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[Update] SW: New Beginning SP Mod

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This page was last updated on 03 Jan 2021.

A New Beginning is a single player mod for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, focused on expanding the story from one of the game's original endings. In the mod, the player can expect a return to humble origins as the new Padawan Learner of Jedi Knight Jaden Korr, now famous for ending the threat of Tavion Axmis on Korriban one year ago.

A demo level for the mod was originally released on 28 February 2015, but further updates have been lacking in no small part to my own personal responsibilities and quite simply, time! Recently, time has again permitted more development on the project, though as a one-man team, progress is still somewhat slow.

What I'm currently looking for is feedback regarding the Yavin Temple level specifically as I've now deemed it complete! There are new cutscenes and I've kept the original level as a follow-on while I begin working on rebuilding it to be longer and more challenging.

Special Thanks to Redsaurus for his amazing tutorials!

The Yavin Temple is more of a roam-about level. Like the Jedi Outcast counterpart, you could run straight to the end, however there are rewards for opting to explore.

There are a few secret areas within the Yavin Temple level. There's a small guide to them below, so don't look if you want to try and find them yourself!

Please, please, please share bugs with me! I can't fix things if I don't know they're broken and believe me, if you stare at something for too long you'll stop looking at it properly. If something's broken there's a good chance that I simply overlooked it.

Suggestions are welcome too!

Finally, thank you very much for taking the time to read this and play through this content!



SW: New Beginning - Secret #1
SW: New Beginning - Secret #2
SW: New Beginning - Secret #3
SW: New Beginning - Secret #4
SW: New Beginning - Secret #5
SW: New Beginning - Secret #6
And one more Easter Egg...









This page was last updated on 03 May 2018.
A New Beginning is a single player mod for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, focused on expanding the story from one of the game's original endings. In the mod, the player can expect a return to humble origins as the new Padawan Learner of Jedi Knight Jaden Korr, now famous for ending the threat of Tavion Axmis on Korriban one year ago.
A demo level for the mod was originally released on 28 February 2015, but further updates have been lacking in no small part to my own personal responsibilities and quite simply, time! Recently, time has again permitted more development on the project, though as a one-man team, progress is still somewhat slow.
What I'm currently looking for is feedback regarding the Yavin Temple level specifically as I've now deemed it complete! There are new cutscenes and I've kept the original level as a follow-on while I begin working on rebuilding it to be longer and more challenging.
The Yavin Temple is more of a roam-about level. Like the Jedi Outcast counterpart, you could run straight to the end, however there are rewards for opting to explore.
There are a few secret areas within the Yavin Temple level. There's a small guide to them below, so don't look if you want to try and find them yourself!
Please, please, please share bugs with me! I can't fix things if I don't know they're broken and believe me, if you stare at something for too long you'll stop looking at it properly. If something's broken there's a good chance that I simply overlooked it.
Suggestions are welcome too!
Finally, thank you very much for taking the time to read this and play through this content!

SW: New Beginning - Secret #1

SW: New Beginning - Secret #2

SW: New Beginning - Secret #3

SW: New Beginning - Secret #4

SW: New Beginning - Secret #5

SW: New Beginning - Secret #6

And one more Easter Egg...



Congratulations on the update, Mag! I look forward to seeing more from this in the future. :D


Short, but very nice mod to play through. Didn't notice there were that many secrets - I only spotted the one near the boulder (and got it in a completely wrong and unorthodox way) and the one with the saber droid.


A strange bug I have is that I can't save in the first mission (yavin_temple):




Saving game "quick"...
----- CL_Shutdown -----
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
String dest buffer too small to hold string "You do not yet have all of the
 necessary components to construct a lightsaber." 80 > 64
(source addr = 7a69914, dest addr = 19a83e0



MagSul and therfiles like this

Short, but very nice mod to play through. Didn't notice there were that many secrets - I only spotted the one near the boulder (and got it in a completely wrong and unorthodox way) and the one with the saber droid.


A strange bug I have is that I can't save in the first mission (yavin_temple):




Saving game "quick"...
----- CL_Shutdown -----
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
String dest buffer too small to hold string "You do not yet have all of the
 necessary components to construct a lightsaber." 80 > 64
(source addr = 7a69914, dest addr = 19a83e0

Noted! Thank you. I'll look into that. :)


EDIT: This has now been fixed and will be included with any other immediately required fixes in the next week or two.

TheWhitePhoenix and Ramikad like this

Incredible work, MagSul! Absolutely delightful stuff. The gameplay here is just so solid - all the areas to explore, the well-developed NPCs, and truly head-scratching puzzles. This is just so high quality. The cinematics were also pretty legit, and the angles you chose were simply...cinematic. Great stuff here, and I really can't wait to see what this leads to. I really enjoyed the open world quality of this build.


I played it yesterday and I think this has potential to be like whole new Jedi Knight game we deserver. I really enjoyed fact that you´ve used some parts of JK2 temple and populated it. And hearing wonderful music really reminded me times of old JK games. I hope that this project will continue and won´t end in the bin. Magsul pretty good job. I´m looking forward to next progress!  :)


Few small suggestion: Add sounds to Rebel soldiers from JK2, make pullable bricks visible by sense :) (where you obtain higher force jump)

MagSul likes this

make pullable bricks visible by sense :) (where you obtain higher force jump)


Not completely sure how I feel about it. I'm all for less hand holding in games, but I didn't notice they could be pulled, either. Luckily, the Peaceful Meditating Guy was nearby, so I just pushed him to the boulder and jumped on him and then on the boulder.

