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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. 3 hours ago, NumberWan said:

    This is sooo beautiful. I wanted to ask about the basreliefs in the front, but I see that you planned to add those from the start.

    I do like the statue in the front, but I would replace the Sith statue with the Jedi ones. 😉 

    Oh yea all statues atm are temp place get them made or eventually I'll break down and learn it myself.  

    Started working a bit more on the sky, the far off skyscrapers haven't been added yet, but I've been working on the clouds/horizon. Got that nice infinite city with a nice subtle spherical feel a bit of that light polution on the horizon and bouncing off the clouds

    Wy2PRAD.jpg kbNHsdQ.jpg  FPS dipped a touch when I screenshotted but I do have a ton of things open too.

  2. Ok so I would do this myself but for some reason I'm having problems with blender, no matter what version of it I grab and no matter which version of JA plugin I grab for it (yes I made sure to grab the correct ones and got screen share help) for some reason it just says NOPE. Any ways all I need is the Jedi temple guard player model (link below) in 2 positions at most as static models for the Jedi Temple map I'm currently working on 
    link to topic also below. 

    The two positions would be fairly simple, left and right standing at attention pikes in their respect left or right hand (this way it looks balanced when they flank doors.) Possibly a 3rd if someone could pull of an arms crossed pose. Format required MD3. Proper credits will be given in the readme for any work done! Also looking for someone to do similar work to make statues for the map if any one is intrigued. 

    As always thank you for your time reading this; may the Force be with you.


    krkarr likes this
  3. Update - Early concept of the skybox for the knight fall variant..
    iWHwk68.jpgYou almost don't even notice there is railing around each landing platform due to the scale of things. They come up to your hips btw, I'm picky about my railing height.  Soon I'll drop in benches, other railing, small sets of steps, some consoles and hoses for the platforms (fueling) a few vehicles sitting on the platforms. Lots of little details. 

    A lot of work to do here in the coming days. The interior is plotted but now it's time to open her up and start decorating.  These statues are temp, as are ALL textures you're currently seeing. 
    ZIoVPkB.jpg One issue I have with the temple is even in the movies there is not a lot lighting MOST of the structure up...
    HUEci9b.jpg A sneak peak of what it'll look like from the council chamber height. 

    God I can't wait to start making this prettier... XD Build first, fine tune later.

    Smoo, Toxiee, Droidy365 and 12 others like this
  4. About 3 days in so far, should have the exterior mostly done by friday and starting on interiors by monday.  I'll  be starting on the skybox/portal and the rest of the exterior tomorrow-sunday.

    The Jedi Temple will feature as many known locations inside the Jedi Temple as well as boasting the full exterior block she will also contain a fuggin mountain, and WAIT THERES MORE! SITH RUINS deep inside of said FUGGIN mountain inside of the Jedi Temple On top of her accurately built city block in evening, raining day and night variations! 


    Circa, scp_chaos1, krkarr and 14 others like this
  5. So as I strolled through the latest version of the map I'd worked with I begin taking note of how far the map had come since the release you all currently play with. I found myself in the main spawning courtyard of the map looking around at the White Rhino now sitting majestically on the main platform the small crates here and there, consoles casting there blue lighting drawing the players eyes over to the sign directing the player through the map section by section. I realized I could do better... I want the hallways behind the glass to be real, not textures, I want real lighting coming from those sections, hell I want each of those corners to be accessible from the main platform outering. I want piping running down the massive shaft, I want the fumes in the shaft to feel more alive, I want another secret entrance down there... I realize that by cutting out a lot of the fat over the last couple of years I really did have the brush count to play with when just to push my limits I duplicated the map in gtk and it still compiled fine, so this set the new limit... the 24.5 MB .map file would when I was done be a 40.**MB. Now, I want your idea's your little flush outs you as fellow modders would do as I slowly upload pictures/video's of the map in the coming months. Not all idea's will get used, or used exactly as you thought HOWEVER I will listen!!! 

    Together let's build Jedi's Home 4 - 20th Anniversary Edition!!! 

    I will release more details, pics, & ofcourse video soon but I wanted your initial thoughts with years now having passed and before I begin flooding you with pics etc what would you adjust?  

    OCD2, ZelZel, Cor and 3 others like this
  6. Nah I doubt you'll see a map pack. Not really any stand out locations to be honest yet in Mando.  Nothing we haven't seen the type of already. Grogu will probably never come if he doesn't come now or around this time. Most wont bother with a model that we wont see scaled properly most of the time. 

    bigphil2695 likes this
  7. On 12/18/2013 at 7:42 PM, Merek said:

    Note: Although I may not like all the work they do these people should be recognized for their hard work and dedication to Jedi Academy. I felt it is time we do that. Be aware you might not recognize some of these authors as they have probably moved on but should be recognized anyways.

    • Sith-J-Cull
    • Mace Crusher Madunusus
    • NozySpy
    • Szico VII
    • Raz0r (just because I can?)
    • Boba Fett
    • Hapslash

    • Toshi

    • Mars Marshall

    • LivingDeadJedi

    • SeveralSidedSid

    • Shroomduck

    • Slider (by recommendation)

    • Lugor

    • Circa

    • AshuraDX

    • Shadow Stone

    • Knights of the Force Tim (tribute)

    • EagleStriker (by SiLink request)

    • Darth Arth

    • Heavy Trooper (not the best modder but he does his best)

    • Darth Linux

    • Inyri

    • Lt. Colonel John Sheppard (most of you don't know him but he made maps for Stargate Event Horizon and he is going to re-release it and update the links at www.sg-eh.forumotion.com register and revive the forum!!!)

    • Dex (another Stargate Event Horizon and Stargate JKA Mapper)

    • Watcher

    • Wector

    • Razorace

    • Tobe_One

    • AngelModder

    Holy fuck I made the list back in 2013.... ❤️❤️ Wow thank you!

    PreFXDesigns likes this
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