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Everything posted by Wasa

  1. I greatly disagree I know a lot of people including myself that find SP more replayable, by just simply caring about MP you won't revive anything, SP deserves love as well.
  2. Metal Gear Rising, and that one game about knights that's considered too hard, blade symphony also could work too...
  3. Anoooother clan for two weeks, sweet#
  4. This policy and logic is really beyond terrible...
  5. And because it looks even worse than most of Warhammer armors(no offence)
  6. To be honest this crosshair is impractical for guns, it's just too big.
  7. His neck is too tight, you should make it more wider.
  8. Looks better than MBII ones, can't wait for more.
  9. Rosh Penin's Voice Actor has also played Dustil.
  10. Woah, must have this sculpt is really nice. The Figure would be perfect for references also.
  11. http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/221100/ They're already here...
  12. Wohoo~ Valve wants to compete with EA for the worst Game company cup.
  13. Wasa

    Kyle Edit

    Maybe it's his lucky outfit?
  14. Black Knight with the shining armor has finally arrived .
  15. Star Wars already had homosexuals in its story so it is nothing new at all.
  16. Kylo Ren has a helmet not a maskhttp://media.melty.es/article-2580810-fb-f1419325014/star-wars-7-kylo-ren-kylo-ren-casco-star.jpg
  17. I don't understand what's wrong with him, Kyle(He didn't even behave like himself...) and Jaden(Who is a massive Mary Sue/Gary Stu) are horrible characters in JKA, if I could change anything it's let him have more apperance maybe a mission with Jaden where they could craft own bond.
  18. Looks perfect but walls look too bloocky honestly, you nailed the roof though.
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