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Everything posted by Wasa

  1. This is quite figuratively the best JKA map I've played.
  2. Skywalker obviously. Even though I hold Katarn as a slightly better protagonist, Luke is the superior Jedi. His Force Powers are of a higher quality in that, he's had at least defeated more formidable foes than Katarn did(Darth Vader, legends Lumiya, Mara Jade etc...) Regarding physical attributes, Luke matched Vader in raw strength weaving curtains out his lightsaber, fighting faster than thought, generating afterimages, deflecting blaster fire from 128 shooters at once, perceiving the sublight-speed motion of ships in slow-motion and so on reflecting greater strength and speed than Kyle by at least a noticeable margin. Pitting both to go out against each other is just pretty much making Obi-wan fighting Yoda. Actually, Obi-Wan vs Kyle would be a pretty close fight.
  3. I've put my vote on DLT-19, since it'd be an ideal gun blaster to replace the good ol' rusty heavy repeater for stormies, and because I don't think this gun was ever made into JKA.
  4. This is definitely a good step into the good direction,but it still needs to be polished up. I like the design.
  5. You were absolutely right, this is the best!
  6. The best model of E-11 ever done!
  7. Working with BASEJKA models is pretty annoying. http://imgur.com/a/XmiYB

    1. Lancelot


      On the other hand, it is possible to get decent results with them. Just take the New Hazardtrooper as an example, which has been uploaded last week.

    2. Wasa


      Agreed, the best part is their mesh isn't mostly that bad. You just gotts re-draw textures.

  8. And the best pizza is the pineapple one.

  9. The Jedi Knight games save from the gameplay, The Force Unleashed, KotoR, ToR.
  10. The idea sounds fun, I'd certainly lik to help ya . However, what would be the exact date?
  11. Well, in his defense he said explicit.
  12. Oh god, I thought it was lost forever. As a huge weeb it's insta download,
  13. Wasa

    Bespin Christmas

    A bit too early, huh
  14. No, it's from Kamen Rider a Super Sentai show airing in Japan. By the way... HENSHIN!!!
  15. Vader's design is already of a samurai, but with a cape even his lightsaber is of a katana's.
  16. Spawn any enemy NPC on any SP map, and they'll roam. It just depends on the maps.
  17. http://a.pomf.hummingbird.moe/rpahqa.webm There will be bloodshed.
  18. How come you haven't heard of Battlefront Elite Squadron since you request them .
  19. All honestly I think Rosh would do better as (massive ep 7 spoiler) .
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