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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Post your server.cfg (remove the rcon password) so we can take a look there. Maybe you don't have the master servers set?
  2. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Modding Assistance forum. @@KyleRendar
  3. Why are you assuming people haven't pirated those games?
  4. This is definitely one of my favorite maps. Would love to see more realistic maps like this based on more planets.
  5. Updates are on hold because there are a ton of updates happening behind the scenes. We are moving to a whole new software structure and it's taking awhile to prep for that. Also, keep in mind we allow user-submitted news. If you people can write decently well and have things you think the community would like to read, go for it. So far we have had only spammy submissions for that since we launched it a few months ago. But yes, the halloween header on the front page annoys me just as much as it does you. It was especially jarring when we had the Santa hat logo on there as well. tl;dr: expect an update quite soon. @@Caelum could perhaps exlpain more.
  6. Circa


    Welcome! I always recommend not installing JA+ simply for the sake of reducing bloat in your game, but it sounds like you’re going to be wanting to get the nostalgia feel, so go for. Otherwise just explore our files section for new mods and such.
  7. You really need to be stating what you're giving credit for, rather than just listing a bunch of names. I have no idea why I'm being credited.
  8. @@MonsterFunk Open the console by pressing SHIFT and ~ Then type /r_fullscreen 1 You may not be able to see all that you type because of the situation, but get that typed in and press Enter. Then type /vid_restart The game should restart in fullscreen. If you want to actually play in windowed mode, you can type: /r_mode -1 /r_customwidth 1600 /r_customheight 1024 Replace 1600 and 1024 with whatever resolution you want it to be.
  9. This paragraph basically hits the nail on the head. JKA's community is now mostly left to the die-hard fans that have stuck around for years or new players that saw a Star Wars game on sale and picked it up and started playing or modding because they like Star Wars. But if you go back to 2003-2007, the modding community was huge. There were tons of non-SW mods being made weekly. Go on mrwonko's mirror to see what I mean. I remember sometimes being surprised at how many non-SW mods were actually being made back then. And it all comes down to the amount of modders. Everyone has their own tastes and interests, and that's what modding is all about. Very rarely will you see a modder make something purely for someone else. They do it for themselves as well, because it's something they'd also like to be made possible in JKA. So bottom line, what you're asking for probably just won't be much of a thing anymore. It used to happen a lot, but with the community shrinking more and more ever year, it's less likely to be as common.
  10. Within each NPC file is vital info that the game uses to give a spawned model it's attributes. Info such as the model, weapon, weapon model, force powers, sounds, and health. The first thing you need to do is open up assets1.pk3 (it will be in your base folder) with PakScape, WinZip, or some other archiving software. Navigate to the ext_data folder, then open the npcs folder. You will see a lot of files here. We will use a very typical one - jedi.npc. Extract this file to your computer and open it with Notepad. Inside you will see a bunch of columns of text. Jedi { playerModel jedi saber single_2 saberColor yellow weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 1 saberStyle 3 saberStyle 2 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 snd jedi1 sndcombat jedi1 sndjedi jedi1 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } If you look at it and try to figure it out, it will make a lot of sense. The column on the left is the attribute and the right is the value. A lot of this you can leave out if you wish, and all lines which are not included will revert to default values. We will begin to construct a basic NPC file by using the information here and replacing what we want. Let's say you want to make a new NPC that is a Dark Jedi that uses a blaster pistol instead of a lightsaber. We just need to edit the corresponding attributes to meet our needs. The first step is always to change the name of the NPC at the top. This is important or else your file will overwrite the default Jedi NPC. Let's name it DarkJedi. Now, since he won't have a lightsaber, you can delete the lines that pertain only to sabers. So highlight and delete the lines saber, sabercolor, and all 3 saberstyle lines. Then we change his weapon to the blaster pistol. So go to the line weapon WP_SABER and make it weapon WP_BLASTER_PISTOL. So your NPC should look like this so far: DarkJedi { playerModel jedi weapon WP_BLASTER_PISTOL FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 snd jedi1 sndcombat jedi1 sndjedi jedi1 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } Great, so we gave him a pistol. Since he's a Dark Jedi, he should probably be an enemy. This is determined by the lines playerTeam and enemyTeam. To make the NPC friendly and follow you in-game, leave it how it is, with TEAM_PLAYER as the playerTeam and TEAM_ENEMY as the enemyTeam. To make the NPC an enemy that attacks you, flip those two. Other teams are FREE and NEUTRAL. The FREE team attacks anyone on sight, regardless of what team they are. An example of a TEAM_FREE NPC is the tusken raider. The NEUTRAL team doesn't attack anyone. Examples of this are Jawas or Ugnaughts. Now, you can change the class if you'd like. Classes are hardcoded in the game with a bunch of special behaviors and attributes that can't be changed in an NPC file. You can read more about classes and what each of them do here. One thing they don't do, is determine the team, so if you keep this Dark Jedi's class set to CLASS_JEDI, he will still be an enemy. Your NPC should now look like this: DarkJedi { playerModel jedi weapon WP_BLASTER_PISTOL FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 snd jedi1 sndcombat jedi1 sndjedi jedi1 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } There are many other attributes that you can change as well. Most are self explanatory. Changing the model involves using the name of the folder of the model you want. So if you wanted your Dark Jedi to be a Reborn