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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. Looking good. Good job on going a little softer/lighter with the scratch brushes this time around - it's a subtle shift but makes all the difference I think.


    Once you have the skins done, I'm happy to have a look at fixing up things like the accessories (e.g. Cody's visor) in Blender if they play up for you.

    JAWSFreelao likes this
  2. Woohoo! Go Asher! (Loved the Lady Zym vs. Asher/Mundi conflict.)



    She's good, but Asher's something else with his extensive combat experience! Basically skilled bounty hunter vs. experienced soldier.)




    Great looking bruises -- fantastic skinning!


    And best of all...




    A wondeful Tarkin vs. Mundi/Windu moral conflict! Absolutely brilliant storytelling! The ending was catchy! Love it - love it - love it! <3




    You have me waiting (impatiently!!!) for the next issue! :P


    Pleased to hear you liked it Cerez! The Zym-Asher fight was originally much different. In the first draft it was much more of a smackdown for her, and I toyed with making her Force Sensitive but I realised earlier on that this made her too similar to characters like Aurra Sing. So instead I made her fighting style based more on tricks (the whip, the Falleen pheromones, etc) rather than just being able to go toe-to-toe with a physical clone of Jango Fett.



    Incredible writing and story I swear I could hear Tarkin, Ki-Adi, and the clones just from reading the dialog. Can't wait to see what's next.


    Awesome to hear! Out of curiosity - do you read the clones' voice as Temuera Morrison from the films or Dee Bradley Baker from the show? Since introducing Asher and Corliss (and having the need to write them as distinct personalities) I've been leaning more towards hearing Baker in my head when writing the issues. 

    Cerez likes this
  3. Unpopular opinion here I guess,


    He looks a little bit chubby, I kinda liked your first version more, the texture work on this one is great though, but it doesn't look like quinlan imo.


    He probably just seems 'chubby' for the same reason some folks felt that way about the Aayla model - @@Scerendo makes his models based on actual human proportions, whereas the traditional JKA style skews towards a slightly more exaggerated one (e.g. male heads are slightly larger, female waists are a lot thinner) etc. If the final results of the previous Quinlan/Aayla are anything to go by, you don't notice it in-game at all.

  4. Also, Thrawn's Shader (which only has one texture, thrawn2 from Force Arena) has rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity in it, which is used for actual RGB colors, though I'm guessing this is also on accident when you put your pk3 together at 1 am, lol.


    That shader does nothing except to make the epaulettes on his shoulder two-sided so functionally it does what is required of it.


    I'll be uploading the updated pack shortly.

    Cerez likes this
  5. As I know people are keen for the pack, I have uploaded the 'Heroes Of The Empire' pack with some of the planned features missing. It is currently awaiting approval.


    What will be included:


    - Thrawn

    - Tarkin

    - Krennic

    - Kallus

    - Yogar Lyste

    - Custom sounds for Krennic and Thrawn

    - NPC and Bot support


    What will not be included in the current version:


    - Custom weapons for Agent Kallus and Director Krennic (though their weapon models can appear holstered on the characters themselves)

    - Governor Pryce and Colonel Yularen

    - Custom sounds for Kallus and Tarkin.

  6. The idea of seeing Zeb in-game would be amazing. So far no game has covered him, so we can't even steal some sort of conversion.


    I believe Jeff has a model for him in his thread that is converted from the Pinball FX game.



    We've got 3 TFA characters from our dear Scerendo, time for some Rogue One characters. I would like to see a proper Jyn Erso model for JKA, with Cassian if enough free time for 2 characters.


    Jyn and Cassian have pretty good assets available via Force Arena. I believe there are folks already working on these, for what it may be worth.

    Teancum likes this
  7. I'll have a look into it tomorrow, and make some fixes.Sorry for not getting back straight away been swept up with work.




    I'm actually going to make a poll for what to do next, since I would like to have a go at making something new.


    Yeah, it'd be good to see someone who hasn't been attempted in any form so far. Looking forward to seeing what options you come up with.

    Scerendo likes this
  8. After some consideration and a few comments from people, I decided that we might need a small news hub for the project.

    Thus we opened a channel for the DP in telegram, which you can enjoy right here or below.




    It includes the latest short news, small messages, comments, stories and screenshots, regarding the mod development. You'll be able to check it only, if you have the messenger though.


    General large announcements will still be posted here and on moddb. ;)


    Interesting. I'd be keen to follow daily updates as you know I'm a fan of this mod, however I don't like the idea of signing up to Telegram as it is mandatory to provide a phone number it seems. Would you consider using something like Discord instead?

    swegmaster and Jeff like this
  9. What map is it? It looks really familiar, but I can't figure it out. Anyways looking forward to this issue.


    The main casino map comes from HERE whilst the map used for the guest quarters in the preview for Part 2 comes from HERE . I then added in windows / new skyboxes via Photoshop to make them appear as one cohesive location in the comic.



    The casino is actually from the old Expanded Universe. :) I am glad to see so many elements sticking together in one story. This is what they've started in The Clone Wars, but the show was cancelled, so TFTCW continue the tradition.


    And this issue boasts quite a lot of interesting characters in the background, which are yet to be named. Who is that Jawa in the hat??? :D I love it!


    Heh, yeah the casino is straight from the old Thrawn Trilogy I believe, and I've kept it as the same one (the LoBue). And you're right, the background characters walking around on the casino floor are filled with easter eggs and cameos. Points for whoever can find them all ;)

    Jeff, Cerez and NumberWan like this
  10. Some new WIPs, and some variants on a couple of old favourites:




    I know people have been asking for the Royal Guard a lot, and for the moment the ones in the above image are little more than props as the robes have not been weighed at all other than to a single central bone. Likewise for Sly Moore's robe. At the moment they're designed primarily for use in the comic (where they don't need a full range of animations) but if demand is high enough I'll try to find the time to weigh their robes properly.

  11. Oh no!!! What'll become of them?! I'm psyched! :D Interesting choice of weaponry on Zym's part...


    @@Kualan, the new environments you come up with are just brilliant. (I know this map, but it felt like an entirely different place now.)


    Thanks Cerez. Yeah, when it comes to using different maps for the same in-story location there's a few tricks to help keep the immersion up - from simple stuff like consistent colour palettes to adding in windows and stuff that link to the other map and make it seem like they're all connected.


    I have this week off from work so I've been able to get down and really work on the next issue. I'd say I got about 30% of it done today, so I'm anticipating the whole thing being done for the weekend (I hope).

    therfiles and Cerez like this
  12. Thrawn has a soundpack in Movie Battles 2, install it and look for a pk3 along the lines of "MBModels2", the soundpack will be located in there. The other 2 soundpacks I can try to do


    I'd appreciate it. Out of curiosity is the Thrawn voice from MB2 based on his Rebels appearance? Have to admit, Lars Mikkelson has quickly become THE Thrawn voice IMO.

    DarthDementous likes this
  13. The Imperials are pretty much ready to go, I just need soundpacks for most of them. Krennic has one courtesy of @@swegmaster , Yogar Lyste can just use the standard Imperial voice but Tarkin, Kallus and Thrawn could really do with their own voice packs.


    I just have to admit, I find making soundpacks pretty long and boring and lose interest pretty quickly so it often ends up being a drawn out process. Happy to accept volunteers though if people want to.

    swegmaster likes this
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