the_raven Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 It did premiere yesterday.How did you see it already? It doesnt release until the 16th. Unless you got some exclusive viewing somehow.I knew some people that were able to get an early copy of Rogue One at the Cinema they work at. It was honestly fantastic. I only watched it in regular 2D though, so I will definitely go back when it "officially" releases and watch IMAX and 3D versions.As it turns out (according to wikipedia, at least) the movie premiered on Dec 10th in LA only, and will be released for the whole of the US on Dec 16th, for Russia - on the 15th, and for the rest of us little countries on the 14th.
dark_apprentice Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 Indeed there was a live stream with the red carpet on 10th in LA here in Bulgaria the premier is on 16-th December the 15-th you can watch it as a pre premiere. z3filus and the_raven like this
z3filus Posted December 15, 2016 Posted December 15, 2016 The movie was great! I saw the 2D version, it wasn't perfect, but I'm going to see the 3D version soon. It's hard to believe it was a Disney film, Vader finally got scenes on the bigscreen that explained just why he is so feared, more of that please!
dark_apprentice Posted December 15, 2016 Posted December 15, 2016 This is how you watch Rogue One (my girlfriend got me on her phone) Futuza likes this
NumberWan Posted December 15, 2016 Posted December 15, 2016 Okey, I've watched the movie just a few hours ago. And it's absolutely hilarious! It's a wonderful film as it is, but it is also great in terms of Star Wars. Buy tickets now and go and watch it! I am so envious, that some of you will see the film in a few hours/days, while I've already seen it. I don't want to spoil. So this is the last phrase with no spoilers in my message. End reading it here now. I will mention only a few things I like. Spoiler-mentioning below. DO NOT READ, IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED ROGUE ONE YET! I must say, that I omit most of specific details/names even here. The film is perfect in almost every way, except for a few moments, which are even among fans are quite disputable. Rogue One is definitely far better than what we see in Episode VII, the seventh film basically fades out with all the things you see in Rogue One. Dozens of things capture your attention here. You expect the film to change the pace after a few scenes, but just like the ocean - it sends in new waves to keep you on active path. Before the release the film was a lot of secret, but I am glad, that the team stayed true to their promises. The film introduces several new planets, each with a different theme: Jedna, Scarif, Imu, and a few others. Even one from the previous films is present. Also the cameos are great: you can see a lot of people from older films, however in some cases they play a major role, close to main characters and villains. You see Vader in the trailers, and he won't dissappoint you in Rogue One, I promise. I would even say, his persona is expanded and explained greatly in this film. There are also something else - look closely and you'll see something familiar from the Rebels and The Clone Wars series. Notably The Old Republic era is not forgotten! The new heroes suprisignly fit well enough into Star Wars legacy: all the team and Jyn Erso don't act cheesy,but present themselves in a natural way. It's good to see how the old Rebels are tied with the new ones, including the designs and plot. Some things were confirmed, some proved wrong. Whatever, it's worth to see all for yourself. JAWSFreelao and dark_apprentice like this
Jolly Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 Just got back from seeing this in theatres and thought it was worth sharing my opinion, I won't go into extreme detail but heres my thoughts. I really enjoyed Rogue One, like unexpectedly enjoyed Rogue One. When I came out of seeing Episode 7, I was a little disappointed from what it was but eventually kinda came to terms with it. With this movie I was really underwhelmed and had no expectations but I think that made me enjoy it more. Anyway in the end I really enjoyed this movie and think its totally worth going to see (Try to have a open mind, you may enjoy it more!).
Circa Posted December 16, 2016 Author Posted December 16, 2016 It was truly epic. In every way. Rayce likes this .!¡!.
