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Everything posted by SpeedyJDFox95

  1. UPDATE! There will be no hotfix to remain consistent with Movie Duels.
  2. Fortunately, I let him know.
  3. 17 thousand out of ten!
  4. Now that the copied models have been removed in favor of custom skins. I understand how to not make the mistake in the future.
  5. In spite of the MD updates to Jaden, the same will be applied to Kyle, however Rosh will not receive the same treatment.
  6. To all those who enjoyed the Ported Sabers. Thank you for the support.
  7. Hey, Mandalorian, these are good models. I hade one question, would it be possible for you to someday tackle Luke Skywalker in his ROTJ attires?
  8. This is nice, Plasma. I'll have to test it on my own accord!
  9. This is a nice model. I love the way it looks in game based on the video.
  10. This is a fine mod!
  11. Why not show me what it looks like? I won't bite.
  12. Just sent you a DM.
  13. It was originally added onto the rosh_penin.npc file as a new npc so, I am rethinking this and I am slowly building a solution. Until then it's the following. "npc spawn rosh_penin_padawan"
  14. I'll go investigate the initial file.
  15. Version 3


    This mod introduces a class of NPC Jedi Students, inspired by the screen pack concept from HOUOU, along with a few additional characters. I’ve also included a male Twi'lek NPC and a male Zabrak NPC. Please note that in order for these models to work properly, you will need to have the Jaden as a Twi'lek Male and Zabrak Jaden as Zabrak Male files installed. Included NPCs: - `npc spawn student_hf` (Human Female) - `npc spawn student_hm` (Human Male) - `npc spawn student_kdm` (Kel Dor Male) - `npc spawn student_rm` (Rodian Male) - `npc spawn student_tf` (Twi'lek Female) - `npc spawn student_tm` (Twi'lek Male) [Optional] - `npc spawn student_zf` (Zabrak Female) - `npc spawn student_zm` (Zabrak Male) [Optional] Installation Notes: - Make sure you have the Male Twi'lek Jaden file and the Male Zabrak Jaden file installed for the Twi'lek and Zabrak NPCs to work properly. Credits: - anti2: For the Male Zabrak Jaden model - BioWare & Obsidian: Original KotOR2 model assets - Disney: For the Star Wars universe - DT85 & GPChannel: For the Movie Duels Jedi_HM assets - HapSlash: For the Jedi Robes used on the Zabrak Male NPC - HOUOU: For the screenpack concept art that inspired the base Jedi Academy students - JKHub.org: For teaching me how to mod - Kal'El & Leslie Judge: For NPCTool - Movie Duels: For the hotfix model for the Human Male NPC - Noodle: For the Twi'lek Male mod - LucasArts: For Star Wars Jedi Knight as a whole - Raven Software: For Jedi Knight II and Jedi Academy as a basis - SpeedSonicRacer95: For the NPC files - The Unguided: For JediPack_HB - Tompa9: For the Movie Duels Jedi_HM assets License: If you decide to use any of these assets in your own mods, please include this text file in the PK3 or at the very least credit the original creators. The effort and creativity of all contributors are what make this mod possible. In addition, I have included a male Zabrak NPC. You'll need to have this file in order for the model to work properly.
  16. You helped me out in realizing that, Minoda. So, as a Precaution, I am going to remove the monetary value. I firmly apologize for that.
  17. Version 1.0


    "Kyle Katarn at your service. Welcome to a day in the life of a Jedi." ~ Kyle Katarn ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kyle Katarn is the third and final part of the MatMoura Models Pack, following Jaden Korr (the first part) and Rosh Penin (the second part). This model was created by @Noodle If you’re wondering about the inspiration behind this mod, it’s based on a remarkable piece of artwork by MatMoura on DeviantArt. To see more of MatMoura's artwork, check out the original piece that inspired this mod, linked here: https://www.deviantart.com/matmoura/art/Master-Katarn-808139013 How to Spawn: Use the following commands to spawn different versions of Kyle Katarn in-game: - `npc spawn kyle_mm` - `npc spawn kyle_mm_boss` Mod Features: - Bot: No - NPC: Yes - LODs: No - Team Skins: No - Single Player: No Installation: 1. Extract the .pk3 file to your Jedi Academy directory’s "gamedata/base" folder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: - STAR WARS: Disney/Lucasfilm - Kyle Katarn Remaster: DarthDagrein - Inspiring Me to Mod: JKHub.org - Gloves: Movie Duels Team - Kyle Stealth Jedi Gear Fingers: HapSlash - STAR WARS Galactic Legacy: Linken - STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT JEDI OUTCAST & STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT JEDI ACADEMY: LucasArts, Raven Software - A New Beginning SP Mod: MagSul - Character Design: MatMoura - Modeling: Noodle - New Head Modeling: Pandora (Coming Soon) License: As with the Ported Sabers mod, you are free to use and modify this player model. However, please be sure to credit the original authors when doing so.
  18. You're right, Circa. Little too much excitement got over me and I got a little... Carried away, I want to say?
  19. Version 1.0


