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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. Here's a little update, by the way, with some progress I made today. It's still very very basic but I am enjoying it for now:

    Impressive. It does look as if it comes straight from Dark Forces II. Actually, making the maps basic (or very very basic) at first is good. It's like a framework, where you can add the details later.

    I think it's better to have "basic" versions of every Dark Forces II map than not having them at all.

    SomaZ and Mark_the like this
  2. @

    You should contact Psyk0sith or DT85 (or both) if you really want to do it. If you're lucky, maybe they can hand you the necessary files.

    And look out for experienced modders/coders that can help you with that. A project like this one is pretty ambitious and requires a lot of teamwork.

  3. Many years ago, I've rented Star Wars: Demolition for the PlayStation, which is nothing more than a tournament game. It was not that perfect, but somehow awesome and unique.

    You've got several vehicles to choose from, like the Landspeeder, AT-ST, Speederbike, a Snowspeeder and Boba Fett.


    Although this video shows the Dreamcast version, it's exactly the same as the PlayStation version.



    I thought that this could be a good MP mode. We have many ground vehicles that could be used and modified to be similar to this game.

    yeyo JK likes this
  4. Yeap, this is the Gray Fox model's link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3450-ninjafox/

    I would do it, but i don't have ANY of the necessary skills nor the time for it. :(

    @@dark_apprentice pretty much said the same thing some years ago. And now he's known for providing pretty good stuff, especially kitbashes.

    The only way to really know if you have the skills is trying. Gimp is the best choice to get started. If the results are not satisfying, try again.

    Skills don't come out of nowhere, they require practice. So, take the first step and start small. You don't have to visit an art school for that.

    All you have to do is to open Gimp and fiddle around with all the brushes and features that program has to offer. And if you are doing that for about 5-10 minutes a day, that's enough.

    Also, there are lots of tutorials, here, on YouTube and everywhere around the internet. And if you need help, ask the JKHub members.

  5. If you have any models or skins that have been made specifically for Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast, go ahead, contact the original creators and ask if you can upload them here on JKHub.

    But if you are talking about ported models: No, that's not possible on this site.


    Anyway, the only skin pack I know was made by Tyrael64, which contains Solid Snake, Meryl, Otacon, Liquid, Revolver Ocelot, Raven, Psycho Mantis and Sniper Wolf:



    Another one was made by @@Plasma, which is a Snake skin pack:


  6. Looking at the picture, I see a great alternative to the Shadowtrooper. It's menacing and mysterious at the same time. It could be achieved through kitbashing. We already have the models available, so

    it shouldn't be that difficult to those who know how to do it.


    Also, the character reminds me of Gray Fox from Metal Gear Solid.


    Siegfried likes this
  7. I have this comic. It's really interesting to see how the film could have been like. There are so many similarities and yet it's so different. Looking at the comic, it would have been too big of a project back in the 1970's.


    Some years ago, I've made a request topic for that, in the hopes that somebody would be interested in making some of the characters: https://jkhub.org/topic/7588-the-star-wars-first-draft-characters/?hl=%2Bfirst+%2Bdraft

    the_raven likes this
  8. I was wondering why nobody made lightsaber hilts based on Ralph McQuarrie's concept art.


    I am NOT talking about ports!




    Because I couldn't find any pictures in a good size, I'll leave this video here:




    Also, let's take a look at McQuarrie's concept artwork once again:





    So, that's it.

  9. I've never heard of those, can you show me some examples by chance?

    If I recall correctly, those presets were only available in the Dark Lord's Hunt bonus mission (the one that takes place on Kashyyyk). However, the add-on requires KotF 2.0 to work properly. The presets could be selected at the bottom of the camera angle menu.

    A similar (and actually better) preset selection menu is also available on the latest version of SerenityJediEngine 2.0. Take a look at the video (starting at 4:27): http://www.moddb.com/mods/serenityjediengine-20/videos/new-test-rig-video#imagebox

  10. *looks around*


    Well, it's been a while since my last post. So, how about another one?


