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Everything posted by Circa

  1. When has an online petition like this ever actually made a difference? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the concept of this. But the chances of Disney/Lucasfilm actually caring about 35,000 signatures are pretty slim. Maybe if the goal was a bit more impressive like 500,000. But 35,000 is going to be a very small fraction of the entire sales figure they are going to compare it to. Also, the grammar in that petition is downright abysmal. If I were a Disney/Lucasfilm exec and tried reading that, I'd dismiss it after the second paragraph. Run-on sentences make him seem extremely unprofessional and the way he just rants on and on is tiring.
  2. Make sure its actually a wav file and not just a renamed mp3 file. If it muted it that just means it's not actually working.
  3. I could see that being a really nice concept for a TV show. Something dark and moody like the Marvel Netflix shows. There's action but there's a ton of excellent dialogue, character building, and emotion. For the trilogy, I'd rather see something completely unrelated to the films. Post-Order 66 and post-ROTJ has been their focus since the Disney takeover. I want something else. Take us to a few hundred years before TPM. Not even KOTOR, just a hundred or two years before the films.
  4. How big is the file? Is it a zip file? Our restrictions are on the right hand side of your screenshot. I just tested uploading a file using Chrome and it worked fine. EDIT: Also make sure your Chrome is updated.
  5. You still have to install games on console. It wasn't like that in the past but the PS4 and Xbox One both require you to install from the disc to the hard drive to play. This is why a lot of people don't bother with physical versions anymore, because if they have to install it anyway, they might as well not worry about a disc. We'll see what happens though. I don't doubt EA is predicting that, I'm just saying the results might end up being different than what they think.
  6. Yes but they didn’t actually check those numbers. They said it is “unlikely” - which is very poor journalism on their part. I don’t doubt BFII got beat by COD at all, I just find it odd that GameSpot is assuming digital sales still don’t compare to physical sales.
  7. I was wondering the same. If its only 2 days before TLJ comes out, I'll probably just wait to play it until after I see the movie. I guarantee the digital sales made up for it. Digital sales have taken over the market by far in the past couple of years.
  8. If only the JKA Trandoshan head was shaped properly. The default one reminds me of an Argonian from TES, and this female version even more so. Not a bad thing really.
  9. That pk3 name tho... This is awesome. I'm a big fan of really simple things like this, and I love Naboo/Theed. This is going to go in my base folder and on my server. Cheers, mate.
  10. I agree to a certain degree. I was hoping they wouldn't have Iden defect to the Rebels. It ended up feeling like TFU where you want to play as a badass villain but they end up redeeming the character. I still think they did it well. Operation Cinder was clearly a stupid operation, which is why Iden and Del betrayed. Only a madman would have followed along with it. Also, this story wasn't meant to show how the First Order came to be. Just like TFA wasn't supposed to be about that either. The story is about Inferno Squad, and I assume nothing all that exciting happened until the "decades later" on Pillio for Del.
  11. They haven't said anything about future DLC seasons other than they will happen. I don't think they even announced the new missions at all until today. It was a big surprise to me. Well they already confirmed Grievous to be one of the next villains via the game code. I'm sure there will be seasons dedicated to certain eras/planets. Like Season 2 might be prequel content with Utapau maps and Obi-Wan and Grievous heroes. But we won't know until they announce it.
  12. Just finished it today. So far its the best part of the game, by far. It was great to see iconic characters play a big role throughout the story, and to see how some things connect. If anyone only plays games for the SP content, I recommend this game. And they just announced that they will be releasing additional SP missions in a couple weeks. I saw that right after finishing the campaign, and I was really hoping that was going to be the case because the ending was definitely not an ending. For MP, I'm a bit frustrated with how bad the HUD is. Its so chaotic that I'm shocked it was shipped this way. The squad icons are literally useless but they have it nearly in the middle of the screen at all times. Why? It covers your soldier in third person and its just there in your view in first person. So stupid. And the kill popup is GINORMOUS. Why does it need to cover 50% of the screen when you get a kill or an assist. The kill marker is enough to know I got a kill. I also noticed the effects in this game are not on par with the first game. The bullets aren't as authentically glowy and the impacts aren't as impactful. And the sabers aren't as glowy. I wonder why they cut back on that? Everything else looks amazing except for that.
  13. Well. Somewhat. They're mostly known for locking basic features behind DLC and microtransactions. Take SWBF2015 for example. They used DLC to finish the game, and some of the DLC guns were extremely overpowered, meaning you had to buy the DLC to use them and have a chance (although they nerfed them over time, the last guns still remain OP). I'm not too familiar with the EA sports games but I know they have a currency system in place. My little brother used to buy FIFA points all the time when he would get his allowance a couple years ago. I forget what you get with the points but it definitely never seemed worth it at all. Anyway, here's DICE's statement they posted last night:
  14. Fixed the typo in your title because it was driving me crazy. (they're is a contraction of "they are")
  15. Agreed. The devs had an AMA on reddit this week, and despite every answer they gave being mass-downvoted to oblivion, some answers they gave were somewhat promising (albeit vague in most cases). They have an interest in doing Galactic Conquest, which would be awesome. I feel like that wouldn't be able to happen until much further down the line when they have more planets to use for that. Taking over the galaxy won't be as cool if there are only a handful of planets.
  16. Same. I'm still excited for it. It's been too long since I played as a B1 and a Clone.
  17. Welcome to every gaming community ever. People will complain about anything. That's just how it is. I'm glad they are listening and changing things up. The main thing I'm still worried about is the pay to win aspect. Loot crates should only be cosmetic changes, not better abilities and weapons. They still haven't changed this and I doubt they will. I liked the season pass better than that. I'm glad to pay for season passes if they actually feel like they add to the game instead of complete it.
  18. Yeah this is the big controversy right now: https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2017/11/12/fans-worry-star-wars-battlefront-2s-free-dlc-heroes-are-going-to-take-eons-to-grind-for/#d14c59036285
  19. http://www.starwars.com/news/rian-johnson-writer-director-of-star-wars-the-last-jedi-to-create-all-new-star-wars-trilogy This might have me even more excited than I was for Episode VII. Of course we haven't seen The Last Jedi yet to determine how well he can do Star Wars, but overall I am really excited for truly original content that isn't tied to the Skywalker saga. What era do you guys think he will set his films in? I'm sure a lot of people will say the KOTOR era, which I'd agree. Would be awesome. I'd be fine with any era though.
  20. This is really awesome. Keep the progress coming!
  21. They are dedicated servers, not matches. So the atmosphere is going to be a lot different than what a "match" would entail. Like ent said, your best bet is to learn the different communities and their server popularity and time zones. This is a very old game, the playerbase gets smaller each year. If you want a group to try out the game with, check out my clan Shadow Order. We have a Discord if you want to come chat with us and we can help you out. @@ranhcase
  22. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to OpenJK Discussion forum.
  23. Heh. Good ol' JK2-era models. The face texture is what made that model great.
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