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EPVII Stormtrooper

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Well he's only done a helmet, which is all anyone can do at the moment. This is fan made, but I like it... 



just a OT trooper with pohotshopped helmet..


Tempust85 likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking. Instead of having mods of EPVII content all over the shop on JKHub, what if we released it all as one big content pack mainly for MP (with rend2 compatibility)?


And, who would like to be part of this project?




Doing it this way, we can also assign people assets to make and not risk making the same thing multiple times. :)

Jolly, Stoiss, JAWSFreelao and 1 other like this

There's no material to work from and you're already gathering a team? :D Personally i'm hoping for new moddable games (hopefully with good gameplay), if not i wouldnt mind doing a few things here and there.


Sure, why not? There will be material sooner or later. :P


Yeah I'm hoping for that too, but if not we still have good ol JKA. Just needs moar rend2. :P


There's no material to work from and you're already gathering a team? :D Personally i'm hoping for new moddable games (hopefully with good gameplay), if not i wouldnt mind doing a few things here and there.

Here's to praying DICE's Battlefront is moddable. Imagine modding next-gen graphics with new weapons, units, maps... Just like the original Battlefront did during the days of Gametoast.


I doubt BF will be moddable. EA is notorious for being anti-modder when it comes to anything but The Sims these days. They think that Frostbite is "too complicated" for modders to understand.

Darth Sion likes this

Star Wars Battlefront has been confirmed to be featuring Episode 7 aspects so hopefully that'll provide a nice resource for some new maps and models :D


@@DT85 Have you tried frankensteining the new helmet onto your stormtrooper, if so did it end up meshing well? Or did the curves differentiate the helmet too much.

Tempust85 likes this
  • 2 months later...

I don't know .. The suit ressembles the Clone armor but then again...  this makes the original stormtrooper look so much different from the rest of the armors seen in StarWars.
The helmet could have been shaped more like the original helmets. Minor detail perhaps? I'm sure the movie will be awesome. The rest of the outfit looks perfect for a 2.0 armor.

Also, this design will forever remind me of.......


hhunter6 likes this

Personally I think the Gen 1 clones looked super ridiculous with their huge fins. They looked especially bad with that horrible CGI work. I also didn't like how Ep2's clones looked radically different from Ep3 with no context in the film. Also how Grievous was basically shoehorn ed as random villain with no purpose. Yes, I'm aware of that cartoon nonsense. But when you go from Ep2 straight to Ep3 like I did, I had to go back and watch Ep2 to see if I missed something (possibly, because a good chunk of the movie is a snoozefest). Turns out I didnt. *shrug*


I don't think the new stormtroopers look bad at all. Depending on their context in the plot and how they're laid out stylistically, the suit design would make a lot of sense. I don't know, it's hard to say without seeing the movie itself.

Also I don't see a resemblance to an Apple product, other than it looks streamlined and lighter (which is GOOD with all that marching..). Sorry Apple, but that suit looks a lot more functional and less laggy than the Apple Watch.

Bek, Onysfx, Syko and 1 other like this

Also, I can't believe that nobody mentioned the blasters. They look more shiny and pristine. Almost too pristine. But that's just a gripe of mine.


I like that they take ideas from the old original concept arts of Ralph Mcquarrie.

The new stromtroopers look great for me.  They still looks like the older ones:



but they look more serious. Old stormtroopers looks funny XD (But great too! Not ridiculous). Maybe their armors have more simple shape but i like it! Of course everybody have their opinion but i think they made great job with them. They are something new but with the old style atmosphere (And on posters we have some diffrent types of them! So we should look on them too. I hope that we will see snowtroopers because they look badass )


eezstreet, Onysfx, Syko and 1 other like this

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