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Posts posted by AshuraDX

  1. @@DT85 the scaling is no problem at all - just don't scale the model on conversion from FBX to GLM !

    simply alter this :

    -scale 0.64 -g2exforceskeleton 53 -g2extagtrivertshift 4 -g2exorderbonesfromgla _humanoid.gla

    to this :

    -scale 1.0 -g2exforceskeleton 53 -g2extagtrivertshift 4 -g2exorderbonesfromgla _humanoid.gla

    that should do the trick


    otherwise the scale command should also be possible to use when converting glm to fbx making

    my current option setup :

    -scale 1.5625 -rotate 90 0 0

    I'll try to find a command that fixes bone orientation - if reexporting and converting to glm does not work with the skewed skeleton


    about weighting caps - that's what I was doing from the very beginning :P


    EDIT :

    got a close to correct hierarchy and correct scale using these commands :

    -scale 1.5625 -rotate 90 0 0 -hiefrombones

    also think I may have found a fix for the skewed bone pivots... if they are all skewed the same


    EDIT 2 :

    imported the fbx into your max skeleton @@DT85 oddly the model is still very small - way to small even though the scale parameter was set correctly


    EDIT 3 :

    -scale 3.953 -rotate 90 0 0 

    model scale is now correct (according to your max8 skeleton)

    bones are still a friggin mess but somehow the mesh hierarchy looks correct now

  2. @@Azatha
    I did it !
    Noesis settings :
    notice that you have to copy the humanoid.gla in the directory that contains your model.glm

    the bones are kinda skewed in max though, so I mgiht have to fiddle with the noesis commands a little more

    BUT I got Noesis to export hierarchy, skeleton and Weighting from GLM to FBX and manaed to import that into 3ds max
    now onto reexporting from 3ds max and converting to glm with noesis - which i'll try tonight

    Cerez likes this
  3. Alright, so I found an old copy of Max 8 and the exporter that worked with it. I used Noesis to convert the (original unedited) .glm. First I tried .fbx, but importing that into Max causes Max to crash. I then tried .obj, which imports, but without weights. I don't think that route is going to work for wanting to do this without reweighing the model from scratch.


    Ashura - I could import the .fbx into 3DS Max 2015, but then how do I save the model from 3dmax to .xsi/.glm without an exporter? Am I meant to then use Noesis again to reconvert to .glm?

    yes, you are I just tried to import an fbx to 3ds max and I couldn't get weights, hierarchy or skeletal data sadly

  4. Currently I'm using Max 2015 and unfortunately none of the exporters seem to work for it. I get an error on startup saying the plugin won't be loaded as it's made for an older version.

    but a new exporter is not required !

    Use noesis, as described by @@DT85 in his tutorial



    if you convert a glm to fbx via Noesis it MIGHT keep the weighting intact when importing in 3ds max

    I can not confirm this (yet) though

  5. The gun is pretty much a rebuild of the original E11 Prop with a few white parts from what i've seen

    and it has been identified as a prop based on the sterling smg  (which the original E11 was aswell)

    with the only main difference being tat the magazine is now located on the right isntead of the left side of the gun


    EDIT :

    check this out : http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/29306-the-new-epvii-blaster/


    EDIT : fro mthe Anaheim gallery, showcases the weapon holstering mechanism



    Langerd and Tempust85 like this
  6. I have to say Im definitely impressed by what they have shown us but still a bit skeptical about the class system they are using - I'd have loved to get some more info on that - especially the fact that everyone seems to have jump/jetpacks is odd to me

  7. hey guys, my smart phone jsut kinda gave up on me

    I can no longer access my contacts or sms on my samsung galaxy Y (S55360)


    Ibacked u everything I needed and reset my phone to factory standard, but with no success.

    I still can't get to my contacts list or view any sms


    Has anyone encountered this problem before ?

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