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Posts posted by AshuraDX

  1. so @@DT85 sent me a compiled version of OJK + rend2

    now I can't set up rend2, I tried 

    cl_renderer rd-rend2_x86 & cl_renderer rd-rend2, both followedf up by either a vid restart or restarting the game entirely - but after the restart it would still tell me it was set to rd-vanilla



    EDIT : after deleting all OJK files from my gamedata folder and adding the new ones it seems to work, now I jsut need a test map....


    EDIT2 : new version of the shaders and textures : https://www.dropbox.com/s/c37dkb54ddp6thy/HUGEDL44_v2.pk3?dl=0


    something I noticed : are damage marks on glm meshes broken ? I shot it and then it had random white rectangles drawn all over it, not even in the location the shot hit it

    Sovietskiy Partizan likes this
  2. I usually prefer to do real sculpts instead. Painting is better suited for surface details.

    usually - yes but in this case you allready have a textured lowpoly mesh and getting details to match between a new sculpt and that lowpoly is a pain in the ass
  3. @@Xycaleth : here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqz72sdesxej7ch/HUGEDL44.pk3?dl=0 as of now it's still uploading since the textures are all in 2k and uncompressed 24 bit TGAs


    did not get the at-st ready yet  but I got the humansize DL44 done


    includes :

    DL44_rend2_d.tga - diffuse with Transparency in Alpha

    DL44_rend2_s.tga - Specular with Gloss in Alpha

    DL44_rend2_n.tga - Normal with height/displacement/Parallax in Alpha

    Raz0r, Xycaleth, Tempust85 and 1 other like this
  4. I actually see some hard seams in your screenshots, similar to what I ended up with. Hard to say until testing in game.

    these are from the UV Seams Carcass is responisble for creating that nasty effect


    I have found a way to fix that though using the noesis pipeline and some 3ds max "trickery" - tutorial incoming as soon as I got the pipeline for importing, editing and reexporting models to and from 3ds max down

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