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Jedi Home III - Temple Edition

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Small update -  Here is a sneak peak of some of the new effects and textures starting to come together in the map's Archive.






Next two thing's I'll be changing in this area will be the chandeliers structure/texture  (they'll be the same overall size and concept these were idea placeholders) Then to replace the ugly texture used in almost every map that has an archvie on the archive shelves themselves. Going to have to make that one from scratch as well! XD

Ok, I think I just jizzed a little..


AngelModder likes this
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I am not quite a fan of some architecture designs from the prequels, but I can't hide I like how this map turns out so far. Would you consider in future to make something more like the empire style, maybe Death Star or something in those lines.

It would depend on what it is exactly. Imperial style is nice and sleek. I feel most people shoot to high and hence there projects are never finished. Most people try for large sections of the Death Star(s) or a Star Destroyers. While it's quiet possible to design large maps of those said thing's as we've seen in the past, you have to pick your battles carefully. Deciding what parts to do and what the overall goal is in the design. Most maps really only need 3-4 good dueling area's, some thing close to the spawn points and that's it.

Unless you're a member of the RP communities maps like mine usually go unused or even unknown to the public. <--- Makes me a little sad some time's considering the amount of effort put into those maps.Though that's neither here nor there. I suppose the main point would be that like Jh3, it needs to be a design and layout that draws folks in.


So yes, I would LOVE to, problem is choosing a design and layout that would be attractive and yet suitable for common gameplay.

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So the plug in idea totally works, when the map is released there will be an additional .pk3 in the Zip/Rar file that you can drop in your base the will turn on reflections and may include a few other changes.

The main .pk3 is named Jedi_Home_III_Temple_Edition.pk3 the plug in Z_Jedi_Home_III_Temple_Edition_HD_Plugin.pk3. Works like a charm :P since the engine reads Z first and A last, the shader in the Z version reads while the other is forgotten.

Boothand, Jeff and Noodle like this
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Unless you're a member of the RP communities maps like mine usually go unused or even unknown to the public. <--- Makes me a little sad some time's considering the amount of effort put into those maps.Though that's neither here nor there. I suppose the main point would be that like Jh3, it needs to be a design and layout that draws folks in.


Cheer up, there's always people that will use the many maps around the web. When I was much younger I used to play in LAN parties or even solo with maps that I never saw online and it was tons of fun. Even now my siblings keep doing that. As long as it has a nice atmosphere, people will play on it, and this looks like it is doing great on that level.

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My film group has been waiting to use a story line set at an academy on Fresia for years, and from the first time we saw pictures of your map, we were inspired... But it's turning out to be so good, so amazing, that we might want to use it as the head of our Hero's organization... Only time will tell, but can the quality of one's enjoyment at least make you feel better if the quantity isn't there? Your work will be vastly appreciated and we are inspired at such raw creation that you're putting out.

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Cheer up, there's always people that will use the many maps around the web. When I was much younger I used to play in LAN parties or even solo with maps that I never saw online and it was tons of fun. Even now my siblings keep doing that. As long as it has a nice atmosphere, people will play on it, and this looks like it is doing great on that level.

LANs....Do those still exist?


My film group has been waiting to use a story line set at an academy on Fresia for years, and from the first time we saw pictures of your map, we were inspired... But it's turning out to be so good, so amazing, that we might want to use it as the head of our Hero's organization... Only time will tell, but can the quality of one's enjoyment at least make you feel better if the quantity isn't there? Your work will be vastly appreciated and we are inspired at such raw creation that you're putting out.

I'm pretty much gonna use this map as the home for my character's family for a long time. (Hint: Mandalorians.) And I'll be looking forward to your own future works as well @@ZanderNao.

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LANs....Do those still exist?


I'm pretty much gonna use this map as the home for my character's family for a long time. (Hint: Mandalorians.) And I'll be looking forward to your own future works as well @@ZanderNao.

I'm really glad we got to do that sort of pseudo stand alone in our comic take on the universe, it lets people see what we're capable of without having to catch up on the backlog of everything... But I don't want to derail this subject too much from it's intended subject, so I'll save our chat for another place, lol.

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WOW, So I just realized this topics had over 2000 views. Really shocking for only about a month of being up for me. I just want to take a moment and thank each of you who is paying attention to this post! You really inspire me to keep going! Oh and my gf hates you for that XD! LOL... Nah but you are why I do this. JH1-2 and JK3 have been in a odd way a safe spot and a home for me and probably others. A place to escape and just let our imaginations dump... Any who, I hope in the next week to really start showing you guys some new touch ups. It's a slow process switching some of the lighting over, changes in textures or just some times texture quality.

I've always been into focusing on the scale of textures from a 1rst person pov so not only am I trying to bring in higher res textures but scaling them every where after the initial build and texturing takes some bloody time XD! I wasn't really crying or w/e Q_Q over my prior maps. But meh I'm sure other mappers can relate... XD we like seeing people enjoy them! Trying to find the secrets or w/e months and months of work and that is our joy XD! In this maps case years of work off and on. But this is the final push!

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Archives are finished aside from a few texture update's I'll make near the end of the project. They wont really be changes, but more of better variations of the same idea. For example the glass of the domes should not be one constant color but rather brightest where the bulbs are with soft fades etc. The floor is reflective only if you install the optional patch that will come with the map.





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Archives are finished aside from a few texture update's I'll make near the end of the project. They wont really be changes, but more of better variations of the same idea. For example the glass of the domes should not be one constant color but rather brightest where the bulbs are with soft fades etc. The floor is reflective only if you install the optional patch that will come with the map.






"In a refuge high above the clouds of a planet, knowledge that even the Jedi and Sith have forgotten is told to only a few that deserve to pass it on to future generations so that history shall never forget."


This-Is-Perfect! :D

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UPDATE - Spent the week working on a small duel map idea I want to include as a secret area and working on a few new cool mechanics for such sakes. Any who here is two area's I "can" show you, just built for your pleasure.

Secret Prison GIu8Rxg.jpg

Includes poison gas for misbehaving prisoners!

The Student Cafeteria HHrqwSO.jpg


And a bar for Obi Wan Kenobi

Langerd, swegmaster and Stoiss like this
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