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Posts posted by AshuraDX

  1. Indeed - since frankensteining became absolutely effort less we have been flooded with these "creations"


    :shrug: Rant ahead :ph34r:





    Very few of our small modding community actually take up the effort to learn to create something of their own

    Frankensteining has it's limits and without learning how to create soemthing from scratch these limits are impossible to overcome.


    a frankensteined model also has the potential to be really bloated in filesize

    depending on how many models were involved in the process of its creation assembly and what the UV coordinates of these original models look like

    with a moderate understanding of 3d software and UV Unwrapping/mapping this could be avoided.


    I have only seen one single Frankenstein here that I liked - simply because it hardly looked like a frankenstein due to the very good reskinning done and

    had because it was not purely bundled together from existing models but actually had 3d content created for it.


    Fact is that learning modeling is really not hard, and after grasping the basics it's all about applieing what you learned to the situation

    so if you want to make a model for Jedi Academy - learn how to model and then look for tutorials on how to make that model usable in the game

    looking for a specific tutorial on modeling for Jedi Academy won't help at all since there is no such thing as modeling for a specific game

    most if not all tutorials for getting stuff in JKA mention everything one has to keep in mind when adapting his model to Jedi academy


    If I as a 14 year old boy coudl learn it from the internet without any previosu experience - everybody can learning something new doesn't require any skill

    (except reading comprehension if you are learning from written tutorials), so don't think about just claiming "I don't have the skills it takes to model"

    just because you are to lazy to invest time in learning these skills - and if you say this because you tried leanring and found that you sucked, let me tell you this :

    everybody sucks at this when he/she starts, it's part of the learning process simply because you have to learn to walk before you can learn how to run !


    If you really ended up reading through this rant and feel like picking up 3d modeling pm me and i'll push you in the "right" direction




    tl;dr OC is better than copypasta, now go and learn how to make some OC



    Bek, minilogoguy18 and eezstreet like this
  2. keep it as part of the hip - don't cut the pouch in half ;)


    by the way - if you don't mind pushing a few vertices around in her face, try reshaping her eyes to be a little more rounded, as seen here :


    or this sculpt someone made :



    looking at her arms you'll probably want to add a little more modeled detail to her bracers, seeing that they are not skin tight in the series

    Vabulletizer and Cerez like this
  3. Just... eh, whatever. I see no point. Have you ever heard of the sentence "better than nothing"? If you have time do it better. I can do it better, a lot of people can, but I have not enough time to do this so often. This is why I can appreciate his job and that's what I recommend for you :D. But yeah, there is no point in having a discussion here, so if Administrator comes I'd appreciate deleting my comments. I said what I had to say, and those who needed to see, already did.



    @@Veosar, you jumped at the first 2 negative comments you saw on this thread.  Why should I take the heat if you dont like criticism?


    I'm not going to stop commenting just because you think I'm a jerk for pointing out some facts =P Administrator  will come clean this thread soon enough...


    just end it here and there will be no need for cleaning - no need to derail the topic with an endless debate

  4. I had a similiar problem : I used the "ü", "ä" and "ö" keys to various stuff in base JKA to simply because nothing ever really uses these keys - sadly I can't do this in OpenJK it just won't let me bind stuff to them

    there is no error or anything it just doesn't work

    Arthor likes this
  5. hello, guys! I have been working on a model of this character for a relatively long time and recently discovered this request. In base it's an assembly of "frankenshteined" parts from several models with follow of some mesh editing, including fully new helmet mask (originally it was supposed to be only a stretched fragment of the clone commander's mask by neomarz1 with texture of driver's mask, but later it's place was taken by completely new mesh — which eventually also was complemented by a highly detailed visor from DT's stormtrooper), retexturing and some rework of UV maps. Currently, a mesh is finished, but there's still some work on texturing.


    Some WIP screenshots:












    you could outfit him with some better shoulder pads (go model them, it's a very smple shape) - but other than that this is a really good looking frankenstein

    Vade Parvis likes this
  6. Okay, but what does this all have to do with what I'm working on now? The model is finished, designed as it is. I don't need a lecture about it, now. I'm trying to finish what I've started, and you're all keeping me from it.


    When I asked for help on the forums for someone experienced to work with me on this project, you all kept silent. Now that I've actually done something that works and looks good, you are all criticising it. You know what? I don't want to hear it! Keep your expert criticism to yourselves.


    I will do it my way, and it'll work well. It already does.


