89 files
.map to .ase Converter Utility
By Yzmo
This is a small program i made to convert .map files to .ase models,
it will convert and then show the conversion log.
Bugs: There are a few bugs!
1. Program starts with transparent on.. Just change it in the settings
2. Program Freezes when converting, will unfreeze when finished.
3. Some more..
.menu Notepad++ Language
By eezstreet
When installed correctly on Notepad++, this allows you to view syntax highlighting for .menu files. Very straightforward and simple.
This also includes keywords for Jedi Knight Galaxies-specific keywords, if that's your cup of tea.
3ds Max 2009 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter 32/64-bit
See the included readme file for more details and usage instructions.
3ds Max 2010 32/64-bit dotXSI 3.0 Exporter
This plug-in exports a Softimage dotXSI 3.0 file. These 2010 plug-ins will also work in 3ds Max 2011 32/64-bit.
See the included readme file for more details and installation/usage instructions.
3ds Max 2010/2011 32bit GLM Importer
By Tempust85
* GLM Importer for 3ds Max 2010/2011 *
Original Code: sfhgp (http://sfhgp.users.sourceforge.net)
Code edits: DT
Recompile for 2010 SDK: DT
Date: 1st December 2013
Max versions Supported: 2010 32bit & 2011 32bit
Place GLM_Import2010.dli in your 3ds Max 'plugins' folder
3ds Max 2012 32bit/64bit MD3 Exporter
By Darth Martyr
* MD3 Exporter for 3ds Max 2012 *
Original Code: Pop'N'Fresh
Code edits: DT, Darth Martyr
Recompile for 2012 SDK: Darth Martyr
Date: 19th February 2014
Max versions Supported: 2012 32bit & 64bit
For 32bit: Place MD3_Export2012.dle in your 3ds Max 'plugins' folder.
For 64bit: Place MD3_Export2012_x64.dle in your 3ds Max 'plugins' folder.
- make your model
- texture it and apply your texture using the 'standard' material only.
- make sure the texture folder has 'models' in it (see below for example).
- export it with 'smart paths' checked, and make sure the destination folder has 'models' in it (see below for example).
- for a static model (no animation) just put a '0' in for 'following frames'.
(example: 'models\map_objects\MD3OBJ')
3ds Max 2012 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter (32/64-bit)
This plugin exports a Softimage dotXSI 3.0 file. See the included readme file for more details and installation/usage instructions.
3DS Max 2013 .MAP Exporter
By CaptainCrazy
Very handy tool for creating maps and exporting as .MAP from 3DS Max to GtkRadiant. If you have any questions or problems then let me know!
Note: It seems to work best with GtkRadiant 1.4.0 as this version of Radiant is best suited for JKA.
Just drag and drop "GLBuilderV2_22max4-8.ms" into 3DS Max or 'RUN' it via the Max script menu.
Copyright © 2013 maple3D.com, All Rights Reserved. Created by Michael Little
Game Level Builder 2.22 (for 3ds max™ 3-2008, Viz and gmax®) updated:7 Dec 2007
Game Level Builder 2.2 Rated Champion of the Month by Pixel (France) in magazine No. 85.
GLB 2.22 is a free tool set for creating convex solid geometry (csg) based game levels in Autodesk's 3ds max®, VIZ® and gmax®, It is an essential tool for building Half-Life®, Counter-Strike® and Quake® Levels. Building your level is easy, all you have to do is draw where you want your walls to be created, and then click on the walls where you would like doors or windows placed. Floors can be created with a single click and then copied to make ceilings. GLB2 is very useful for making buildings of any kind in max. You can make pipes or any other loft based object with PipeMax script (included). It's possible with PipeMax to make, Pipes, Tunnels, Arches, Roofs, Stairs, and even any lathe type object such as a hollow sphere or vase. GLB2 also includes 'Handy Cam' a first person camera that lets you walk around your level easily. 'Handy Cam' can be set to create a spline along the path of the camera, which can then be used to make roller-coaster shaped walls or pipes. Another use for this path is to render walk-throughs of your level. Ever wanted to make a fly-through animation of a building but found moving and keyframing the camera a pain, well not anymore. GLB now includes Map Exporter 1.0 Limited Edition. A custom written script to export your levels to .map files in seconds, allowing you to add entities in WorldCraft® or a similar level editior. Note: Map Exporter LE does not export texture coordinates, for full texture support and much much more, check out Convexity our professional level design package.
