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Kualan's Kitbash Workshop

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I think TCW had the design first, since TOR has used other outfits from the show too, like Mother Talzin's.


Here's the latest version, what do folks think of the mask now?




I don't see anything wrong with the mask anymore ^^ except the color being too dull gold now.

sorry for being so picky, only being so picky because you're doing good


PierceDoughty likes this

Have got two files sitting on my laptop ready to be uploaded by my Internet is playing up at the minute and keeps disrupting them when I try to upload. It's Version 2 of the Jedi Temple Guard and a whole pack of 501st Clonetrooper skins.


EDIT: Both are uploaded now.


Regarding the clones, in addition to the skins I've modified the original model so that the helmet is more screen-accurate and not as chubby as it seemed to be originally. Like so:






And another Jedi in the works:






Reshaping the helmet is one thing, the rest of the body is a different story, as the torso and limbs need to fit the JKA skeleton.


And to be honest, personally it was only the helmet that ever bothered me.

  • 4 weeks later...

For the Rebels fans:






It isn't wholly screen-accurate (most notably the helmet), but I 'Sithed' him up a little, I'm also having trouble texturing the Imperial insignia onto the shoulder pads due to distortion, but I'll work on it.

You Should release this!!


My Internet is still jittery at the moment, but I managed to upload some Separatist models that I know folks wanted. These are in their raw /models folder format, so can be used for people's mods etc but are not assembled for full integration in the game yet. So for now I've just uploaded to Dropbox rather than the Hub:





Langerd, Onysfx, z3filus and 11 others like this
  • 3 weeks later...

My Internet is still jittery at the moment, but I managed to upload some Separatist models that I know folks wanted. These are in their raw /models folder format, so can be used for people's mods etc but are not assembled for full integration in the game yet. So for now I've just uploaded to Dropbox rather than the Hub:





Those are truly wonderful. They fit anatomy of the species perfectly, the head is very well merged and perfectly shaped with all these helmets etc. Awesome!

  • 1 month later...

After posting the above I had a brainwave on how to make another clone variant seen in the films. This one has been made in the last hour though so is in a very rough 'first draft' format:






The torso skin is a placeholder via the AT-AT pilot skin from MovieBattles (I think). The top half of the helmet comes from the base rebel pilot model whilst the lower half is sourced from DT's Stormtrooper model!

Langerd, NumberWan, Onysfx and 5 others like this

You made that Plo Koon from the Clone Wars? Or it ended just on the concept? :P


It has been frankensteined (I don't like to call what I do 'modelling'), yes. It hasn't been fully tested in-game yet though.


Even though the Phase 2 Clone Pilot already exists I like yours way better.

It does? Not seen it before! Do you have a link?


Found some JKA time this week, so worked on some clone variants I hope to release in a future 'super-customisation' pack. Two of these can be seen in the recent issue of my webcomic:





For poncho Clone Trooper... You should get a cookie. Awesome!






Is it possible for You to make the first phase in poncho too?

yeyo JK and Onysfx like this

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