    "Aren't you excited? We're going to be Jedi! Learning the ways of the Force, building a Lightsaber." ~ Rosh Penin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rosh Penin is the second part of the MatMoura Models Pack, following Jaden Korr (the first part) and preceding Kyle Katarn (the third part). This model was created by @Noodle If you’re curious about the inspiration behind this model, it is based on a captivating piece of artwork by MatMoura on DeviantArt. To view more of MatMoura’s work, be sure to check out the original artwork that inspired this mod, linked here: https://www.deviantart.com/matmoura/art/Master-Katarn-808139013 How to Spawn: Use the following commands to spawn different versions of Rosh Penin in-game: - `npc spawn rosh_penin_initiate_mm` - `npc spawn rosh_penin_padawan_mm` - `npc spawn rosh_penin_knight_mm` Mod Features: - Bot: No - NPC: Yes - LODs: No - Team Skins: No - Single Player: No Installation: 1. Extract "rosh_penin_mm.pk3" to your Jedi Academy directory’s "gamedata/base" folder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: - STAR WARS: Disney/Lucasfilm - Inspiring Me to Mod: JKHub.org - STAR WARS Galactic Legacy: Linken - STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT JEDI OUTCAST & STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT JEDI ACADEMY: LucasArts, Raven Software - A New Beginning SP Mod: MagSul - Character Design: MatMoura - Modeling: Noodle - New Head Modeling: Pandora (Coming Soon) License: As with the Ported Sabers mod, you are free to use and modify this player model. However, please be sure to acknowledge the original authors when doing so. --- This version keeps the details intact while providing a clearer, more concise presentation. It emphasizes the artwork’s role in the mod's creation and ensures that credit is properly given. Let me know if you need anything further!
  20. I like this! The Splash Screen looks great, I tested it out.
  21. This is so nice!
  22. Version 2.0


    "I am a Jedi Knight." ~ Jaden Korr ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jaden Korr is the first part of the MatMoura Models Pack, followed by Rosh Penin (the second part) and Kyle Katarn (the third part). This model was created and constructed by @Noodle If you’re curious about the inspiration behind this model, it is based on a stunning piece of artwork by MatMoura on DeviantArt. To see more of MatMoura's work, check out the original artwork that inspired this mod, linked here: https://www.deviantart.com/matmoura/art/Master-Katarn-808139013 How to Spawn: Use the following commands to spawn different versions of Jaden Korr in-game: - `npc spawn jaden_padawan_mm` - `npc spawn jaden_knight_mm` - `npc spawn jaden_jedi_mm` - `npc spawn jaden_master_mm` - `npc spawn jaden_dark_mm` Mod Features: - Bot: No - NPC: Yes - LODs: No - Team Skins: No - Single Player: No Installation: 1. Extract "jaden_mm.pk3" to your Jedi Academy directory’s "gamedata/base" folder. 2. Extract "jaden_mm_md.pk3" to your Jedi Academy directory’s "gamedata/md" folder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: - STAR WARS: Disney/Lucasfilm - Inspiring Me to Mod: JKHub.org - STAR WARS Galactic Legacy: Linken - STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT JEDI OUTCAST & STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT JEDI ACADEMY: LucasArts, Raven Software - A New Beginning SP Mod: MagSul - Jaden Korr "Remastered" from MOVIE DUELS 1.0 Mod: DT85, GPChannel, Movie Duels Team, Tompa9 - Knight Head Textures: MagSul - Character Design: MatMoura - Sith Eyes (JKB): AshuraDX - Modeling: Noodle - New Head Modeling: Pandora (Coming Soon) License: As with the Ported Sabers mod, you are free to use and modify this player model. However, please be sure to acknowledge the original authors when doing so.
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