model instead of a Jedi model, simply change jedi to reborn. If you want a certain skin of that model, use the line customSkin and then the name of the .skin file you want that is located in the model's folder. So if you wanted the blue reborn, it would look like this: DarkJedi { playerModel reborn customSkin blue Changing the sounds is similar. It must match the name of the folder in the sound folder in assets0.pk3. The default value of the attributes such as reactions, aim, move, aggression, evasion, and intelligence is 3. So if you have it at 3, you can delete it. Maximum is 5. The dismember properties are out 10. Force and saber powers are out 3 (sometimes 4). Default value of those are 0. Make sure to have the brackets before { and after } the NPC. Look at my examples and look at the default ones as reference. Especially for adding multiple NPC's to one file. That's pretty much it! Now we need to pack these text files up. To do this we need to add some new folders. Make a folder called ext_data, and in that folder make a folder called npcs. This is where we will put our .npc file. Make sure you save it as .npc! If you save it as anything else, like a .txt, it will not work. After that, either zip it up and change the extension or use PakSkape to make it a .pk3 and place it in your base folder. Now go test it! Go into single player and turn cheats on with helpusobi 1, then type npc spawn darkjedi (or whatever you named it). Tutorial based on the one on JK3Files.com.
  11. This can be done with any section of a model, but this tutorial will show how to have two different animations play for the upper and lower sections of the model. First, open ModView and open any player model. Expand Bones and keep expanding until you get to upper_lumbar. Right click on upper_lumbar and click on "set as secondary Anim Start". Next, go to the sequence that you want the upper part to have. When you find it, right click on it and click on "Start Secondary Multi-Locking with this sequence". Then go to the animation you want the lower section to use, and right click and click on "Start Multi-Locking with this sequence". Again, this will work for any bone set you choose to use the secondary anim start.
  12. Are you interested in a JA+ clan or would you be fine with a basejka clan?
  13. Ohai. That's me. It's just the minimal HUD built into the game. Type in the console: /cg_hudfiles 1
  14. There is a critical issue with the popular player model, HS Anakin Skywalker. The alternative right hand doesn't show the blade of the lightsaber. Fixing this is very simple. You need a PK3 editor like Pakscape. To start, you obviously need the model. You can download it here: The issue is with the non-gloved hand on the Episode II model. So for reskins of this model that use that hand, follow this same procedure but in your skin's directory. Open the HS_Anakin.pk3 file. Go to models > players > hs_anakin_e2 If you're in Pakscape, drag the file model_default.skin to your desktop so you can edit it. Open the file model_default.skin with any text editor like NotePad or TextEdit Locate this line: r_hand,*off Remove the * from that line so it now says: r_hand,off Now save it. Drag it back into the pk3 in Pakscape. You can do the same thing for the model_blue.skin and model_red.skin team skin files. Now save the pk3, put it in your base folder and you should be good to go!
  15. There are two ways to achieve this, and each have their purpose. NOTE: Server administrators can read these messages as well, so they are only private to other players. The easy way, is used when you are near someone that you can easily see with your reticle. Point your reticle at the person and press U You have now initiated the private chat. Type your message and press enter. The text will be pink, indicating that it was a private message. This is only for people that are within sight. The default button is U. To change this, open the console and type /bind key messagemode3 and replace key with the key of your choice. If you aren't near the person you want to chat with, it's a little more complicated, but is easy to remember. Start by opening up the console (SHIFT + ~) and type: /serverstatus This will give you a list of all the players in the server, with a number to the far left of each name. Note the number of the person you want to chat with. Then you just type: /tell # your message Replace # with the number you noted earlier, and replace your message with your message. Then press enter and your message should send in pink. To save time in a lengthy chat, press the up arrow in the console to restore the previous command, and just delete your previous message, so you don't have to type /tell # every time, unless it's a long message.
  16. I love that the Falcon looks brand new, before Han's modifications. I'll be honest though, I'm worried about this film. The fact that they had to refilm and hire a top-tier acting coach for the lead actor make this very worrisome. Not to mention we haven't seen anything about this film other than cryptic behind the scenes photos from Ron Howard, and now these images today. The film comes out in 5 months and we don't even have a teaser yet. Obviously they couldn't release one this month because of TLJ hype, but we probably should have had one earlier this year.
  17. We had this poll earlier this year: https://jkhub.org/topic/9397-what-are-your-favorite-saber-hilts-from-jedi-academy/
  18. What key? Make sure you're not including the
  19. Yes. Or the other dozens of games that have done it as well.
  20. Bagel I had this morning: 5/10

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Circa



    3. Bek


      Maybe someone stole Circa's bagel and this ststus update was a plea for help.

    4. AnonMC


      Bagel begone... but where has it gone? What a conundrum.

  21. This looks awesome, nice work. I'm sure when it comes out on Bluray/Digital you'll be able to make it even more accurate.
  22. Even so, a random new user account posting on the forum asking people to pubically post their email addresses is sketchy af. And some people still aren't aware that it is bad practice to do so. And saying you already get spam anyway is not really helping your argument here. Spam is one thing, people retrieving emails for malicious intentions is another. Trust me, you don't want your email used for malicious intent. Either they could sign you up for a thousand mailing lists, or other ridiculous things.
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