Perhaps if they were protruding from the wall instead than recessed inside it would be more noticeable - but then again, that would be hand holding. :P

MagSul, Tompa9 and Circa like this

You hit the nail on the head with that! I feel there is a bit too much hand-holding these days. I've got to say though, I admire your ingenuity in solving it. I'm going to edit the NPC slightly so that you can't do that in the next update. :P


But yeah, that's why I disabled the Force swirl.

Jeff and Ramikad like this

I like also new reskins of Kyle a Rosh....damn was really surprise to see him matured in leading position at Academy! :D :D


Edit: Is there any script of planned plot/storyline please? :)

MagSul likes this

You hit the nail on the head with that! I feel there is a bit too much hand-holding these days. I've got to say though, I admire your ingenuity in solving it. I'm going to edit the NPC slightly so that you can't do that in the next update. :P


But yeah, that's why I disabled the Force swirl.


No hand-holding please. I truly enjoyed scratching my head to solve some of the puzzles much more than any mission from the SP campaign. 

MagSul, Tompa9 and Ramikad like this

I like also new reskins of Kyle a Rosh....damn was really surprise to see him matured in leading position at Academy! :D :D


Edit: Is there any script of planned plot/storyline please? :)


There is an over-arching plan, yes. :) You won't be on Yavin for long!

Tompa9 and Aldro Koon like this

There is an over-arching plan, yes. :) You won't be on Yavin for long!


Do you know what could be nice? To see few prequel locations. To show people that OT and PQ are in one and same galaxy. I can imagine seeing Kyle on some hiden mission on Mustafar :D

  • 2 years later...
On 5/7/2018 at 10:30 AM, MagSul said:

EDIT: This has now been fixed and will be included with any other immediately required fixes in the next week or two.

We'll ignore the date there!

So, before I start working on lots of new stuff, I wanted to fix some of the old stuff.

Completed Updates:

  • Replaced the Death Star plans model in the top floor secret area. (Original was tiny)
  • Fixed saving the game in the temple.
  • Saber Defense Level 2 is now granted after completing the fifth wave of remote training droids.
  • There's now a triggerable holorecording in the archives that shares a short excerpt from the celebrations on the forest moon of Endor.
  • The hidden catacombs now display that you've entered a secret area.
  • Defeating Raltharon and Ella now triggers a third sparring partner in the courtyard. Defeating that opponent will trigger an interaction with Luke and you will now be granted a second lightsaber style if successful.
  • Prevented the ability to Force Pull the meditating Jedi in the garden as a means to attain the Jump 2 holocron.
  • Fixed a typo in Yavin Trial's objective.
  • There's now a chap on one of the medical beds who'll drop a few lines to you if you enter his vicinity.

If anyone would be so kind as to let me know if they come across any more issues or bugs, that'd be superb! Hopefully I haven't broken something new in the process of doing these things or forgot to include something while repackaging it all. I'd like to redo a few things in general (like the entire trial map and various cutscenes!) but I think it'd be best to press forward. That said! I am also interested to hear what people would like to see and do in the academy specifically in-between excursions, so please let me know your suggestions! I make no promises, but your feedback often helps inspire many ideas. 😃



Just for the ambient music and revisiting the good ol' Yavin temple from JKO it's worth it 🤗, only found 1 secret so far, so i'll search again.

Does the rodian only give out two tries?, because i couldn't activate him a third.


EDIT: This is why we can't have nice things 😛

41 minutes ago, Torki said:

only found 1 secret so far, so I'll search again.

There're 6 in total for the moment, refer to the first post spoiler tags if you give up! 😜

41 minutes ago, Torki said:

Does the rodian only give out two tries?, because i couldn't activate him a third.

What were the criteria? Did you lose at all? Did you win twice in succession? The intention is to be able to duel as many times as you like. Should be an easy fix, but knowing how your fight went could point me in the direction of the root of the problem.

EDIT: Found the problem! The rodian padawan does not have a "count" value in his target_scriptrunner, so it defaults to one use only. I've amended this to -1 to allow for inifinite use moving forwards. Thanks for pointing that out, @Torki! I'll include that fix in a re-upload this weekend. 😃

41 minutes ago, Torki said:

EDIT: This is why we can't have nice things 😛

Who'd you kill? 😅

2 hours ago, LukeJM28 said:

New Update.
Can't wait for full release.
Keep Up dude.

Thank you! 😃

Torki likes this

I had just gotten the lightsaber and there was a guy sitting on a bench, what was i suposed to do?!

I'll try to fight the rodian on another difficulty, 50 hp isn't enough


Called it. do you feel better now?

BTW attacking the med droid made my game kick to the main menu.

MagSul likes this

I fixed your two bugs, @Torki! You should now be able to spar Raltharon as often as you like and the game will no longer crash if you attack the medical droid. 😀

I've also added in a quick bonus level. Since you only got a match between Kyle and Jaden if the latter turned to the dark side in the base game, I thought that it might be fun to have a similar experience but where Jaden remained a Jedi, as mentioned over in this thread.

If I've broken anything in the process of adding and fixing these things, please do let me know so that I can put it right again! You all have a habit of encountering things that don't even occur to me to try when it comes to bug fixing. 😄

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