NEW features in Version 2.22:
Updated Map Exporter LE so map files are now compatible with GTK Radiant.
All walls are now made convex, so you don't have to worry so much about making walls turn on the level to stop twisted faces.
Floor tool has been improved so that floors created on slopes work more reliably.
Holes that could sometimes occur in floors due to a spline not being correctly extruded have been fixed. Floor pieces are now editable meshes, not extruded splines.
04 version updated for 3ds max 9 - 2008 and has been improved to work with dual monitor setups.
3ds Max 2013/2014 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter (32/64-bit)
This plugin exports a Softimage dotXSI 3.0 file. The 64-bit plugin will also work in 3ds Max 2014 (Note: there is no 32-bit version of 3ds Max 2014 or later).
3ds Max 2015/2016 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter (64-bit)
This plugin exports a Softimage dotXSI 3.0 file. See the included readme file for more details and installation/usage instructions. This plugin will also work in 3ds Max 2016.
3ds Max 2017 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter
This plugin exports a Softimage dotXSI 3.0 file. See the included readme file for more details and installation/usage instructions.
3ds Max 2018 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter
This plugin exports a Softimage dotXSI 3.0 file. See the included readme file for more details and installation/usage instructions.
3ds Max 2019 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter
Re-compiled for 3ds Max 2019 (Recompiled Jan 3, 2021 to fix internal version number) See the included readme and FAQ for installation and usage.
3ds Max 2020 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter
Re-compiled for 3ds Max 2020. See the included readme and FAQ for installation and usage.
3ds Max 2021 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter
Re-compiled for 3ds Max 2021. See the included readme and FAQ for installation and usage.
3ds Max 2022 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter
Re-compiled for 3ds Max 2022. See the included readme and FAQ for installation and usage.
3D Modelling & Animation 3ds Max 5 dotXSI 1.x Importer Script
This MAXScript is an importer for the Softimage dotXSI 1.x file format. It is derived from Tsvetan's original script (see credits). Version 1.029 makes significant changes for importing Star Trek:Voyager- Elite Force dotXSI 1.x animtaion files that were released by Raven Software.
See the included documentation for history and usage.
Version 1.029Beta works for 3ds Max 5 and later... (Not compatible with Gmax)
3ds Max 6 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter
Softimage dotXSI 3.0 exporter plug-in for 3ds Max 6. This plug-in will also work in 3ds Max 7 and 8.
See the included readme file for more details and usage instructions.
3DS Max 6 ROFF2 Exporter
This is my first beta version for my 3ds Max ROFF v2 (.ROF) exporter. This exporter generates a .ROF file which is used for brush Model animations via Icarus Scripting.
Place the .dle plugin in your \plugins folder.
See the tutorial and other info that is posted in my WIP: ROFF Exporter thread in the Coding & Scripting section.
*This plugin will only work for 3ds Max 6, 7, or 8. You can find a link to 30-day trial versions for 3ds Max 6, 7, or 8
Interested parties can find downloads for 3ds Max 6, 7, or 8 30-day Trials at modacity.net at this link: http://files.modacity.net/software/3dsmax/
You must apply the Origin.jpg GtkRadiant shader as the Diffuse map texture (using Standard Material) to the Scene Object.
To create notes... you'll need to refer to the 3dsMax help docs. Just select your node and go to TrackView... then switch to DopeSheet mode.
With the node still selected in DopeSheet mode, select the menu: Tracks > NoteTrack > Add.
Then add your note keys (following the tutorial and info in the WIP thread). when you're done... just export to .ROF.
Please post your results.
3ds Max 8 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter
Softimage dotXSI 3.0 exporter plug-in for 3ds Max 8 (compiled using the 3ds Max 8 SDK). This plug-in is not backwards compatible to Max 6 or 7.
See the included readme file for more details and usage instructions.
3ds Max 8 JO-JA Skeleton
The JK3 skeleton(s) that are floating around out in cyberspace have had some bones accidently moved; and other bone transform errors when compiling with Carcass and combining originally released dotXSI animations. Some of these errors (that are fixed by this skeleton) don't manifest when you compile against the existing _humanoid.gla.
This skeleton was first created by importing the released JO Kyle root.xsi file using Raven's 3ds Max 5 importer (which automatically creates Max Bones).
Then using the Luke JA root.xsi file, I incorporated the left and right tail bones.
I then fixed the spine bones lengths (pelvis and thoracic) to appear as a continuous chain.