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 All I'm gonna say is...dammit wookiepedia. You and your spoilers. the_raven likes this
Futuza Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 Hmmm...just watched I'm a little torn on what to give it. Going to spoil stuff so ignore this post until you've watched SPOILERS, YOU WERE WARNED. Overall 7/10 movie. Wasn't expecting a lot going in, but it was way better than expected. Definitely worth seeing and watching several times, I didn't like it as much as TFA, but it was very good nonetheless. 7/10 Execution. Rogue One tells a pretty story and does what we basically expected it to do. However, despite all that it feels rather messily executed. The cinematography while excellent crafted, lacks TFA smooth transitions and symbolic shots. I'm definitely not a huge fan of some of the shots. By contrast this film is jerkily and much faster paced. This is easy to forgive because it serves the story's purpose as it takes place during a time of unrest and rebellion, however, it lacks the masterful prose and mood created in TFA as a result. The first half of the film, (following the prelude and title flash) feels especially rough. For fans of Star Wars this is especially noticeable and makes it hard to become immersed in the story, for those unfamiliar with the franchise (no one), its probably not as bad. This is a result of too many scene jumps in rapid sequence, no John Williams music, no traditional Star Wars title scroll. On the other hand, the film also demands that you already know a little bit about Star Wars to 'get' what is going on. There's very little introduction or explanation for a stand alone viewer. (eg: Why exactly is the Empire evil, why the Rebellion, who are these people!? Are questions someone might be likely to ask). The film also lacks a lot of the symbolism and deeper story telling elements, that many of the other films have used. Despite all that, it's well done and by about the half way point, it really begins to feel like a Star Wars film and we're fully engaged in the story. For a viewer like me, who knows Star Wars better than the average person, it kept me asking things like: "How are they going to tie this in? How is this going to be resolved? Well that's a problem, how the hell is this story going to...oh ah I see, that's very clever. I like that." This is a very nice thing for any Star Wars nerd and definitely feels satisfying seeing all the points and issues click and resolve into their proper place. Some of the costumes looked cheap and poorly made eg: Stormtrooper cod piece armors weren't very believable looking (however its not like they were in IV either), despite looking good in TFA. There's also some confusion in some parts with some non-Imperial Guard fakes wandering around one of the cities. They look like cardboard. Occasionally some of the ships look like unpainted plastic models. The CGI and effects were for the most part, however, very well done and believable. 7/10 Story.The problem with the story, the real main problem is that it doesn't have a story. We already know what's going to happen. Some rebels are going to find out about the Death Star. Figure out it has a weakness. Get the plans. Have a big fight. And either barely get away, or give most of their lives in order to get the plans to Leia. We already know everyone is going to die. There isn't a lot of room for a unique unexpected story, instead what we get is a cleverly crafted narrative that ties details of Episode III and Episode IV together. For what is possible within the time frame of the story, the narrative is exceptionally clever. However, that's only going to be so interesting. There's also still a lot of unanswered questions and confusing "extra" stuff thrown in which fogs up the main story being told. Some examples:Ponda Baba and Evazan show up as a cameo. That's cool. Except...the city they are last in gets blown up by the Death Star. They should be dead. Yeah, sure its possible they might have got away at the last second, but we don't see it happen.Saw Gerrera's character was almost completely pointless. He raises Jyn, but we don't get to see it. Jyn is important to him, but we don't really get to see it. He dies...pointlessly. His place in the narrative is confusing and unnecessary. Plus the torture scene, wtf? This adds nothing to the story. Absolutely nothing.Governor Tarkin blows up the Imperial archive records (which contain Death Star plans). Why? To what purpose does this serve? Now, not only do the Imperials have no idea as to what was stolen, but they've lost all data on the Death Star. The Rebel's basically have way more knowledge at this point about their own Battle Station than the Imperials do (if we're to believe the narrative being told, that this is the only place to get Death Star plans).While Jyn and Cassian manage to deliver the plans, they broadcast them. This makes us wonder why exactly the Empire is so keen on getting the plans back in Episode IV...was the broadcast encrypted so only Rebel ships could get them? If so, how? The story makes it specifically clear that the Rebel's on the surface do NOT have a predetermined encryption scheme with the Rebel's fighting above over the planet. The point being, if the signal was broadcast, the imperials should have got the signal too and ought to be able to analyze the plans just as well as the rebels to figure out the weakness. Then all they have to do is build a 2 meter wide grate, protect the exhaust port.Furthermore, Jyn and Cassian just kind of give up on the beach and die. When earlier in the movie when faced with the EXACT same threat, they don't give up and manage to find a ship. Why not the second time? I mean I get Cassian got shot, but come on."The force is with me and I am one with the force" repeated over and over was annoying and silly. A few times is fine. Over and over and over?We see Garven Dreis present at the battle trapped on the planet, but never see him escape. Yet he is present at the Battle of Yavin.No Kyle Katarn. Seriously the Chuck Norris of Star Wars and you replace him with Cassian?Jyn is a pretty bland flat character. No reason to like or dislike her, she's just kinda there reacting and being normal. While all of these are small things, they do detract from the already simple story being told. Hence the 7. However, there were some amazing things too:Darth Vader's triple layered pun to Director Krennic was amazing.Darth Vader slaughtering rebels in an attempt to capture the plans was amazing.Ingvild Deila looks exactly like Princess Leia. CGI probably helped here a bit, but it looks flawless, so good that I was blown away.While Governor Tarkin does have noticeable CGI glitchyness, it is very well crafted and believable. His voice is also spot on. Hopefully this will still be true in five years, after CGI has quadrupled in technical prowess.Rebel Hammerhead Corvette "ramming speed" scene was amazing. Nothing like watching a Star Destroyer wrecking ball break all manner of things.Vader's Star Destroyer coming out of Hyperspace and wrecking Rebels.K-2SO every time he's on screen. Basically a less sadistic version of HK-47.Chirrut & Baze's death/heroic scene.Rebel's vs defenses at Scariff battle in general.Chirrut beats up storm trooper brigade.Bodhi Rook's character development and mini story.Director Krennic's character in general very well done. Over all a very good film, despite the fact it doesn't quite feel like a Star Wars film for a good majority of its running time. Highly recommended from me, just know there are flaws. therfiles likes this
Tempust85 Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 The CGI is fantastic!Tarkin and Leia look almost like real people. Tech has come a long way in recent years. Rayce, Circa, eezstreet and 2 others like this
Noodle Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 I don't remember TFA being so well recieved around here, that's making me really hyped to see the movie. Rayce, the_raven, NumberWan and 1 other like this
the_raven Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 The CGI is fantastic!I'll be the judge of that!(no, seriously, I'm very picky when it comes to cgi)
dark_apprentice Posted December 17, 2016 Posted December 17, 2016 CGI was only with Tarkin, while the one at the very end ispure makeup masterpiece and her real face.
