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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. 8 hours ago, Aldro Koon said:

    Holy shit! Looks and sounds wild ❤️

    We probably will settle for an entity mod later wherein all we really want to do is throw the spawns right outside the mainhall with the mosiacs, and possibly have all doors open up faster whilst also making sure the other 3 massive buildings are disabled (the version you spoke about sounded perfect). Oh and also some minor retexture job is all. The map file is just a great way to inspire future mappers and to have references incase we ever decide to do something new for our community. In short, putting sources out there for others to see and use is A+ so massive thanks there.

    EDIT: Oh and welcome to JoF!

    HAHA yes the pk3 will include the cut down version, in day and night. speaking of I need to get to work on the new skyboxes!

    Aldro Koon and ZelZel like this
  2. On 1/7/2021 at 6:26 PM, Cagelight said:

    I don't suppose you'd consider releasing source for this map? I always enjoy poking around map sources, and also recompiling them with higher lightmap resolution (with a JA modded to be able to use such). Thanks for your hard work, especially so long after this game's release, it makes me incredibly happy to see big maps still being made.


    On 1/8/2021 at 1:02 PM, Aldro Koon said:

    We'd also love this but yeah, releasing the source is quite a big ask so it's fully understandable if it isn't done.

    When I drop the 3.5 update in December (the final cut) I will be releasing it's source files minus a few minor details for protection.  😄 Such as oh you'll get the .map but secret triggers and such will go bye bye to avoid spoilers. 😉 

    Oh btw... Just so you know why there has been a delay in the 3.1 ~

    Enjoy https://ibb.co/kqdfyYr


  3. We'll be doing a casting for voice actresses for Jedi's Home 3.5. Please leave PM if interested with a sample of what you can do. Looking specifically for female English/imperial sound as well as non dom-English accent (not British, but not hello there partner American). 
    We'll be doing a lot of the clean up our selves, so as like as your mic is complete **** we can work with it. All voices will be filtered. You will of course receive full credit for your work as well as others rewards. No money sadly... I don't get paid either.. 😞 It's ok we'll cry together... Shhh Shhh its ok... Just try out for the part and who know where it could lead to!


  4. So after some more digging and referring more to quake3 rather Jedi Academy specifically. I found this "Lightgrid is used when you want to restrict the size of the lightgrid to certain boundaries for performance optimization. Take a space map for example, you may not need lightgrid calculations done in the void where you have no light sources anyway so you would circle a single lightgrid brush around the region that you do want lightgrid to be calculated. - Obsidian on  quake3world.com" 

    Seems like an anti-Lightgrid would be more useful. I'd prefer to mark areas I "dont" want lightmap calculations. *Shrugs*

    So wow this little bugger. I need to write up a tut on this, I'm really suprised we don't have one. THIS is amazing. I need to test it's doo's and don'ts just yet. But using this I was able to engulf my main jh3 area in system/lightgrid. Then made another box the exact size of the map limits X/Y/Z as my map moved it up textured it as my sky, leaving it without the lightgrid. therefore telling the engine in this area don't waste bsp space/time on doing light work skip this. - To my suprise it worked, the lightmap compile was in no way effected by the introduction of a huge flight area. 
    The biggest death of 90% of space mods was the vis/light compile. Vis I've got handled - as long as you know what you're doing it can be achieved, but the lightmap compile would always break out backs/pc limits. Problem solved.

    NAB622 and Aldro Koon like this
  5. 16 minutes ago, mrwonko said:

    The lightgrid is a 3D grid throughout the map that stores the light brightness/color/direction at each grid point, which is used for dynamic lighting e.g. on first person weapons. I suspect you can use the system/lightgrid shader to define the extents of that grid, but I don't know for sure.

    Yea that's what I can't seem to really find any explanation of, the application/cautions etc of using system/lightgrid. From best I can tell in this sample map he used it say around the main platform you duel, but then the other 90% that's just visual background candy is left uncovered. However said eye candy area's are still physically reachable by the player. 
    I am considering that perhaps it is a way to distinguish to the engine that "here are important areas" focus on these first and upmost. Sort of like a top priority listing for the lightmapping.

    Where is Darth G when I need him XD


  6. Most have noticed that during the "Passage Portal Flow" phase of the BSP VIS compile it can take longer and longer the more complex your map's layout is. You'll start seeing numbers in access of 100 MB for the "required passage memory". You've probably wondered how can I fix this and speed this up? You probably just adjusted your chop size in the end and watched your fps never be the same. 
    We were literally told the answer from the get go. Structural brushes as you know split the VIS and create a new portal node that then etc etc. What most don't realize is it's not really the size of the usable footage in their map's that is the issue, it's all the space in between your rooms, hallways, bathrooms etc that you have in your map. What we need to do is bring order to the chaos that creates between those sections and the wasted portals it creates in the void.

    Take note of of the area your map uses in X/Y/Z, imagine that as the outer most points of your VIS BSP grid that the compiler will generate. It is based on this size/area your map covers in GTK Radiant. All the empty area's in the X/Y/Z imaginary box allows useless portals to be generated and they add up quickly to work against you. 
    What you need to do is eliminate these voids, fill them. In ever nook and cranny, around every hallway/lift shaft, all of it with system/caulk; until there are no more holes or any where for extra portals to be generated. Yes it completely sucks and next time you build a map you'll  probably rethink your layouts and how your build. 
    Now compile - Go back into GTK and load the PRT files. Said portals are gone and your the VIS stage of your compile went I guarantee 50% at least if not much more. 