I incorporated the JKA "face_always" dummy... and relinked all the facial bones to match the correct order.
I then had to fix the left and right eye basepose transforms due to carcass errors (solved by adding root nulls and making eye bone transforms match the released root.xsi values).
Added bolts and had to fix Stupidtriangle_off... (I really can't recall what I did to fix it-- I know I skinned it to only a single bone).
I know this skeleton works... it has been tested to compile a new root.xsi as well as taking this new root.xsi and combining it with original dotXSI animations to verify all goes well with Carcass. This skeleton, or a future update, will serve as the basis for my advanced character rig. I also plan to make a simple IK rig using only the JA facial bones. Currently this skeleton includes the SOF2 facial bones that are inherent in the JO root.xsi file. I plan to use all of these facial bones in the facial rig of my advanced character rig.
So for the purposes of compiling JKA models you should select the JO and SOF2 bone layers and hide them... so that you don't accidently weight anything to them. Be sure to do an "Export Select" when you export your dotXSI.
The purple bones are JA unique bones (i.e., the rtail and ltail bones).
The yellow bones are the JO unique bones.
The cyan bones are common to both JO-JA skeletons.
The pink bones are the motion and hang/hand tag bones.
The magenta bones are the SoF2 facial bones.
NOTE: This skeleton will eventually be released as a 3ds Max 6 file for those still using 3ds Max 6 (...I haven't forgotten about you! ). And the color scheme may change in the future.
3ds Max 9 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter 32/64-bit
See the included readme file for more details and usage instructions.
This plugin will also work in 3ds Max 2008 (32/64-bit).
3ds Max Quake III MD3 Exporter Multi-Version Pack
Exporters for the Quake III .MD3 model format.
This was a tag-team effort between DT85 and myself... and at times we called on outside experts to help us overcome some of our coding challenges.
3ds Max versions Supported:
6 (32-bit)
7 (32-bit)
8 (32-bit)
9 (32-bit/64-bit)
2008 (32-bit/64-bit)
2009 (32-bit/64-bit)
2010 (32-bit/64-bit)
2011 (32-bit/64-bit)
2012 (32-bit/64-bit)
2013 (32-bit/64-bit)
2014 (64-bit)
2015 (64-bit)
2016 (64-bit)
2017 (64-bit)
2018 (64-bit)
2019 (64-bit)
2020 (64-bit)
For v2.3 features, installation and usage instructions please see the included readme_v2.3.pdf file.
Exporting Process:
- Make your model.
- Apply your texture using the 'standard' material only.
- Make sure your texture is in a 'models' folder (e.g.: models/map_objects/ships/ship.jpg ),
*** or alternatively name your material slots with the relative path and check "Use material name..." -- this new feature does not require a "models" folder in the path name.
- Make sure the destination folder has 'models' in it (e.g.: models/map_objects/ships ).
- Export it with 'Smart paths' checked and/or 'Use material name...'
- For a static model (no animation) just leave the default value of '0' in the 'frames' field.
Known Issues:
- None.
Pop'N'Fresh (original code)
DT (code enhancements)
Archangel35757 (code enhancements)
ASE to MD3 or GLM file converter
By JKHub
This is an executable that can be run to convert ASE format models to MD3 and GLM format. This was a tool originally released by Raven for Soldier of Fortune 2 for the making of static models so when making GLM models it will not write any bone animation or envelope weight data. This tool can be particularly useful to those who are using 3d software that has no MD3 format export support.
Included are instructions on how to use the program in PDF format.
There are two different model formats used in SoF2, MD3 and Ghoul2. MD3 is used
primarily for static models and have an extension of .md3. Ghoul2 models are used for
ConfusEd entities (for SP), bolt-ons and characters andhave the .glm format. Ghoul2
models also have two different methods of being built, one with bones, and the other
without. Ghoul2 with bones are used for models that require animations (characters and
some ConfusEd models). Ghoul2 without bones are used for non-animated models
such as bolt-ons.
This document gives no explanation on actually modelingobjects. If you are new to
putting models into a game, start with MD3s, as they are far less complex than Ghoul2
models. Also, we use 3DS Max 4 for model creation and our supplied plug-ins work with
Max 4. All following instructions assume Max is being used in the creation of models
Ashura's female basemesh
By AshuraDX
A simple female basemesh I made to build Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast models around
Feel free to use it, but if you do please mention me in your models read me, happy modeling!