    And I don't know where you get the idea that this is what a beginner's model should look like. If you truly believe that, then you are deceiving yourselves. As far as the game goes, this is a top quality model.


    if you want to keep this model that way it's fine - it's your choice

    I just want you to keep those things in mind to make your next model even better than this one


    especially with @eezstreets lip syncing project that may become usable sometime you'll want to have a model that deforms incredibly well - and good topology is key to that


    and where the hell did you get the idea that everyone believes this is what a beginners model should look like ?!


    Also : this is a decent model for this game - but not a top quality model, go and check out some of DT's or hapslashs work to see some top quality work

    eezstreet likes this
  7. Okay, there's a point where I appreciate constructive criticism, and there's a point where you're just being plain discouraging. The model is "jacked" up in topology around the nose and lips area for a good reason: we needed to be able to tweak it and shape it into what would make a realistic face for Ahsoka. Have you ever tried interpreting a cartoon character design into a realistic human face? It's not easy.


    There is no rule that says you can't model in tris. That's bull**. Sure, quads can deform nicer, but when you're working with low poly characters, tris are often a good way to bring the poly count down.


    And sure, the topology is much like a Raven model. Hell, that was the objective! To create a good model of Ahsoka for the Jedi Academy game. It may not be as detailed as you like to design your models in, but that certainly doesn't make it bad in any regard. Face it guys, base JKA is low poly and an old game. If you've created a new model that matches the quality of the Raven models, you've done a great job -- you've done what is "professionally" required for the game. Anything beyond that is your own ambitions. Don't push that onto other people. Don't be selfish.


    And don't go telling me that the model is below expected quality. It is not. If you're wondering why I got offended, think about what you both just said. Put yourself in my shoes.


    Okay - this not offensive in anyway - I just want to help clear up a bnig misunderstanding here

    you'll notice I highligted a few phrases in your reply there

    lemme get through them :


    Green :

    while everything you said there is absolutely true - you seem to miss the point @eez was getting at

    quads don't just deform better - they are easier to work with and it's a lot easier to adjust the shape of a model made in quads

    to show this I quickly made this :



    you see 4 identical faces, 2 are triangulated and one is left as a quad


    aslnog as they are flat - there is literally no difference to be seen

    But if I move the top right vertex you'll notice a difference between the left triangulated plane and the toher 2

    the nice thing about working with quads is that they'll allways assume a convex shape if you move a vertex in a direction similiar to it's normal direction and a concave shape if you move a vertex in negative facing normal direction (second is not shown here)

    now check out the triangulated quad on the elft - it's shape is concave even though I moved the vertex in normal direction - this shape is forced on the model by "bad" triangulation - while you mgiht need this sometimes you'll find yourself needing the exact opposite here


    Now you said using tris is a good way to optimize lowpoly models - and that is true but lemme show you something I just retouched in photoshop....


    (I only did the left side of the lekku - could have done more but it's a pain in the ass to do :P)

    you see ? you could easily have modeled that in quads and I bet your friend who you said began the model did that

    the model was jsut triangulated in the process of moving it inbetween software which is now giving you allmost twice the amount of faces to work with which is just a tedious process

    and altering the shape is not as easy as it would be with a quad based model - just remember what I have shown/told you above

    you'll also see that working in tris didn't save you anything here but isntead just has the potential to cause a lot of annoying trouble ;)


    Blue :


    again you seem to have missed the point @@minilogoguy18 and @@eezstreet were making

    I assume you didn't even bother to actually take a closer look at what @@minilogoguy18 posted there (do it NOW,  it's your new Bible :winkthumb: )

    because if you did you would have seen this :


    the left model there is a perfect exmaple for good, lowpoly facial topology this will deform a lot better than the topology used by raven, but with jedi academys terrible facial animation system it'S not THAT important but still important to have nice topology - their point was not about geometrical detail/polycount it was purely about functionality - so think about things people tell you before you feel offended and take the time to read what they are telling/showing you.


    also take a look at this head I made a few years ago :


    the shape has changed since that point, but the topology stayed more or less the same - and this still isn't perfect



    Orange :


    Oh this is in no way below expected quality - in fact I expected something worse (truth to be told eh ? :D)

    this is actually looking pretty good for a first model !


    BUT you had absolutely NO reason to feel offended here - people have been trieing to help you by :

    a. giving a suggestion how working with this model could become a lot easier

    b. make it look better in the process


    and about this last sentence "Put yourself in my shoes." :

    I've been there, learned from it and grew as an artist


    Now I hope you learned soemthing from this - if you feel offended AGAIN I can only shake my head and say I tried :shrug:

    Milamber likes this
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