    This picture really explains it best. for the moment. I will continue to edit this over the next few days while I have time during compiles and I discover more about this.
    Example Image

    TIP - To simplify application of this method, create your own "caulk". Be sure to use an easily distinguishable color for the texture choice. 

    Lwkill, z3filus, SomaZ and 3 others like this
  7. Ok, well this is one of those moments where I completely admit I don't know some thing and ask. I really think this is one of those things that is assumed most know or not I am unsure but there is like jack **** about it really. However in some sample maps (the good ones) they often use "System/lightgrid" around their main play areas. 
    What is it? What do you do with it? 

  8. 30 minutes ago, Lancelot said:


    Just downloaded the map. I'm going to test it soon.

    Would you mind that we put this map in the JKHub file section? That way, your work will be easily available for everyone. 😉

    YES!!! I meant to upload it here to but your upload system keeps 5050'ing. If you need any thing from me let me know! Id say use the Demo trailer as the screenies or w/e.
    Let me know that way I can take it off my cloud!


    Smoo likes this
  9. Map release will be delayed till this evening. REASON - before you cut my head off one of them stopped the vis from compiling - in a map this big vis is important.
    The issue has been fixed, doing final checks before I start it again. Looks like I wont be doing much on the pc till it's done! LOL
    Sorry guys working as fast as my busted hands will let me!

    And this kids is why you always check when you erase some thing that absolutely NOTHING got left behind. >.> Also never set a release date, every thing will and can go wrong!

    Captain Leeroy, Aldro Koon and OCD2 like this
  10. Modders log - Star Date the day after hell year the first of 2021... Still feeling spry  so as long as I'm up I'll keep flushing it out. Running a fast compile atm thats almost finished. Hoping everything looks ok and there are no more bugs to work out. If thats all god it's one more mechanics BSP and then I run the final on the main map. It's almost 4AM now. I think I can make it another 2-3 hours easy. 
    When I wake up 6-10 hours later lol I'll test the bsp, if its green light I'll quickly split the map up into the mentioned duel variations. to include with it and begin  compiling those. They wont take long, in the mean time I'll double check the pk3. 

    Then it's dropping the link to u find fella's whilst I hit up the staff here to upload  it for the main public that doesn't check the forums!

    Annnnnd thats it... Ladies and gentleman that's a map!  She's on her final compile @4:42AM.

  11. Doors to hanger need texture on opening edges.(DONE)
    Rhino hanger needs more boxes and clutter.  (DONE)
    Rhino Cockpit and crew quarters need finishing details. 
    Exterior of Rhino needs piping and details. (DONE)
    Sith Base hanger needs finishing details  and blending work Crates pipping etc same as main hanger may share details (DONE)
    Remove multiple personel logo's from hanger lobby (DONE)
    Add or fix tele's out of glass hallway duel area. (DONE)
        JH3 AREA (DONE)
    Remove flicker to holo's(DONE)
    Placed Holocrons at base of sweeping stairs (DONE)
    Edit new duel room texture with shader for +glow and blaster deflection. (DONE) The green duel room now has this effect

        Council section (DONE)
    Remove white room in Admin hallways and just elave this black inside.(DONE) + Added -Light to give full darkness feel. (Jedi Face darkness.)
    Fixed issue where people could not proprley sit in council chair. (DONE)

    Place roberts dad message and 2 beer bottles (DONE)
    Placed DF2 Signs back in. (DONE)
    Added crates and lighting to back and forth admin portals. (DONE) ALso added admin guide arrows for back and forth travel. (DONE)

    Deco Chancelor's Office. (DONE) 
    Various Changes to the senate functions
    Break semetry of top floor (DONE) Banners. Arrows by lifts to break it up + and signal whats up and down. (DONE)
    Redid flooring(s) of senate ring. (DONE)
    Redid Senate Ring cieling (DONE)
    Resize Logo on second floor. Dont forget to adjust GLW for logo.
    Adjust any lighting issues in senate area due to new cieling. (DONE)

    in basic I have problems with my hand atm, I am waiting on a new ergonmic mouse arriving monday to alleviate the issues. The swoop
    Track will be place back in in the 3.5 update. Bigger and much better. 

    Adjust personel logo's glowmap to less intensity. -50% (DONE)
    Write shader for Prof Akrii's room "mainlobby". 
    Put together the darn readme... Oh boy!

    All of this and more has to be done by morning! And my wrist is killing me XD

  12. 3 hours ago, Bubbles said:

    Very nostalgic

    Kinda makes me miss filefront when maps like this get posted and it gets reviewed loved reading those reviews haha.


    Same, sadly most of who review the maps here are not as knowledgeable and cant really give an accurate assessment on the stability or functionality of a map. That's not meant to knock them of-course. Just to be fair this map is beyond most of there skill sets. Damn no matter how you try to word that it comes out rude. But it's really not meant that way. 
    That and I've seen how they react to even trying to schedule a release. >.> 
    Hence this map wont be uploaded here, merely the link dropped here for initial launch until they can get it up on here. Speaking of, I need to find a way to get Vader removed off steam, that or at least moved as my own content and stop giving points to whoever uploaded it without even asking me apparently. 

    ZelZel, Lazarus and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  13. 2 hours ago, Lazarus said:

    Angel, that reflective floor tile looks amazing. I may need to steal that idea from you. Is it an env map and the reflect shader with a portal surface? 

        qer_editorimage    textures/jh3-te/graymarble
        surfaceparm    forcefield
            map textures/shinfl/qer_mirror
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
            map textures/jh3-te/graymarble
            blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR
            map textures/JH3-TE/ENV002
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR
            rgbGen identity
            alphaGen const 0.5
            tcGen environment


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