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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. anyone interested?


    anyone?... -echo-

    Two bumps in a single day? Don't be silly.


    Anyway, as it seems that nobody is interested to do it, there are three possibilities:


    1. Reskin an existing character.

    2. Learn to kitbash that character in Blender.

    3. Try to contact the creator of the Sketchfab model and ask if you can use it. If the creator refuses, respect that. But if you are allowed to use it,

    ask someone if they can port it for you. Asking doesn't hurt.

    Droidy365 likes this
  2. @@gizmo94


    If I understand correctly, you've managed to open the file in the notepad, but not in Notepad++?

    Actually, this is not a problem at all. If you can open and edit the file with the regular notepad,

    then you did it. All you have to do is create a new pk3 file and add the ext_data folder that contains your edited files.

  3. Just download the current DLL: https://www.dll-files.com/msvcp120.dll.html


    1. Download.

    2. Copy into the kotf.exe location.


    Wait, that might be the solution for everyone having issues starting this mod.


    @@Linken @@Fire Phoenix, did you ever specify that Microsoft Visual C++ is required for this mod to run? If not, you could add something to the launcher to remind anyone it has to be installed.

    To go a little bit off-topic, I have an idea: If possible, add a pop-up message where the user can choose if he wants to read an installation tutorial. And in that tutorial, you could mention that

    Microsoft Visual C++ has to be installed. And for a more foolproof experience, add a link that leads to the required version.


    Another idea: Make the launcher detect if the .dll is in the folder. If not, a message should appear that clearly explains what is needed and where to get it.


    That way, users get all the information they need.

  4. Guys, @@scp_chaos1's mod is stuck in development hell and needs some help.

    Here's the mod's page: https://www.moddb.com/mods/scp-chaos-ops


    For anyone wondering, SCP Chaos Ops is the name of the mod.


    The list of things he needs for his mod are not long at all, as he has already done some content (models and maps).

    However, he still needs more playermodels in order to continue development, and he's waiting for months for someone to help him.

    He would gladly appreciate any help to bring this mod further.


    Anyone who is interested can either reply here or contact @@scp_chaos1 through personal message.


    Synopsis (source: ModDB):


    The Earth and everything has changed forever. It is the year 2085 and humanity has retreated long after the catastrophe of the 3rd world war, to the point of going back to such an extent that it can not advance further. In this same year, the independence of The Town is commemorated. A population that used to be America. This population, considered as the fenix, has resurfaced and is angry. The events that led to the end of the war affected the American man, to the point that they evolved into a new species. Not physically, if not mentally. Now they are asking for revenge against their rival and enemy power. The new republic of Russia.



    @@Jeff @@Langerd @@The Punisher is there anything you can help with? Or do you at least know someone who can?

    scp_chaos1 likes this
  5. @@gizmo94

    Wait, you asked for a method to only edit the health of certain NPCs, right?

    Actually, it can be done very easily without using the NPCTool. Just extract the ext_data folder from a pk3 in the KotF folder.

    Once the folder is extracted, selected and go to the folder called npcs. Then select the NPC file you want and open it, either with the Editor

    or with Notepad++. You should see text that looks like this:


    playerModel bespin_cop
    health 40
    reactions 3
    aim 1
    move 3
    aggression 3
    evasion 1
    intelligence 5
    rank crewman
    playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER
    enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY
    walkSpeed 55
    runSpeed 200
    yawspeed 120
    dismemberProbHead 0
    dismemberProbArms 10
    dismemberProbLegs 0
    dismemberProbHands 20
    dismemberProbWaist 0
    // race bespincop
    snd bespincop1
    sndcombat bespincop1
    sndextra bespincop1
    Just edit the value that I marked red and add any number you like. It works with any NPC file, even the KotF ones.


    For opening pk3 files and extracting folders from it, use 7zip: https://www.7-zip.org/

    For editing the NPC files, use Notepad++ or, as mentioned, the Editor from Windows: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.6.2.html

  6. A combination of any Mace Windu head and Kyle Katarn's body from Dark Forces II should do.

    We have both characters on JKHub, so it shouldn't be a problem to kitbash this one.







    Mace Windu:




    bigphil2695 likes this
  7. But i don't get it why can't someone just make a model or skin for the game if they have just seen what it looks like????

    Because it takes time to create a new model. A picture is not enough, it's not that the model magically creates itself just by knowing what it looks like. By the time the model is finished, the team could add several more characters to the mod.

    It's more convenient to add models that have been already made than creating them from scratch. Anything else would just slow down the mod's progress.


    Maybe you should try the normal request section: https://jkhub.org/forum/12-mod-requests-suggestions/

    If somebody picks up your request, you can suggest the character when it's done.

  8. @@Lord Of Hate


    You know what? This could be the perfect model to start modeling yourself. Start with the ruler first, as it's really not complicated. Once you get the hang of it,

    move on to the character model.


    There are tons of tutorials that can help you. And if you still need help, ask some of the modelers here. By the time somebody ports it, you have the model already made from scratch.

    Plus, you can upload it here on JKHub for everyone to download.

    Teancum and Droidy365 like this
  9. Okay, here's another question. It's not for me, but for @@Lwkill, who did this Dagobah map recently: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3517-duel-dagobah-xwing-landing/


    If you take a look at the screenshots, you can see that he added fog to the map. The problem: The X-Wing is affected from the fog shader as well.

    My question is: Is there a way to isolate the fog from certain objects, so they don't look like as if they are part of it?

  10. @@colonel-the-general

    Then why did you put "grand-scale" and "announcement" in the same sentence in the first place? It implies that a huge mod is in the works. People go to this topic here, expect a big mod with lots of progress being already made - just to read that they have to join Discord. But that's not how it works. We need actual information, something to work with. You didn't provide us with anything credible that make us believe in your mod. There is no working title, a rough concept or anything.


    If you are serious about your project, simply give us the following informations:


    1. What is your mod about?

    2. What have you done so far? (except creating sound files)

    3. Do you have any previous modding experience?

    4. Did modders outside JKHub already join your mod?


    If you can't provide any answers, that's totally fine. And you don't have to be ashamed if you really don't have anything. All you have to do is be honest to us. Vague explanations are not credible enough to be convincing. And urging people to join Discord is not cool,

    except you really have enough content to show us, here on this site.


    Also, big mods don't come out of nowhere. They are either planned precisely or grow from smaller mods. They also require experience, a foundation and, most importantly, a competent team leader. Sound files are not enough to talk about a big mod.

    I mean, one salami doesn't make a whole pizza.


    I'm sure that anyone would like to join your mod. But with that little of content and management, there is no chance somebody ever will.

  11. @@Drakov

    Did you put your PC into standby mode while it was still downloading? If yes, that's probably the issue.


    I suggest the following: Remove the entire KotF folder the launcher has created and start the installation again. This time, wait until the download is complete.

    It may take a while, so make sure you have plenty of time.

  12. Greetings!

    First of all, sorry for my english, if you have issues to understand what I want to say, just mention it.


    I just checked models / skins, and I noticed there isnt Droidekas. And im wondering why. I know, Droidekas uses different mechanic (rolling) but, there is a mod called MB2, and they already did the Rolling mechanic, so it would be possible. Maybe is there any chance to talk with their Dev team, and ask them to give Droideka's source code? I mean it would be so useful to write rolling mechanic from Zero, if there is already a working one.


    Hope you can understand, what I wrote :D

    As far as I know, the Droidekas are there, but only as vehicles on certain maps. Try one of the Trade Federation maps and look around the corridors.

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