    Has anybody heard of Snatcher before? If not, a quick summary: It's a game by Konami, created by none other than Hideo Kojima. It was first initially released for the PC-88 and later ported over systems such as

    the MSX-2, PC-Engine, Sega CD and PlayStation. You could also call this game an interactive graphic novel, as it heavily relys on text, spoken dialog and images. However, once you are into the game, that's no problem at all.

    I played the Sega CD version again last year. Despite the age, it's still worth it. And because of Kojima's unique style of storytelling, it's a little bit like watching a movie. Speaking of movies, Blade Runner and The Terminator were the main inspirations

    to this game. The combination of both really works and the game is surpringly addictive.


    I could explain the plot, but the opening pretty much explains what the game is about:



    I can highly recommend the Sega CD version, which can be considered as the Director's Cut of the game (next to the Japanese PC-Engine version). Also, the Sega CD version is the only one that was officially released in English, while any other release are in Japanese. The downside is that it has a hefty price tag, but it's worth it. The PlayStation and Sega Saturn versions on the other hand are considered inferior, as the graphics and the soundtrack are not quite as good as in the previous ones.

    Smoo likes this
  11. The Monkey Island games are a part of my childhood. I've played the first two games on an Amiga system, which is probably the best way to experience such classic games. That was over 20 years ago.

    The third game was equally great as the first ones. Escape from Monkey Island on the other hand was not Monkey Island anymore, at least not to me.


    I recommend anyone who never played these games to give them a try. They're totally worth it, just like any other classic LucasArts adventure games.



    Have you tried Thimbleweed Park? It's by Ron Gilbert, who made the Monkey Island games. It was released last year on Steam.

    dg1995 likes this
  12. Some concept arts for Free Radical's cancelled Battlefront IV have been released.


    Because the amount of pictures is very high (over 150), I'll put the link to the images here:



    Here are some examples. Maybe some of the 150 will serve as good inspirations. What's fascinating is that the developers really turned the characters upside down.

    They turned light side characters into dark side characters and vice versa.








    Jedi Maul






    Jedi Ventress




  13. First of .. dress her up. This is not an outfit for a battle (Jedi Academy outift is a complete joke). She is too naked. This is not type of the clothes armor you wear for fighting..

    Second thing.. i would give her maybe some cool looking robes or even parts of the armor. Why only one woman in the reborn army has outfit looking like this? 

    I agree with the first part. She definitely needs more clothing and a more serious style. I wouldn't say that she needs a robe; it's simply too common. But a battle armor that reflects the style of Desann's armor would be appropriate.


    Some years ago, I tried to get into modeling myself and by planning to create a better armor for her. It didn't work, but I thought about something like this:




  14. Well depending on the time between both games you could just say she got older?

    Have you ever taken a look at both Tavion models? Both are completely different from each other. In other words, it's like they recast the character with a different actress.




    In Jedi Outcast, Tavion looked more convincing. Her style could have been easily continued in Jedi Academy, maybe with some slight alterations.

    Both games are, in the timeline, two years apart. So, I wouldn't say she hasn't got old enough to fully justify her new appearance in Jedi Academy.

    Somebody made a hybrid of both appearances [New Old Tavion], which looks way better. But still, a new model would be great.

    Wasa and the_raven like this
  15. This reborn for me looks great. I rly would like to see player model of thos design.



    This is how a standard Reborn should look like. The ones that appear in Jedi Outcast look like spandex wearing circus performers.

    And the fact that their faces are too similar to the Imperial Officers is, well, kinda weird.


    And here is something that needs to be improved: character variations! One of the chief problems in both games is the repetitive character design. For example, the prisoners and the Jedi Masters share the exact same

    heads. This is madness. In terms of character variations, I thought the KotOR games were bad, but Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy are embarrassing.


    As for Jan, @@Archangel35757 was working on a higher quality model. The topic can be found in the Jedi Knight: Enhanced section. But thanks to the brilliant concept Photobucket has introduced, you can't see the pictures of his progress.


    As for Tavion, I had so many ideas how a better model could look like. Let's begin with that she doesn't really resemble her Jedi Outcast version. Everything on her is different. I suggest that a basic model should be made of her,

    which can be used as a basis to create both her Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy incarnations.

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