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Status Updates posted by Cerez

  1. I speak my mind.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Merek


      so we've noticed ^_^

    3. Cerez


      Yep. I speak up for what I believe in. ;) There's no shame in that.

    4. Merek


      no, its good we have independence people around keep that dream alive! ^_^

  2. After living on a Mac for more than 12 years, I am leaving my Macbook today, and moving onto an (awesome) open software platform, where I have adequate control over my computer and working tools. Entice and manipulate as much as you want, I've outgrown you, Apple.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Archangel35757


      How are you running 3ds Max?

    3. Cerez


      @Ping Mac OS X's UI Design used to be fab, and the early releases of Mac OS X were an attractive OS with some great, unique features.


      @Ramikad :D *thumbs up* "Suffering" is the right word for it.


      @Archangel35757 I'm not. I've switched to Blender. But you can run it using WINE (2008 and 2009 seem to work reasonably well): https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=343 (Or you can dual-boot with Windows, and run it natively.)

    4. Cerez


      @Archangel35757 When I rigged Ahsoka using 3DS Max, I was using my Mac, and emulating a Windows XP environment with VirtualBox. When I moved to Debian, I just took the VirtualBox file with me, and now I can run the same environment on the Linux version of VirtualBox. I haven't lost anything in this regard. Running Windows (or any other OS) in an emulated environment is useful if you need a specific setup for a project. It keeps your main desktop/OS clean for your main workflow.

  3. What's on *your* mind?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bishop3000


      Trying to figure out how to add a droidbrain to a datapad!

    3. Kahzmat


      Currently, some kind of huge repsect for your (both of you ;) ) Ahsoka model which I just discover.

    4. Cerez


      Hahaha! I'm flattered, thanks. ^_^

  4. Landing at Point Rain is one of the most in-depth looks into the realistic personal experience of partaking in a Star Wars battle -- the extreme challenges of the Clone Wars Jedi -- and Luke's father at his best.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      The Clone Wars - Season 2 Episode 5 - Landing at Point Rain

    3. Kualan


      If Rogue One matches the hype, it may top that. Looks to be very 'real' and 'gritty' for its battle scenes.

    4. Ramikad


      It's a ginormous "if", in my opinion ^^

  5. Eh?! There's a quota on positive votes?! Who's playing a prank on me?!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      Eesh... I thought I shouldn't have hibernated like that... >.<' Lost my memory, too... XD

    3. Cerez


      Kazama's awesome pictures are to blame. I saw and liked too many of them. :)


      Now I'm not allowed to like anyone or anything anymore... :'(

    4. Cerez


      Fine, I hate you all!!! XD

  6. Big kudos to anyone who's ever rigged a character model to work properly in the game! I don't understand how the Raven team could put up with this process...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DT.


      I think they used a combination of XSI & 3ds Max, but XSI was their primary software.

    3. AshuraDX


      haha, that's only the first time - it gets easier once you've done it a couple of times - just call out for me in your WIP Thread if you are really stuck

    4. Vulcan
  7. "The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of other things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax-- Of cabbages--and kings--

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      "O Oysters, come and walk with us!"

      The Walrus did beseech.

      "A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk,

      Along the briny beach:

      We cannot do with more than four,

      To give a hand to each."

    3. Kessno


      "It seems a shame," the Walrus said,

      "To play them such a trick,

      After we've brought them out so far,

      And made them trot so quick!"

      The Carpenter said nothing but

      "The butter's spread too thick!"

    4. Cerez


      Four other Oysters followed them,

      And yet another four;

      And thick and fast they came at last,

      And more, and more, and more--

      All hopping through the frothy waves,

      And scrambling to the shore.

  8. I love it how Disney claims to want to bring their own, unique flavour of Star Wars, but then go ahead and base all their Star Wars films on previously released content and characters, rehashing it/them, and attempting to write no completely original stories whatsoever. >.<'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shenghai


      You forget that the Rebels creww, (The old Clone Wars crew) were fans of Legends, and try to incorporate them.

    3. Shenghai


      Moraband, also known as Korriban. -From the Wiki.


      They added Moraband for god knows what, but it's still Korriban. Besides, using Ralph McQuarrie's concept art for some character (Zeb, that you're talking about) and re purposing it is not bad, it's quite the contrary! Zeb was the original art for wookies, which instead were turned into some other species that exists. I don't see the problem with that.

    4. Cerez


      Korriban's name was changed to Moraband because George felt that that name suited his original concept of the planet/world better. It was at his personal request that it was changed, or, rather, appended as an alternative name. Note how nothing else about the at that time already established planet (popular in EU) was changed -- shows respect for the fans (as I'm sure he had quite a few personal gripes with it since he didn't get to write/describe/create it in detail himself).

  9. Ahsoka Tano model: 10 steps to go -- the countdown begins!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      I'll include it for convenience, along with your readme. Thanks. ^_^

    3. Onysfx


      I hope this model makes it into MBII, I'm sure it probably will :).

    4. Cerez


      If it's good enough to deserve it, it will.

