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STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)

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*Small Update*

Small change to the code, this weekend, that removes the ball like glow from around the bottom of the saber blade/top of the saber hilt, to give a more realistic and authentic looking lightsaber. Overall saber-glow numbers are yet to to be finalised.


Original version on the left. Code change version on the right:




@@redsaurus, @@Linken? I know this is a small detail, but it can add authenticity to the saber looks. You guys think you can take notes of it for JKA Enhanced and KOTF 2.1? Cause it's a good idea. :D

Linken, Tompa9 and General Howard like this
  • 2 weeks later...

*Small Update*

Small change to the code, this weekend, that removes the ball like glow from around the bottom of the saber blade/top of the saber hilt, to give a more realistic and authentic looking lightsaber. Overall saber-glow numbers are yet to to be finalised.


Original version on the left. Code change version on the right:






That looks rocking! That's how i've always liked my sabers looking. Thinner and without the glow at the hilt. Small details like this really show how much you care about keeping true to SW.


anakin models from before were bad, recently in this same forum I found an anakin pack that I think is the best of all. His name is "Anakin Skywalker (The Chosen One) Pack" when you can look at it and see what you think

anakin models from before were bad, recently in this same forum I found an anakin pack that I think is the best of all. His name is "Anakin Skywalker (The Chosen One) Pack" when you can look at it and see what you think




1. Importnant DOTF textures were enhanced to fit more accurate feeling.

Generator area






Force field effect




Wall texture











2. Character screen capacity has been extended to 15 chars per screen! These are few examples:



1st prequel screen (powerful masters)







2nd prequel screen (Siths and evil fighters)






4th screen (Old trilogy and Sequel trilogy)





3. We are also working hard on new animations, audio changes, scripting, sabersystem and few new characters.


*Small Update*

Small change to the code, this weekend, that removes the ball like glow from around the bottom of the saber blade/top of the saber hilt, to give a more realistic and authentic looking lightsaber. Overall saber-glow numbers are yet to to be finalised.


Original version on the left. Code change version on the right:





Nice. Is there any way to replicate this without coding for JA/OpenJK? Maybe finding the "ball glow" texture and changing it?

Matt the Radar Tech likes this

Nice. Is there any way to replicate this without coding for JA/OpenJK? Maybe finding the "ball glow" texture and changing it?


Unfortunately it isnt. That´s why we have to code it. 


Nice. Is there any way to replicate this without coding for JA/OpenJK? Maybe finding the "ball glow" texture and changing it?

No. As tompa said, it's a change within the code, that renders an additional glow around the top of the hilt/bottom of the blade. It's not a graphic or image file that can be removed from the assets. So, you'd need to code it in to an OpenJK build, if you'd want to implement it.


For anyone who’s interested, we now have a public area in our Discord server for anyone wanting to come in and chat. It currently only has a few main channels, as the rest are set to private. But we will be showcasing work and WIP’s in the #mod_previews channel, for the public to see.


Come join, chat & have fun!

Discord Server link:


dg1995 and Delmi like this
  • 2 weeks later...

*Small update*


New Force lightning effect and colors!


Lvl. 1-2 (light blue)




Lvl. 3 (blue-purple aka Emperor´s lightning)



Delmi likes this

*NEW Taunt Addition*

Obi-Wan's Ep.III taunt (courtesy of @@Sir Crusher)


I Recommend two things with the animation


1- Make a planned animation with some key  positions and later add frames that will connect those positions to make whole animation much more connected. 

2- The animation is not kind looped.. The ending of it is very weird and look unnatural. The best way to achieve smooth effect is duplicating the first keyframe and putting it in the end of the animation and connect to the rest of the animation (look at point 1)


Thank you @@Langerd but i have to explain this little bit.


The animation of taunt itself, is clean. The problem, however, is it was recorded in another version we are using for previews of our mod because it has neccesary code improvements like coded saberglow. But this animation isn’t working fully for our NEW sabersystem, yet. Default stances arent automatic, we have to press block button to change idle stance to combat ready stance. So, block had to be pressed at the end of animation, to form that pose. And that's why it stopped for milisecond.

GPChannel and yeyo JK like this

Anakin's model has improved a lot.

You can thank @@Tompa9 for that. He’s significantly improved Anakin’s model, since the original HS version. Plus, the additional skins he’s done, too. Still one of my favourite models within the mod.. Even in the JK community.

dg1995 and Tompa9 like this

Hate to be "that guy", because so much of this looks amazing, but what's with Anakin's shadow in the last screenshot?


Probably cg_shadows 3. It's pretty much a mixture of cg_shadows 1 and 2: 0 renders none, 1 renders a circular shadow under the model (option Simple in the settings), 2 renders a volumetric shadow (Volumetric), 3 projects a shadow similar to the volumetric one, but horizontally instead of projecting it on the geometry around and without rendering it on the player itself (Projected).

yeyo JK likes this

Probably cg_shadows 3. It's pretty much a mixture of cg_shadows 1 and 2: 0 renders none, 1 renders a circular shadow under the model (option Simple in the settings), 2 renders a volumetric shadow (Volumetric), 3 projects a shadow similar to the volumetric one, but horizontally instead of projecting it on the geometry around and without rendering it on the player itself (Projected).

Yeah, we’ve actually decided to go with “projected shadows”, ‘cos it gives a much better shadow effect, overall. It might still need some minor tweaking here and there, but the overall result is much better than our previous versions.

LukeJM28 likes this

Hate to be "that guy", because so much of this looks amazing, but what's with Anakin's shadow in the last screenshot?


That´s because I´m using projected shadows. You can turn shadows off or set only simple/volumetric in setup menu :)

yeyo JK and LukeJM28 like this

A showcase of Arrest the Chancellor mission from our mod Movie Duels! We are working really hard behind the scenes to give you to most accurate feeling as possible. As you can see, our work isn´t only about replacing old models and textures. Dialogues and music is remastered on the highest quality level and synchronized perfectly as it is in the movie. New characters have rigged faces so you can see how they are opening their mouths when speaking and showing face expressions. This was recorded in base Jedi Academy sabercombat because cutscenes are bug free there at the moment. Sabersystem build need some tweakings.



LukeJM28, dg1995, yeyo JK and 2 others like this

You guys really should consider changing the default sound of some of those models. I've already seen people online commenting on how amusing and tiring it is to hear characters repeating lines from the movie every time they're hit. It'd be better if they just did normal grunts and pain sounds like in the base game.

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