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Posts posted by AshuraDX

  1. Well, that's what I have tried at first, when I was working on the episode 7 tie-fighter re-skin, and wanted to change it like "tie_ep7" and when i changed everything and wanted to spawn in game "npc spawn vehicle tie_ep7" nothing happened. Also i wanted to try making the Rebels TIE fighter skin, without affecting the other TIE Fighter models, but it's not quite possible with the basic vehicle of TIE Fighter, because the Rebel's tie got one "normal/basic" wing and the other is colored in the orange-yellow stylized design.

    making the rebels Tie is possible aswell - jsut need to adjust the .skin file

  2. @@dark_apprentice

    yeah sorry, I  just woke up and somehow failed to count the brackets, remove that extra bracket again ^^U


    EDIT : about the shadows, try removing the depthWrite line in the wing shader entry


    EDIT 2 : I just noticedthat again the entire wing is transparent O.o

    would you mind sending your wing texture to me (don't upload to imgur - upload to sendspace, dropbox and link to it)

    I just want to check your alpha channel

    dark_apprentice likes this
  3. You have to create an alpha channel for your wing texture.

    This alpha channel will tell the game which parts of the model should be transparent and which parts have to be opaque


    this is what the alpha channel should look like in your case :


    Black parts of your Alpha channel will let the texture appear transparent, while white parts will set things to opaque - grayscales in between black and white are more/less transparent

    I made the solar panel area a very light gray here, that way it will be slightly transparent ingame - if its accompanied by the right shader - to make the solar panels more or less transparent simply make the gray color darker or brighter


    here's a version of your texture fitted with that alpha channel I presented you : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35503378/TieWing_alpha.tga


    now onto the shader, your current shader is currently wrong - it creates transparency based on the brightness of your RGB values - while ignoring the alpha

    you want something like this :

            map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse
            map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing_spec
            blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
            alphaGen lightingSpecular
    dark_apprentice likes this
  4. @@Circa this video confirmed exactly what I read allready :


    No space battles ?

    No campaign ?

    20 vs 20 Multiplayer only, without AI to fill up empty slots ??


    3 nopes - from me


    And just because so far only a single DLC pack has been announced that doesn't guarantee it won't become cluttered with overpriced DLC packs


    also :

    only 5 planets, without buying possible future DLC ?


    I'll certainly miss the diversity of the original 2 Battlefront games. They had so many different locations/planets - even though it was only a single map per planet the ability to mod the game and download additional maps for FREE

    to expand the game to a nearly unlimited size made it amazing, which is another thing we won't get from this new "Battlefront"


    from what I gathered nothing has been revealed about the class system in this game - i'd greatly prefer a number fixed classes per side as opposed to only custom classes with limitations on how many players can play a specific class

    which imo aids the balacning of the game a LOT simply by making the kind of bullshit I experienced during my time playing Crysis 2 MP impossible :


    imagine a lobby full of people using an OP DLC assault Rifle and an autofire Grenade Launcher as secondary weapon... not really fun to play



    I'll wait and see about what this game will be, maybe they manage to do something to change my mind

    but atm my opinion stays the same : I won't buy it

    BruceJohnJenner and Sithani like this
  5. in fact this is the most efficient solution- regarding vertex count

    you could also have the cylinder clip through

    just make sure that any poly/face of the cylinder that you'll never see ingame is deleted

    think of it like this : everything you'd caulk when mapping should be deleted in a model for JKA

    Cerez and Tempust85 like this
  6. That link never downloads, it just brings me to a white page with words lol. Managed to copy it into a text doc and rename to sbs though. I have managed to do the pattern, but a longer way with 3ds Max & baking & then crazybump. :P

    right click save is what you'd have to do in this case :P

    Tempust85 likes this
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