  10. I'm missing Tales from the Clone Wars... :'(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      Eek! Made my day! :D

    3. Kualan


      I've continuously been re-scripting and re-editing the next issue because there's a lot to cram in but I think I've settled on a version that I'm happy with now.

    4. Cerez


      Sounds promising. ^_^ Can hardly wait.

  11. I'll be taking a little break from Star Wars...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      Yeah, a li'l... :P

    3. therfiles


      Have fun! See you soon! :)


    4. Numfast


      I have the same problem, but with everything sci-fi/science fiction.

  12. Doing a Star Wars movie marathon today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Numfast


      I've just remembered "Star Wars" movie marathon from "The Big Bang Theory".)

    3. Daedra


      I am waiting for the right moment for this. Episode 7 will release December 18th so I shall watch Episode 1 December 12th, Episode 2 13th, 3 14th, 4 15th, 5 16th, 6 17th then finally I will go see Episode 7 on the 18th. :P

    4. Numfast


      Lucky men. In my country "The Force Awakens" scheduled for release December 17th, but I can't watch it until weekend, 'cause school, plus I want to watch with family and they are forking a lot.)

  13. It's funny how one year of work amounts to a 5 MB download... :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ping


      Video games used to fit on a floppy disk.

    3. JAWSFreelao
    4. Cerez


      Hahaha! Good one, JAWS. ^_^

  14. I think it's time for a decent young Leia model to be created (finally!) for JKA. And I don't mean in the slave bikini outfit.

    1. Cerez


      HapSlash once came very close, but her mouth and eyelids were never rigged. It may be a possibility with our recent Blender tools to touch up that one.

    2. minilogoguy18


      I want a Leia Jedi, like how she's shown in TFU2.

    3. JediBantha


      Be sure to include a DS counterpart, endless possibilities.

  15. Holy crap! I had no idea Dark Disciple was this good! This is a 'don't miss' for any Clone Wars fan: https://itunes.apple.com/us/audiobook/dark-disciple-star-wars-unabridged/id1004685364

    1. Kualan


      I actually found the closing 1/3rd to be unbearable D:

      It had potential, though.

    2. Cerez


      Really? :o I haven't gotten to that part yet. No spoilers. ;)

    3. Cerez


      What a pity. Brilliant start, and great story concept, then turned strange halfway through, and treated with a quite awful finish -- you're right. It's like the author completely rushed the ending, even going as far as failing to research what she was writing about properly.

  16. Finished with skinning!!! Finally!!!

    1. Ping


      what are you going to do with the intestines though?

    2. Cerez


      Hahaha! Haven't thought about that yet. Can I send them over to you?

    3. Ping


      Sure, I'll bake a cake.

  17. "That was what Star Wars was built on; the collaboration and support of an entire community of passionate, talented people." ~ Katie Lucas

    1. Darth Sion
    2. Cerez


      Sounds good coming from George Lucas' daughter (who wrote some of the best story arcs for The Clone Wars).

    3. Darth Sion

      Darth Sion

      Should've always stayed in the family.. Somehow. Even if George was more of a "backroom staff/personnel" type. But it shows that his family members are passionate about he's created and that needs to continue.

  18. Trying to accomplish some more advanced scripting... Any way to set a CVAR through an ICARUS script?

    1. Tx606


      if you mean a cvar from a server setting, you can't alter those. if you mean something to use in scripts, you can declare a float,string and a vector using declare i think, and simply use set to set it to whatever value you want

    2. therfiles


      Nothing that I've found in all my tinkering! Sorry...

    3. Cerez


      Thanks guys. Apparently it's not possible in retail JKA, but in OpenJK we've had a coding feature implemented into ICARUS that lets you set a CVAR for the SP game from a script. I'm testing it now...

  19. I got a Christmas present from JediBantha! ^_^ Mew the Merciful is my new avatar. :D

    1. JediBantha


      A fine Sith you will become...

    2. Cerez


      The first Sith to show mercy, hahahahaha! Kneel before my might! -- and understanding, and playfulness, and kindness, and compassion… XD

  20. There's Star Wars, and then there's Disney Star Wars... I'm definitely a Star Wars fan.

    1. Ramikad


      Old school ftw!

    2. Ping


      like a boss

  21. Asajj Ventress meets Quinlan Vos:

    1. Cerez




      Many thanks to NumberWan for the spill!

    2. Barricade24


      Let's all learn from this...NEVER call Ventress "Honey".

  22. Ahsoka actually appears in the prequel films! (http://jkhub.org/topic/5588-the-ahsoka-fan-thread/?p=95999)

    1. Cerez


      No. If anything, on the record they've officially actually denied her to be. But the fact remains that Ashla was the first concept for Ahsoka, and Lucas' recommendation for her character. Since Attack of the Clones was made before The Clone Wars, it makes sense that this would be the first incarnation of her character, and how Lucas saw her at the start (i.e. her film version).

  23. Apparently official days and events/celebrations appointed by the United Nations are not welcome here... Way to go, JKHub... (How low can you sink?) >.<'

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