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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. Lucasfilm Ltd. and Marvel Entertainment revealed plans for three comic book titles due to hit shelves in 2015 that will " take place immediately after the events of Star Wars: A New Hope, " and " will exist as part of the canon for the Star Wars universe ."
  2. Looks a lot like Battlefront 2 bespin map - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqAOxDXDewY Whether you were inspired by it or not, I like this map, and especially that skybox, it's great.
  3. You may be right about that, because now StarWars has the Disney-label on it, so there's twice the preassure from the media and millions of fans worldwide. I expect the first teaser trailer for Episode VII to be much like the teaser for Episode III. - that one also showed little of the upcoming film but got me goosebumps. " Lord Vader ? Yes, Master. Rise.." peed in my panties https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlBZGpQHZ90
  4. Hi, my name is Star Wars and I'm an American space opera franchise created by George Lucas. My films, consisting of two trilogies, that spawned an extensive media franchise called the Expanded Universe including books, television series, computer and video games. My story contains many themes, with strong influences from philosophy and religion. My journey started on May 25, 1977, under the title Star Wars. I became a worldwide phenomenon, followed by two sequels, released at three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy's final film, I released a new prequel trilogy of films. In 2012, The Walt Disney Company bought me for $4.05 billion and announced that they would produce three new films. My next film, Star Wars Episode VII, will be directed by J.J Abrams and is planned for release in 2015. I can't wait to meet you all !!
  5. So much to do, so little interest :(

    1. Bek
    2. Onysfx


      Same for me. I don't know why...

  6. http://jkhub.org/files/file/504-clone-wars-cartoon-player-models-pack/ There's a Cartoon- ish Dooku model included in that models pack above^ ...It may not be what you are lookin' for but it's close. Now, here's the model without the cape. Those shoulderpads can be painted on the skin, and with a specular shader it could work. If you're going to work on this one, remember to contact the authors of the models pack @Psyk0Sith, Monsoontide (and Omeewan) Hope this helped you.
  7. Star Wars: Episode VII Trailer Music to be Recorded Next Month by John Williams? First Teaser This Xmas ? During his concert in Milwaukee few weeks ago, John Williams revealed that “in about two weeks” he'll start working on the Episode VII score. This suggests that Williams will actually be working on the first Episode VII teaser trailer next month… so we may expect a teaser this Christmas. [media][/media]
  8. the photoShopping is great - as always - but this is like watching kids play at sandbox, the dialogue is awful
  9. @NumberWan, try a google image search of Skellig Islands, one of the locations, that place is just amazing. fresh aerial photographs below Did that look familiar? Let me fresh you memory all - concept art images;
  10. OH MY GAWD !! what the fuck..... He totally looks like Sean Connery , shorry I meant to shay, Shean, shaken not shtirred,
  11. Please keep them thrones as they are in the image, don't go place them in a circle because it's a jedicouncil thing and we're talking about Korriban. Korriban is the Egypt of StarWars and infact if you google ancient egypt, you may find some interesting designs to fit in a Korriban map. A grand hall with pillars as high as the sky, and the ruler (s) sitting at the far end of the hall is majestic, keep it like so. That's my opinion.
  12. feedback is very imporant during any long term project and handing out some specific features of the mod, such as "animations" and "f_lightning" effects, is a great way to get feedback, I'd love to test whatever you've managed to accomplish so far. However.. ..would you record some of your work, using e.g. fraps and upload it somewhere, and then embed to your first comment?
  13. It would be nice to see George Lucas in Episode 7 as a rebel.. or a bartender whyt not? Stan Lee did this in some of the Marvel movies/cartoons/games @@NumberWan Guerrilla Warfare
  14. @@NumberWan I totally agree with you; with so much concept art revealed, it's hard to say what planets exactly we'll be seeing in the Film. If the Puzzlewood location isn't a new planet, could it be Kashyyk? Endor was originally shot at the Redwood National and State Parks, so why not this time? Dagobah is also a planet that could most likely be shot indoors with green screen, but ofcourse it would be nice to see as little green as possible. *fingers crossed* I know I said this before, however...
  15. And some new images, or well... maybe not the latest, but not yet shown here atleast; " Puzzlewood "
  16. Thats why I keep thinking that there must be something sinister about his character. He is either very old, or ... maybe he is Darth Plagueis Ofcourse he can really be just an old wise guy who will lead them young ones to their own adventures, the kind of adventures that made Han Solo famous. I've always liked his dramatic low voice, it's very iconic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H07DuZQ-rLQ
  17. Welcome welcome, and I mean no offense -but - have you got any idea how many clans there have been in Jedi Academy ? I think there are many "old timers" here though, maybe someone actually remembers you. Good Luck and have fun -
  18. If the movies indeed include a new generation of Skywalkers then its kinda given to see some father-son relation. The prophecy was already fulfilled in my opinion. So many rumours flying around the internet that I find it hard to make any serious conclusions yet, especially as I find each rumour a very possible plot twist. Grandson of Anakin Did Darth Sidious create Anakin Skywalker?
  19. @@NumberWan A lot of what you said sounds logical and acceptable, Darth Plagueis is justa rumour, and one has to be able to draw a clear line between facts and rumours.
  20. Too much? George Lucas was involved in th early stages of writing James Luceno's novel "Darth Plagueis" which was released 2012. And then we have that image I posted , where you clearly see the resemblance between the concept art bad guy and the Darth Plagueis -toy figure. IMAGE We don't know where Anakin comes from, his mother never knew either. Palaptine told of a way to create life, using the Force to influence the midi-chlorians. Till now we've belived that Anakin is the center of the whole saga, what if Darth Plagueis created Anakin? that he's the man behind the curtain? He may not appear in episode 7 other than briefly, infact it would be logical to slowly reveal him so that in episode 9 we know exactly what has been going on ever since EP1. The story goes; Anakin was found, but no one knows his origins, he has a mom who can't exaplain either how she got pregnant, and who found Anakin? Qui-Gon did, and his master was ?.... Darth Tyrannus who also most likely spoke to Qui-Gon about this aincient prophecy about a chosen one. With Star Wars, such a massive, complex planning would not be surprising at all. And as we know, eventually Anakin ends up as a key character in destroying the Jedi Order and the Republic, thus creating an all new Galactic Empire without the Jedi. What do the sith want above all`? - to kill all the jedi. Now, why wouldn't Luke be interested in finding out more about his father and his path to the dark side? or about the fall of the Jedi? That would also be only logical that the trilogy would mainly focus on Luke Skywalker as he is struggles to figure out the meaning of the prophecy about the chosen one, bringing the balance to the Force and the origins of his father and who exactly were the Sith. Did Darth Sidious have a mentor? Also if Darth Plagueis would be the main villain for the new trilogy, it may not be played by Max von Sydow, but he would definetly fit the part. He's just such a great actor that JJ.Abrams would not hire him only for a small part, if he is a Clone Wars veteran then he has to be an important veteran. Spreading a rumor about him being a war veteran would also better hide the true part he was hired to play, especially if this rumour would be true....
  21. Looks nice so far, definetly keep that lighting (x2) - will you create any breakable parts in the map? and will it be an open area with natural light (skybox only) ?
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