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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. The unweighted vertex error comes up during export because every vertex needs to be weighed to something. So for example, in that second Blender pic where the torso is only partially weighed to the thoracic bone, if you click on other bones in Vertex Group you'll see the rest of the vertices in that mesh are weighed to at least one of them. Use vanilla models as a guide for how best to distribute the weights across the different bones.


    As for removing weights, you can just select the relevant vertex in Edit Mode then click 'Remove' under Vertex Groups to remove any weights attached to it.

    The Punisher likes this

    Have a look through this thread, I have WIPs of them that I think I released in a WIP Mega Pack.

    Xplicit likes this
  3. What I ended up doing this morning:



    First up is an updated Admiral Ackbar. I used the original JK2 model by Moooa as a base, but gave him an updated head from TFU and did some remodelling in Blender to give the admiral a more screen-accurate "humped" back. The original head model had a gaping-wide open mouth so I also make some adjustments to that:






    Second on today's projects is a cheap and easy kitbash. Another addition to the roster of galactic senators, Representative Binks:






    And lastly, the former Supreme Chancellor himself:





  4. Is there a way to turn off an NPC using the acrobatic animations? If not, there will be a lot of baseposing in-game.


    I suppose you could give him something like CLASS_SABER_DROID as a template for the NPC file? They're immune to knockdown and, IIRC, don't use any acrobatics.


    That's presuming classes only dictate behaviour within any animation set and don't need to be tied to a particular animation list.

  5. Since your knowledge of modeling is far above mine, what's your opinion on the model? Is it possible to place the textures correctly, convert it to glm and make it usable in ModView and ingame? Because some models are more or less impossible to get them to work. :)

    It should be possible, since the really difficult part (making the custom animations) already exists in the form of the current AT-AT model available for JKA. 


    Once imported, in theory you would just need to delete any existing weights/rigging in the .FBX file and re-do them (this time aligning the weights to bones that exist in the original JKA AT-AT's skeleton). The proportions between the old and the new model is what will determine the success of this (scale doesn't matter, just the proportions of the model's individual parts in relation to each other and how these have been modelled with the intended animations in mind).


    For textures, importing the .FBX file should retain its UV mapping so you won't need to re-map the UV for .glm.



    But on the other hand, I would say this is a particularly involved choice to do for your first Blender .glm edit. A lot of it is very specific and different to standard humanoid skeleton editing, you may want to familiarize yourself with those processes first as at the moment you're sort of trying to achieve the 'exception' without first learning the 'typical' if that makes sense?

  6. If you barely know what you're doing, learn to use Blender first. There are plenty of tutorials on that. You need to learn about basic navigation, modelling, uv mapping and skeletal animation at least, I reckon.


    I believe Blender can retarget animations from one skeleton to a different one, which you could use if the model doesn't quite fit the AT-AT's skeleton. I don't know how exactly to do that though.


    Can not reiterate this enough. When I was starting out I tried to focus on just learning how to do the very specific process I wanted to achieve, figuring I could just follow some step-by-step tutorial for that and not worry about the other stuff. But the truth is it's practically impossible without first learning the basics of Blender.


    It might seem inconvenient if you're just trying to do one thing, but just invest a couple of hours in following a basic Blender tutorial series (of which there are loads on YouTube) and it will make life SO much simpler for you when you then try to learn how to do things with specific formats or plugins like .GLMs. Trust me, it will pay off.

  7. The eyes and hair are not weighed in sync with the rest of the head, results in some very odd-looking moments during any animations where he turns his head!


    I was going to do a Battlefront-version of my Krennic kitbash too, but there's probably not much point now. No sense duplicating efforts.

  8. awesome! unless not that much has changed, which is of no worry - slow and steady is better than quick and rushed - could you please post some screenshots of Krennic?


    I'm away from home for the holidays at the moment, but there isn't much more to show at this stage - his hair colour has been tweaked with some brown and some age detailing has been added to the face to make him look a little more weathered.

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