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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. in a large collaboration, theres bound to be some issues, but come now, we are the JKHUB, we surived worse and we shall do so again
  2. as a mapper, ive been too lazy to move onto newer games and relearn what ive learned for the IDtech series
  3. I need to find time to play less games and finish some serious mapping

  4. with the source code out, i guess this means I could make goldeneye a real total conversion >.>

  5. I have my original disks, but Image them to the HDD well CD1
  6. Source code, dam i smell possibilies now

  7. at least since lucas arts is no more, we are now free to mod ahem "mod the shit outa this game" to our hearts content
  8. So Lucas Arts is gone now

    1. Lilliandil


      now gonna lie I am shocked it happened so fast, but I knew it would happen at some point.

    2. eezstreet


      good riddance

    3. CaptainChar


      I don't know, never touched a Disney game before, we're heading into uncharted waters

  9. I am cured of food poisioning, what luck

  10. Hurray for food poisioning

  11. I believe its part of the physical model itself, or player model, not 100% sure, you could rig one up to replace the jetpack though
  12. the thread title says it all, in order to keep the launch of the USS Enterprise on time, I am looking for help for a glossy white texture with either a glossy shader that's semi reflective, example would be the imperial floors any assistance here would be helpful since I know jack all about shaders aside reusing ones from maps that work for me
  13. Good work Kahn, it was a pleasure to work with you I compared this map mostly to the Xbox 360 version of the Simpson's game, But overall it has the cell shaded cartoony feel form the show, colors and textures are accurate, so are most of the designs artistically, The most fun thing about this map Id say would been the scavenger hunt, I just liked going around and exploring Springfield at my own pace, Mind you I haven't watched the Simpsons in ages but it was a real nostalgia trip for me... Overall if you like the Simpsons, you should ahem "Forfeit your bandwidth"
  14. trying to launch a space station, and a star ship, I got my mapping cut out for me

    1. KDR_3XILE


      You've got my undivided attention. Lol, would love to see these.

    2. CaptainChar


      the station is in orbit around earth (the planet rendered) the star ship is the enterprise from star trek, yeah im considering making earth space dock from star trek as well >.>

  15. "Dammit Jim" the bridge may not function well as a duel area but it will be present for aesthetics, but I will see if I can make it functional in some form, main engineering now has the hum of the warp core now, and the map has been outfitted with transporter sound effects that replace the default teleport sounds (might be an optional assets file with this map like my "Goldeneye packs" The bridge and main engineering need texture and shader work, but its still WIP Added the hand rails, and a crap tunnel for now to block out the void, and the steps from the refit Enterprise's bridge Getting ready to add the Helm and Com
  16. my idea wasn't seamless, was the have a teleporter in front of a camera area, I know not the best or most efficient way to do this either best example I can give for my map atm: Enterprise say has a door to a holodeck (I know constitution class didn't have this) but it opens to any randomly generated world, this would be useful if I wanted the portal not to just be against a wall or form the "archway" in the middle of a forest say, so yes these seamless portals intrigue me
  17. well im rather surprised she hasn't been done yet
  18. well any progress is good progress in my book, I hope you make more bridges to help the modelers on this community
  19. the marvel of adding additional easter eggs to maps lately, is that easter is soon

  20. this is good news for the modelers and perhaps myself since I have to upgrade some of my programs, Ashura, what max are you running? I'm still using max 6
  21. this interests me, cause it can have other uses as well
  22. back from a weekend of gaming, picked up more ram for both my computers

  23. I changed the bridge scale slightly, from the original that I made, lets say 1.0 to maybe a 1.2 scale the areas around the outer or saucer shape just didn't seem large enough at the time the bridge also might make a good duel area
  24. Enterprise is coming together, debating on taking advantage of the transporter to make an "away mission" or planet side area

    1. Mandalorian


      It would be really cool, maybe after you have finished it tho as it seems like a lot more work. your work I've seen on the Enterprise so far is amazing.

    2. CaptainChar


      Yeah the idea is to wait till the end, and see how many brushes the ship uses first, then go from there

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