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Status Replies posted by CaptainChar

  1. I really need to look for a real job, and stop applying to imaginary jobs

  2. "As Odysseus travelled across the sea, he could hear the faint voice of Athena calling his name..."

  3. I remembered how to model in 3dmax...

  4. Still working on Project Odysseus. Spent two days and counting on the friggin OGG decoder, and it's supposed to be an "easy" format for OpenAL >_>

  5. Still working on Project Odysseus. Spent two days and counting on the friggin OGG decoder, and it's supposed to be an "easy" format for OpenAL >_>

  6. being jobless has sucked for these 6 months

  7. Codename Odysseus is a-go. About 80% done.

  8. Try out NDA mod today! FREE Trial for 30 days... like it and get the ENTIRE mod FREE!

  9. Try out NDA mod today! FREE Trial for 30 days... like it and get the ENTIRE mod FREE!

  10. JA+(+) seems pretty harsh. MUG probably got banned from like, 3 servers in a couple of days.

  11. the site gets a break from my trolling for the weekend

  12. Is it better to release unfinished maps, rather then let them sit forever and not be released?

  13. Glad to be here on JKHub! It will be fun to interact with the community, and share my current projects with the community. :)

  14. Secret projects are the best kinds of projects.

  15. Secret projects are the best kinds of projects.

  16. Its so quiet, you could possibly hear Rosh

  17. hmm cat passed away, age 18

  18. So I uploaded a blast from the not so distant past. SJC I AM NOT.

  19. I blame my ADHD on why so many maps i have, have piled up

  20. I really need to stop doing these all nighters, its getting harder to pull off

  21. ATTENTION EVERYONE! JKNazis hate fun. That is all.

  22. So lovely to be here.

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