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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. If you're thinking 'bout making a mod; then you could perhaps merge the jetpack model to a player_models (chiss e.g.) and just give them team skins, and just write the jetpack model *off so that ingame you would always have the jetpack visually, but you can scroll your inventory for it in order to use it, without seeing 2 jetpacks on your model. having the jetpack always on, without having to scroll down the inventory would also be nice, especially for mandalorian based clans in this game.
  2. I also stumbled upon a rumour that the villain is going to bridge the whole franchise together. With no “official information” we can only guess, this would be a logical assumption; if this trilogy truly ends the sotry, the villain should be someone who binds the Star Wars universe together. Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? What if this wasn't just a throw-away dialogue written by George Lucas to motivate the plot BUT the key to the entire Star Wars mythos? Source : http://www.starwars7news.com/2014/05/speculation-case-for-darth-plagueis-in.html
  4. You live in a cockpit?? two 27" monitors sounds awesome
  5. @@NumberWan The Prophecy of the chosen one, who will bring balance to the force; From the fall of the great Republic, to the destruction of the Jedi Order, to the rise of a new Galactic Empire and 2 sith lords- The Empire was ruthless and so the Rebels formed and alliance to restore the Republic and bring down the Empire and its ruler. I think it may be exactly this simple: We never got to see the actual new Republic formed. Han Solo probably went... solo, but did Leia Organa join the new senate? if so then there must be some bad apples there too - and what happened to Luke? It's almost impossible to know all the details and plot twists, but basically I think this will be a story about the rise of the New Republic.
  6. @@ZeroRaven I like your idea, but what gives the map its name ; FFA Blood Bath? at first I imagined the pool of blood from Blade 2 (starring Wesley Snipes) that would actually fit the industrial look.
  7. I had no idea what you were talking about " A Darth Maul game" ??? GOOGLE. + YOUTUBE = that game looks awesome!! Too bad we wont be seeing this this game finished, Darth Maul definetly needs his own game, heads flying & arms falling. I really like how he the model looks and the "Im gona whup your ass" walking animation Infact: while waiting for the Savage Opress model, Im going to try to create this maul as a skin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxlOoS4NmIA
  8. @ I had no idea you already requested a Savage Opress model. I also feel like it should be an actual model rather than a re-skin of Maul. Im not sure if he actually is as giant as he looks, he may be somewhere between the height of Qui-Gon and Chewbacca or other wookie's. 1.He is taller than Darth Maul _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Darth Maul is almost equally shorter compared to Qui-Gon and Opress, if you look at the Duel of the Fates- scene EP1 Glad to know someone is willing to model it. Let's give him all the time he needs since he has atleast 1 other project to work on.
  9. @DT85 = you made a great Darth Maul model, why not also make a Savage Opress model? Infact the only reason I'm asking this is because I downloaded you DM model and watched some CloneWars episodes. Nontheless I would be happy to see someone finally create this awesome zabrak berserker. I also found something that looks like a free-to-download-and-use model here http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/savage-opress-39959.html Could that be brought to Jedi Academy?
  10. doesn't your keyboard have a screencapture button? - saves the screen as image to a temp memory and then you open e.g. paint and do paste (ctrl + v) that's a high quality capture also e.g. 1920x1080, just paste it to paint and hit save. then use a program on postimage.org to resize it. FRAPS is also good
  11. man oh man im looking foreward to seeing this in theater!! I'm starting to get the feeling that this badguy in the hood, may be a clone wars veteran, or otherwise battle wounded, looks like half-machine-half-humanoid who hasn't got the latest gear on, who definetly looks like a creepy grudge holder. So far I haven't linked this character to any already existing character in the Star Wars universe, do we even know for sure he is a sith?? Following the story 30 years after the destruction of Death Star, and the death of Darth Sidious & Darth Vader = there should be no sith. What is our badguy trying to achieve? a personal vendetta?to divide and conquer?Maybe he.. is a she ? An Imperial woman Officer who was on the Deathstar as it blew up?
  12. @Circa named this; Star Wars Episode VII Discussion so Im not gonna argue, I hid the images for those who are here only to discuss the upcoming movies. I just thought this topic has had so many images and other spoilers about the upcoming film, that a couple new ones shouldn't bother anyone at this point.
  13. I also have here a shadowtrooper with Kyle's head, and it could be easier to work on that since the model is a lot slimmer, and the fact that the torso/legs.tga are the same with most of the models in JA, makes it easier to create something that resembles CW armors
  14. I have this file by Darth Shiftee ds_troopers.pk3 : it includes Kyle & Luke in storm-,shadow-, snow- and swamptrooper armor. And I immediately visioned Kyle having only the armor parts over his clothes. I like the idea Shiftee had; Kyle's head on a Stormtrooper model, but I thought about going even further with this idea, so I started to work on a skin that looks as if Kyle is wearing the armor over his regular clothes. Any feedback is welcome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's contact info in readme, so I will be asking Shiftee for his permission to publish the finished project here.
  15. SPOILER ** SPOILER ** SPOILER ** SPOILER Official concept art images of StarWars Episode 7 Source: http://www.starwarsunderworld.com/2014/10/massive-amount-of-episode-vii-concept.html Thank you @NumberWan
  16. The model I suggested could have been ok to work on if it wasn't so bulky/ muscular, and the head was kinda weird, you're right about that too. If the head from the Kit_Fisto(1.0) http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/;6028 could be frankensteined onto a jedi_rm model like this for example; But that requieres a modeller like you originally asked for. Finding the right model for skinning this seems to be impossible.
  17. A recent image shows what could be a village for Tusken raiders - in that case it may be possible that Episode 7 will be revisiting Anakin’s painful past, or something Luke experienced as a child. Then again this may not be a Tusken village but some other location on Tatooine. What do you think? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Former James Bond actor, Roger Moore, was seen visiting Episode VII's movie set. Moore confirmed this in an interview with BBC Radio. When asked by the host which scene was being filmed during his visit, Moore answered: "They were filming something with a lot of mountains and snow," So it's possible to see some of the characters also visit the planet of Hoth in Star Wars 7. For what reason? In Episode 5 the Rebels had to flee and abandon their new base at Hoth, when the imperials assaulted with the AT-AT walkers. After the destruction of the DeathStar, the rebels should have no reason to go back to Hoth as it was a hiding place to begin with.
  18. I know it was always there@CzarHellios
  19. Looks great, but I still can't figure how that x-wing got there...
  20. So you're not talking about those prisoners, then. Just rebel prisoners in general. There aren't any that I know of :/
  21. Not that I would have the time to start a new project, but now that you mention it @IrocJeff, it is kinda disturbing that your mission is to save prisoners on Nar Kreeta (t2_rancor) more specificly elders, but the characters we see look like runaways from Star Trek.
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