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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. Not really sure, I think if you use such a thing it would make some modders look down on you for accepting money for mods, when the rest of us do not.

    Well, this is exactly why I haven't publicised it - it's not about making mods for money at all, but apparently people can jump to that conclusion. I set it up because a couple of fans of the Skyrim mod wanted to, as they put it, "buy me a beer" for the mod I was making anyway and suggested it as a platform.


    I might take it down anyway. It was flattering having some folks want to donate a couple of bucks as a gesture, but I'm getting the impression too many people misunderstand it or think I'm out to make money.

  2. Hey Kualan, I didn't know that you had a Patreon, you should post it here, I left a small donation since you deserve that and more for your contributions to the modding scene of Jedi academy. I'm sure that more people will donate if you post it here. Here's hoping that you come up with more cool projects for JKA.


    EDIT: I'm kinda new to this Patreon thing so I'm not really sure how it works, let me know if you received the funds please.

    Thank you Peneke, appreciate it. I haven't posted the Patreon here before as I don't think the Hub allows that sort of thing (is that right, @@Circa ?) The donations are collected on a 'per creation' basis so nothing will be taken until I release the big project (the Game Of Thrones mod for Skyrim).


    Even though I've released individual kitbashes and stuff for JKA in the meantime, it wouldn't feel right to me to claim them as 'creations' and take a round of donations every time one of them is done since they only take a few hours' work each compared to the (literally) hundreds upon hundreds of hours invested in the GoT Skyrim mod.

  3. Hey folks, I wonder if one of our 3D modelers would take up the challenge of bringing Grand Moff Tarkin into Jedi Academy?


    With the recent release of Rogue One, a lot of us are looking back at the original 1977 Star Wars film and one of the few elements from that movie that has yet to be properly realized in JKA is Peter Cushing's villainous Grand Moff.


    Years ago, Hapslash had a model in progress but, alas, it never emerged and its creator has long since been lost to the void (pun intended). Perhaps someone else might consider taking it up?


    I'm happy to lend assistance in the form of texture work on the finished product.


    A few reference pics to help get started:






    I hope someone considers taking up this request - you may fire when ready!

    swegmaster, Omega, Cerez and 3 others like this
  4. woohoo, finally!


    now forgive me if I'm misunderstanding the point of a concept and you intend to add and refine details later on but one thing that immediately stands out is the hair colour which is more of a greyish brown - and the face. I believe one of the HS Imperial heads is closer but the only problem with that is his scalp is missing because it's meant to have a cap on it :P. I attempted something before Rogue One which I'm not completely happy about but it should give you an idea:


    Hm, I can't say any of the current HS Imperial heads look particularly like Krennic to be honest.

  5. Wish I could hear about your skyrim projects in these forums, since it's such a fun moddable game.

    If you're genuinely interested, this is the mod in question: http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-game-of-thrones-adaptation-mod-for-skyrim


    Not going to lie though, seeing Rogue One has kind of re-ignited my Star Wars enthusiasm at the moment so I may be able to fit a kitbash or two in before returning to Skyrim.

  6. Hey, is there any chance of seeing that Oppo Rancisis out anytime? Been dying to round out every jedi from the prequels, and seeing him in the screenshots has been making me excited for weeks.

    I don't have much free time these days, as I've started a new job and what little free time I have I tend to spend on my upcoming Skyrim mod.

    Jeff likes this
  7. I watched the opening scene before I had to rush off - I like the opening camera work (slightly steadier would have made it perfect, but I don't think it's possible to do anything other than free-roam with the mouse in JKA anyway so not a big deal). My one complaint from the opening scene is that the lighting needs to be better. I can barely see the characters!


    Also - have you considered uploading to YouTube for higher resolution?

    yeyo JK and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  8. Another question, probably the last for a while. How can i merge stuff? Like merge hands, fingers and arms so that i can move them to another model without moving every single part.


    I wouldn't recommend merging hands/arms together, but to merge two meshes you select them with SHIFT+click and then press CTRL+J. If memory serves, whatever is the last mesh you selected will be the one whose name/details the merged object adopts.

  9. I tinkered with some helmet design...






    Very nice. I think taking some artistic license with the design is a good move - being able to incorporate more Gamorrean and Kowakian features into the final product makes them more consistent with how they're described over how they actually looked.

    Psyk0Sith and Smoo like this
  10. Sorry for no updates in a while. I can't say my life is busy but I really don't want to stare at a computer screen at home after 8 hours of configuring laptops all day long.


    As of now I just got the Imperial Army Troopers to spawn in game. Hurray! Not a huge improvement I know  but its really important because stormtroopers are going to be really limited if they are even in the project at all. I also got the Imperial Gunner and Weapons Tech to spawn so things are going well. This is huge for the story line and stuff so now that that stuff is accomplished, along with other npc's I'll need, things should go swimmingly in that area. Going to try and finish the Death Star detailing tonight and then start working on some outdoorsy stuff.


    Cool - are there any models/characters you need that don't currently exist for JKA?

  11. Links fixed, I think I had this problem before, Sith Warrior, Senya Tirall, Nico Okarr, Karkodan (he needs work), and LIN-VM8.


    Looking good, but a quick tip for SWTOR models I've found useful:


    When using the face textures, combine then with the normal map (the same texture ending in _n , usually appears all blue) so produce a more JKA-friendly version of the final result.


    What I usually do is:


    1. Open the original face texture in Photoshop.

    2. Open the normal map version.

    3. On the normal map, go to Channels and disable everything except the Green channel.

    4. With just the green channel visible, select all then copy and paste over to the main face texture.

    5. Change the blend mode (feel free to experiment, I usually go for Soft Light) and set the opacity to somewhere in the 50-60% region.

    6. Now go back to the normal map texture and repeat the process with the Blue channel.

    7. Again, experiment with different blend modes but I usually go with Multiply and a 25%-35% opacity.


    With SWTOR human faces in particular, you can also experiment further by applying additional textures from the Complexions section of player texture and also applying them to the main face texture through the use of blend modes and opacity settings. The results help to combat the cartoonish look of the TOR models considerably, and reduced the washed out appearance of their textures in things like Modview.


    Just my two cents.

    Smoo, Seven, swegmaster and 1 other like this
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