some good screencaptures and decided to create some interior aswel, to the building on the right that has snowy roof, I will make the dining area. The whole map is starting to take shape. I've been looking at Game of Thrones episodes, and images found on Google to learn about the Castel Black, this wont be perfect but I'm trying my best. Just imagine amazing textures and few models to add detail. This artistic view is what I'm aiming at - night time map with snowfall and torches.
  4. It will be a duel map, featuring only the courtyard. Whether you get to run on the rooftops or not, depends on how well I can blend the skybox with the map. This is very important to me. Even old PS2 games make you belive you are on snowy mountains because the map+skybox blend together almost perfectly. After this, I will probably make a new duel map, located on top of *the wall* @AshuraDX thank you for helping out. That model looks awesome, perfect. I've already started doing map textures on my own though. If you are bored and really want to help me out, would you like to do a similar reskin for Medieval Map Objects pack made by Inyri? Im using his arrow shootingtarget and target dummy and the cart. http://jkhub.org/files/file/50-medieval-map-objects/
  5. Great model @Boothand, that would look awesome in this map. That would be great @AshuraDX, Castel Black, as you know, is a cold place.
  6. I bet if there will be something new to lightsaber duels, its going to be the use of force powers. We've only seen Vader throwing stuff at Luke, Dooku trying to crush Obi and Ani, Yoda vs Palpatine tearing down the senate. I think it would make the audience ROAR if they saw something like TFU on the big screen. I know I would scream like a girl.
  7. z3filus

    Alienpods Skin Pack

    The spandex skin
  8. Agreed. So the new Stormtrooper in episode 7 could resemble, this image I found on google, Ralph McQuarrie’s original Stormtrooper concept art for Star Wars: New Hope ( 1st film ) This is just one of many concept art images, but this could be the legit new trooper outfit. I'm just concerned about tha sword in his hand, was it part of the plan originally to have some sort of plasma-sword wielding Stormtroopers as part of the imperial army? Anyone? ..and could we see more characters, robots, villains (etc.) designed by this, Ralph McQuarrie dude? I dont know any, my best friend Google didn't much help me out, perhaps a new protocol droid?
  9. Watching now. @Boothand nice work, maybe the stone could be more thicker? I don't know. Do it as u like, this is fantastic. Just dont be looking at those horse images.... it's disturbing...
  10. EDIT I though about using the Medieval Map Objects pack made by @Inyri. To add more detail in the map, would you be ok with it Inyri? I would reskin them to match the rest of the map, and if anyone is willing: I need a grinding stone or atleast that would look nice in this map. Im in no rush with this map, could try to make it on my own but im such a noob with 3dmax.
  11. I am still working on this project @Asgarath83.
  12. that model is so beautiful I will cry myself to sleep tonight, it's a replacement , right? Wat next? a nice Swoooooop or millenium falcon? Xwing?
  13. I just wish we knew how the rest of the trooper armor looks like,
  14. Darth Maul, as seen in The Phantom Menace - most impressive.
  15. yeah too late now @DT85, @NumberWan stole your thunder.
  16. Bandicam you can have high quality videosalmost no FPS drops ingamefree positioning and scaling of the record window: so you can have you game in windowed mode and only record that area on your screen so you can for example browse the internet at the same time as you play and it wont be recorded. I use Windows 7 http://youtu.be/27pF4_9pJnM?list=UUzotjXDmqP5U34enRVS7tIw
  17. No. I dont see any hints around. We players, JK fans started calling it JK3. Stupidly there's even a website Jk3files.com. The game is called Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. - same as GTA San Andreas is not GTA4. That came much later.
  18. Ah yes.. the chasing skillz - in my honest opinion, learning how to poke or how to wiggle is not as cool as learning how to keep up with someone. Not only in CTF but even in FFA duelling: reading the opponent is most awesome in JKO & JKA - never found anything like it in other games. Jedi Academy is a good game for the fact that you may learn anything as soon as you enter MP, but experience always whoops ass.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws6HPTom2AY
  20. I may be wrong but there should be a command to disable/hide that line of text. or just move it to the lower corner of the screen. No.. im certain: I have the chat located up there and that kilfeed isn't showing on the background. So I think it's safe to say that there's nothing wrong with the HUD, you just have to make some adjustments in your config file.
  21. You can also make a good reskin of this reborn_new? model. I found this in Jk3files, but the page seems to be lost. (file deleted?) Shame. I would definetly replace the original to this in SinglePlayer, looks badass. Almost TFU like ?
  22. Hard to read red text against that background.
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