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Posts posted by AshuraDX

  1. you should try this :

    q3map_lightimage textures/colors/white
    qer_editorimage textures/colors/white
    q3map_material Glass
    q3map_surfacelight  2000
    q3map_backSplash 0 0 //fixes the circle light
    sort decal
            map textures/colors/white 
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
            rgbGen identity //makes the white texture ALLWAYS fullbright
  2. add this line to your .sab file :



    EDIT : for my starkiller saber it seems that I have given the full path to the .skin file - not sure why but I can tell that it works

        name        "Galen Marek"
        saberType    SABER_Single
        saberModel    "models/weapons2/w_starkiller/model.glm"
        soundOn        "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav"
        soundLoop    "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav"
        soundOff    "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav"
        saberLength    40
        saberColor    red
        customSkin      "models/weapons2/w_starkiller/model_red.skin"
  3. The waist looks normal for a change. The problem is JKA doesn't know normal. All the female models in JKA have ridiculously narrow waists...


    Hallelujah for a great Aayla Secura model, @@Scerendo! :D You're a legend! But please make her regular JKA (non-rend2) compatible...


    Looking forward to this.

    doing a conversion is easy and can be automated with my tools - gotta love substance designer :winkthumb:

    Scerendo likes this
  4. the shader error can be fixed by editing the .skin file - atleast it should be fixable by doing that - and you can do that yourself

    that first error looks like it had parts of a JKO model frankensteined on it and the second error could be caused by bad weighting but is morel ikely to be related to the first bad bone error

    Cerez likes this
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