NumberWan Posted December 17, 2016 Posted December 17, 2016 It is said, that they are both CGI. It is true, the actors worked in both cases, but a CGI mask was used even at the very end. The actress behind was revealed, and she herself made a tweet, revealing her secret, that was indeed involved in Star Wars Rogue One. The other characters, which make an appearance in A New Hope, were also restored, but we may assume it was a much easier task. Some people hated the CGI, claiming actors such as Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones, among many other works). But I wouldn't buy it: for it was too obvious, that this wouldn't be Moff Tarkin. I am glad they used CGI here, even if some would find many flaws with the picture in such scenes. dark_apprentice and Tempust85 like this
DarthStevenus Posted December 17, 2016 Posted December 17, 2016 Saw the movie last night. It was pretty good, I didn't leave the theater disappointed. Although, like Force Awakens, there was a bit too much fan service for me. But I wish they would have just left out the Tarkin and Leia CGI nightmares. They weren't really convincing to me at all. Every time they spoke I just kept watching their lips, they looked unnatural. I wish they would have just used some new imperial officer character instead of Tarkin. And instead of showing Leia's face at the end, they could just show her from behind with the veil over her face. It's not like we wouldn't know who she's supposed to be. Oh yeah, and Darth Vader was awesome.
Futuza Posted December 17, 2016 Posted December 17, 2016 Saw the movie last night. It was pretty good, I didn't leave the theater disappointed. Although, like Force Awakens, there was a bit too much fan service for me. But I wish they would have just left out the Tarkin and Leia CGI nightmares. They weren't really convincing to me at all. Every time they spoke I just kept watching their lips, they looked unnatural. I wish they would have just used some new imperial officer character instead of Tarkin. And instead of showing Leia's face at the end, they could just show her from behind with the veil over her face. It's not like we wouldn't know who she's supposed to be. Oh yeah, and Darth Vader was awesome. Too much uncanny valley for you? I thought Leia was perfectly fine, Tarkin on the otherhand while good looking I'm afraid won't hold up in five years.
NumberWan Posted December 17, 2016 Posted December 17, 2016 It's interesting, that Rogue One has so much of clever details, connected to other films, books, etc. For instance you can see Tooka in one of the scenes – it's a little toy from the Clone Wars era, first seen during siege of the Ryloth by CIS, when Clones save a little Twi'Lek girl Numa. And many more. Aside from the already spotted Ghost ship in the Rebel fleet, Chopper in the back of one of the starfighters and Syndulla mentioned in the Rebel base on Yavin IV, there are many others. We can see Jan Dodonna, though played by a different actor (actually from Game of Thrones). It's peculiar to see Tantive IV to appear once more on screen, being resurrected for the first time in Revenge of the Sith. We also return to Mustafar, left untouched for some time, only appearing in Battlefront II and Star Wars Galaxies (with trials of Obi Wan), as well as several episodes of The Clone Wars. Some assumed, it to be strange that Vader has a castle on this lava world (and also complaining about its appearance being like the one in LOTR), where he had the duel with Kenobi. His defeat could remind him of his past, so it's not very normal perhaps. On the other hand, Vader might have chosen Mustafar, because it's the place where Anakin Skywalker was destroyed and Vader was born (while Tatooine is sort of forbidden for known reasons). Vader's Castle on Mustafar is based on the original picture created for Episode V by Ralph McQuarrie. Have a look below. Another interesting thing is that we have a few shots of Coruscant, where Galen Erso lives with his family after his wedding and the end of the Clone Wars. The books reveal, that Krennic is in there not coincidentally – even during the Republic times he was already part of the Death Star project, and he was also the one, who rescued Galen and Lyra from the occupation by the CIS. Later on he moves to Lah'Mu, a planet with ash-like ground, which is named after a Neimodian (Trade Federation) word, meaning Prosperity. The very first shot of the film looks exactly as the films and most of the other Star Wars. However after that camera changes to space, and a very troubling music begins to play, reminding the motives from the Horror films from 1970s a lot.
