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Everything posted by Wasa

  1. The game's name Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. It's because the sword actually feels like a real sword. It can cut through things and the attack animations actually feel like actual sword attacks opposed to simple lightsaber swings in JKA, I find Rising's combat system much more fun since JKA is a wasted potential, imo. The game has hardly any of these. Parrying is almost non-existent in baseJKA and it's present in MB2, the game doesn't have lunging either, unlss you are referring to grip + force pull + blue style attack/or rolling "stab" , none of these are proper lunges. And about thrusting... It's just thrusting the sword backwards. Imagine Jedi Academy getting Blade Symphony treatment... Now that'd be a perfect game since Blade Symphony was based on it iirc.
  2. Blade mode may be a stationary mode, but the ability to cut almost anything like you want to sells it better for me than JKA, imo. JKA's combat systen lacks really many things (that was mostly covered with mods, but still) like blockig, parrying, lunging, thrusting while Rising has those, albeit limited in "set animations".
  3. I don't know whether you played the game or not but slashing with your sword in Rising felt more satisfying since you could cut almost through everything in every way you wanted to. I mean sure, the JK has great combat system but swinging the lightsaber just doesn't feel as interactive as using the blade mode in Rising to cut objects and enemies freely as you wish to. I don't mean to derail the topic, but imo the JK combat system could be polished a little better. And as for the non-star wars stuff, it's really unfortunate how people don't see the potential of it at the moment, yes. But it doesn't mean the stuff is non existant.
  4. I don't know man, Rising has actually great combat system (and imo even better than JKA's, but it'd have to be polished more)
  5. same it ran out of my mind because of tomorrow, oof
  6. The return of weirdly cropped pictures with awful brightness.
  7. Praetor with Yellow or Purple lightsaber color.
  8. - Europe - I'm mostly available between 12:00 and 22:00 - Windows - Might bring a friend if he agrees - I could record a video, but I'd be completely unable to stream due to rubbish internet
  9. EA doesn't make games, they publish them. I get the hate on EA, but some people...
  10. The sleevees look like the movie version though...?
  11. I'm completely disagreeing with you, Lervish did a great job on the head but the real problem is in Kylo's hair because it's way too thin. Just putting Toshi's Anakin hair(And I mean Toshi's, not Hapslash) would fit the character way better. Why port poorly a character model when you can just kitbash it and get it truly perfect...
  12. Battlefronts are not supposed to have great saber to saber combat, they're goddamn shooters, but anyway it's derailing the topic. Besides, there are many good game reboots(and frankly Tomb Raider is one of them) these reboots are Ninja Gaiden, Doom or even Mortal Kombat.
  13. Grandmaster Luke/Sidious could alone stalemate Cthulhu possibly since they're both equivalent power-wise, EU made almost everybody a damn mary sue lol
  14. I honestly think the DJ looks would suit him much better than the Jedi looks like above.
  15. Why not just use Toshi's head and texture it into younger Hayden?
  16. I find neither annoying. I like Rosh's design, and I don't find Binks annoying in any way.
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