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Everything posted by Stoiss

  1. getting the dialog to work the way me and Pande did it was pretty cool, i should still have does files around somewhere, but i don't know if the lua code works as it should in JKG atm. and port over JKG Stuff to to JK:E is not somthing im intresting in, i have my own little project im sitting with atm, as for if eez did do NPCs files and AI for to json i have a promiss to take care of it there
  2. 5 coders, 3 mappers, EFX artist 1 or 2. 3-4 moddlers who can do textures and UV stuff also some dude who can do UI stuff also 2 animationer i guess and it would get far with this
  3. Stoiss

    Winter's Gift

    that was one of the cools maps i remember it my VaS member days in that clan that give good memorys Nice upload 10/10 from me btw a lot of Jenova maps can be found here http://jediknight3.filefront.com/developer/JenovaRebirth;8982
  4. Yeah that was the good old days we had a lot of fun with it.
  5. im afird it is dead, atlest for me, i have not been working on it for over a year now. pande also and Darth Futuza i don't know what he is up to this days but if there is anyone who want to work on it. pull the source code down and give it a try.
  6. you can do that in bg_misc.c and search for /*QUAKED weapon_disruptor if you want to edit it for a coded mp version, out of the files you should keep the folder of the weapon name and rename you files to be the same as the orginal once. then it should work
  7. check out some of MB2's assets i know it is in there but would need to be some of the older version. i think the used DT85 version now
  8. Kaulan are you ever going to release any of that stuff you make with this models here ? becours a lot of it looks really nice
  9. not to defend KOTF but he did credit it, he just didnt have permission to use most of the stuff he added to his mod
  10. thats one of the best models i have seeing you done for long time DT85 really nice JOB
  11. was just thinking if you where using a model there not was support for or somthing
  12. its not the gfx driver thats for sure, its somthing in his files there not have been set up right are you useing default player model ?
  13. jka works fine with win 8.1 pro build 9600 i use it my self for dev on my mod im not sure but what about try install dx runtime ? edit: i don't think this is a game problem m8, it is more like how you model of the saber has been maked or ported over or somthing in the files maybe, becours it don't apire in game not in the saber menu or the game it self and it do some wierd sound stuff and saber blade is not where it is suppose to be at all
  14. my first guess was the no cd patch yo said you installed. but why you don't see they other things i don't know, maybe a bad pk3 load or somthing else
  15. have you tried with OpenJk and see if you get the same problem ?
  16. Just tested this today, adding efx and anim is not a problem. but adding the weapons is far more complex. i can load up the models fine but the problems is that the muzzle_flash does not play right on this models here. it plays the efx sideways like it has been angle to show the efx in the right side of the models. normaly the muzzle_flash efx plays the same way the proj does but in this case it plays it wrong. if anyone knows about modeling can tell me why this is happning it would make things a lot easyer for me to find a way to fix it
  17. awesome when can we get out hands in this ?
  18. is both the cape and the small one at his legs bone animated DT85 ?
  19. That should have been the next pic of the month
  20. as long as you don't buy a western digital then you should be good they crash and dies faster
  21. no it was the orginal BF3 Lucasart stopped working on i guess Star Wars: First Assault was a sec version they tried to make based of a BF3
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