JaceSolarisVIII Posted December 17, 2016 Posted December 17, 2016 Awesome movie. The last 5 min with vader blew me away! Tempust85 and DarthDementous like this
Tempust85 Posted December 18, 2016 Posted December 18, 2016 Well, at least it's not this bad Barricade24, krkarr and DarthStevenus like this
mrwonko Posted December 18, 2016 Posted December 18, 2016 So, did the end remind anyone else of the start of this Force Unleashed 2 trailer?
Archangel35757 Posted December 18, 2016 Posted December 18, 2016 why do you think...[Warning: do not open if you have not seen the movie!!!] ...they killed off everybody? They could have written in a getaway with the pilot, Erso, and the Captain-- yet they let them die on the beach. Clearly these two characters are based on Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors. It just aggravates me they don't live to fight another day.. dark_apprentice likes this
DarthDementous Posted December 18, 2016 Posted December 18, 2016 why do you think...[Warning: do not open if you have not seen the movie!!!] ...they killed off everybody? They could have written in a getaway with the pilot, Erso, and the Captain-- yet they let them die on the beach. Clearly these two characters are based on Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors. It just aggravates me they don't live to fight another day.. lol. Cassian and Jyn are very different characters and the similarities are superficial at best. these similarities boil down to Jyn's name and Cassian's outfit. Cassian is not a defector from the Empire nor is he just a guy with a lightsaber, he's a soldier through-and-through looking for some kind of justification for all the morally questionable things he's done under the Rebellion. that is why their deaths are totally appropriate because it shows an arc for both characters, as well as cementing the tone of the movie and heightening the stakes for the OT. Jyn starts off utterly de-sensitized to the whole Imperial reign and is only moved to do something because she witnesses the horror of her Father dying as the direct result of the conflict between the Rebellion and the Empire - an innocent and genius scientist that only wanted to do good for the world, but is forced to work on the equivalent of the Atom Bomb in the Star Wars universe. so in Jyn's death she has finally realised her purpose and given back to the galaxy she ignored for so long, and in Cassian's case he's finally atoned for his sins by being critical in the effort to prevent billions of lives from being eventually destroyed by the Deathstar. LucyTheAlien likes this
Barricade24 Posted December 19, 2016 Posted December 19, 2016 I saw the movie today and I thought it was freaking amazing!! This movie delivered things I have never before seen in a movie. At least in a Classic Trilogy era. I'll refrain from posting any spoilers, but that final battle... Glorious. JAWSFreelao likes this
dark_apprentice Posted December 19, 2016 Posted December 19, 2016 Personally I loved watching Rogue One 2 times on the big screen, the pre premier I saw it on 3D and the second time specially with my father on IMAX 4DX, which was actually much better to watch. I loved the movie since the first few minutes. Of course I would like to see the real war movie without the reshoots, but thanks to those reshoots I think they managed to bring it more emotional and closer to what we expected as SW fans. About the CGI work *WARNING SPOILERS Go watch the movie before you read this!!* ...after the second watch yesterday, I must admit that the full facial CGI on Tarkin is amazing on it's own ways, not quite perfect as some people might want it to be, but for the mass and if you don't look into such details it was amazing masterpiece work. Of course after 5-10 years who knows what CGI and Virtual reality effects will be, since we know what they have already made as a beginning. However there is one very (again will repeat the word) "VERY" personal thing I couldn't compromise to see and it's something that Disney just did wrong with the so called "new canon". DEM EYEBROWS!!!Yes I will always complain about Sebastian Shaw as the original Anakin Skywalker when Luke got the mask off in ROTJ and also as a Force ghost. The worst to be in a movie as a veteran actor and be replaced by some guy over there is out of any words, but to remove his eyebrows to fit with ROTJ.... NOPE. Ok I understand from the point of view in Revenge of the Sith when Anakin/Vader was a charcoal after Mustafar battle and it's understandable he will lose every single hair he had. I must admit, I am not that familiar with the functions of the bacta and what time is needed to heal yoursefl after such burns to have some facial hairs on you, but on Season 2 of Rebels (it's a canon story now) we see Anakin's face after Ashoka damaged the helmet and he had eyebrows. On Rogue 1 the few seconds we got on the big screen the mannequin used for Anakin outside of his Vader suit was missing dem eybrows. I want eyebrows BACK!
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