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Status Replies posted by Lancelot

  1. How can I activate fire on the NPC jetpacks?


    1. Lancelot


      This is something you should ask in the General Modding Discussions or the Modding Assistance section.

  2. I do somewhat feel sad, at how the internet has changed. No longer do most people use forums, now it is all on discord. If you want status updates on mods, most of it will be on the discord servers. 

    Things in the world have changed so much, but I'm glad to see this community is still here. I do believe the JKA community needs one more mod. A mod that is based around Base JKA, and works to preserve as many of it's maps, models, and other content as best as possible. To preserve it's content for future generations who stumble upon this game, they should have a mod with all it's content ready to go. Only mod I know that comes close to that is KoTF 2.1 by Fire Phoenix (galactic legacy is focusing more on only star wars now).

    1. Lancelot


      It's true, a lot has changed. And it's also terrible that a lot is happening on Discord. Nevertheless, we still have this forum, which is one of many that are still active. And even though the Jedi Knight community is not as active as it used to be, many are still doing their part to keep it going. No matter if the mods are big or small, of them are what keeps this community alive. And if it has largely moved to Discord, then so be it. The certainty alone that people are still creating content for Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy is what makes me happy.

      As for the mod you've mentioned, they were never intended to preserve content. The main purpose of both mods is (or was, since KotF 2.1 has ceased development following "creative differences") to be what the original KotF tried to be: A mod about the Star Wars saga that focuses on recreating certain missions from the films and other media. That's why it does make sense to only focus to add content based on Star Wars, and not random maps that don't have anything to do with it. And from what I'm seeing so far, they're doing an impressive job.

      And as for the preservation of mods: It doesn't require a massive mod. Sadly, a lot of them are gone, especially since the closure of pcgamemods.com, which was the home of a lot of mods you couldn't find anywhere. A lot of the other stuff you could find on jk3files.com can be found at Mrwonko's side, which is at least something. Anything else requires sheer luck. Who knows, maybe someone has some lost mods on their old hard drive that are nowhere available on the internet. And if they decide to upload them for everyone to download, be it here or somewhere else, that would be another preservation job done.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hello guys, I know its been a minute since I uploaded any new bootleg models. I have been dealing with a lot of stuff in regards to college work so I have had very little time to commit to bringing more cursed skins to life. I may consider making more in the new year but I have to see how hectic my life gets. Hope you all can understand.

    1. Lancelot


      No worries. Life happens, and it's completely normal if you don't have the time to do certain things. Don't take the whole thing about delivering content too seriously, because it only adds loads of unnecessary pressure. It's easy: Once you have the time to make something, take that time.

  4. I hope someone makes this soon. Maybe I will since it's not a terribly hard kitbash. Looks like you could use Jedi Spanki, and a Dooku head and cape. Then just remodel the hair a bit. We'll see, since I drop projects like crazy



  5. I ran into a problem with one of your Dark Forces 2 Maps in Jedi Academy. Whenever I try to duel my bot opponent, it keeps jumping around all the time. Is there any way to make the bots more normal without jumping around too much?

    1. Lancelot


      The map needs botroutes. If a map doesn't have those, the bots will just jump around. WizardMKBK wanted to add those later.

  6. Been a while for sure... I haven't touched this website let alone Jedi Academy in a long time, and now... I guess I'm wondering if it's time to come back. Grown up a lot since then and I know I don't have the best track record with some people, but I'm starting over, so--


    Here's to the future.spacer.png

    Yes I know this is some random image from google. Sue me.

    1. Lancelot


      Welcome back! If you're feeling it's time to return, do it. And don't think about what happened here in the past. Just do a fresh start, which is a good thing to do.

  7. i decided i want to get into coding instead what type of software do i need and any tutorials to use them for i love coding so this would be helpful thanks for replying!


    1. Lancelot


      No worries. Good things take time, so take as much time as you need. After all, it's not that you're working on a patch for Cyberpunk 2077.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. That feeling when your script works the first time is indescribable. ☺️

  10. Lol you gave me a heart attack with that like.  Then I was like "oh righht jkhub staff".

  11. I wonder how a live stream of me working on final touches would go over...

  12. So many Star Wars projects have been announced, and I'm really excited for each one of them!

    1. Lancelot


      I must also say that I'm happy that everyone is happy with Hayden Christensen's casting as Darth Vader, and how well the fans respond to the announcement. Back then, he received so many criticism and even a Razzie award for something that can be considered remarkable today. In that case, his performance in 'Revenge of the Sith' was ahead of its time.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. So many Star Wars projects have been announced, and I'm really excited for each one of them!

    1. Lancelot


      Just awesome. I'm also really looking forward to the Kenobi series and the Rogue Squadron film.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. So many Star Wars projects have been announced, and I'm really excited for each one of them!

    1. Lancelot


      Yes. Like I said, I'm excited for all of them.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. @staff God you guys still havent done that? Anyways, where is the getting started thread? Maybe in the tutorial section, you should pin a topic like "Getting started" which goes over the structure of the game, the rules of the game (i.e. vert limits etc), what shader syntax it uses, how pk3's are compiled, etc. Just a real lubed up entry for the uninitiated. 

  16. @staff God you guys still havent done that? Anyways, where is the getting started thread? Maybe in the tutorial section, you should pin a topic like "Getting started" which goes over the structure of the game, the rules of the game (i.e. vert limits etc), what shader syntax it uses, how pk3's are compiled, etc. Just a real lubed up entry for the uninitiated. 

    1. Lancelot


      Here it is, and it even contains much of the things you've listed. But if you think there is still something missing, you could submit your own tutorial. That way, you can share your knowledge with others.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Wow... it's been a long time. Please take care of yourselves and be safe, friends. 

  18. Is there a go to site that has all mp console commands?

  19. Please update the jurancorpark map!  Pretty please ?

    1. Lancelot


      This map is ages old. If he still has the source files for it, then I think it would be possible for him to update it.

      And besides, what would you want him to update? It's actually a good map that doesn't need to be updated at all.

      Also, don't be disappointed if he says no. I think he has enough more interesting projects to do, so why should he go back to an old project?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Happy Star Wars Day!

    1. Lancelot


      Happy Star Wars Day! And May the 4th be with you.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)



    1. Lancelot



      You've never seen Predator? If yes, you're definitely missing out something. I highly recommend watching the first one. Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1wDBNHYDv8

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. Is Star Wars 9 worth watching in the theater? In korea, it will be released in 1/8/2020.

    (No spoiler please..)

    1. Lancelot


      If you enjoy Star Wars, you definitely don't want to miss this film. And especially because you don't want to be spoiled, it's one more reason to watch it in theater (because by the time this film is on DVD, there will be spoilers all over the place). Just keep your expectations low, get yourself a ticket and enjoy the ride.

  23. Can captain America block a lightsaber with his shield?

    1. Lancelot


      To be honest, I can't read through your theory, as I can't take this seriously. I mean, you're comparing two entirely different universes, with different characters, different technologies, different worlds and different rules. Basically, you're comparing a grapefruit to a Snickers bar. Unless someone makes a official Marvel and Star Wars crossover, we will never find out if Captain America's shield can absorb a lightsaber.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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